--- /dev/null
+vim-flake8 ![Project status](http://stillmaintained.com/nvie/vim-flake8.png)
+Use [vim-pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen) if you're not using
+it already. Then, simply put the contents of this repository in your
+`~/.vim/bundle` directory.
+1. Open a Python file
+2. Press `<F7>` to run `flake8` on it
+It shows the errors inside a quickfix window, which will allow your to quickly
+jump to the error locations by simply pressing [Enter].
+If you don't want to use the `<F7>` key for flake8-checking, simply remap it to
+another key. It autodetects whether it has been remapped and won't register
+the `<F7>` key if so. For example, to remap it to `<F3>` instead, use:
+ autocmd FileType python map <buffer> <F3> :call Flake8()<CR>
+A tip might be to run the Flake8 check every time you write a Python file, to
+enable this, add the following line to your `.vimrc` file (thanks
+ autocmd BufWritePost *.py call Flake8()
+This plugin goes well together with the following plugin:
+- [PyUnit](http://github.com/nvie/vim-pyunit) (unit test helper under `<F8>`
+ and `<F9>`)
--- /dev/null
+" Python filetype plugin for running flake8
+" Language: Python (ft=python)
+" Maintainer: Vincent Driessen <vincent@datafox.nl>
+" Version: Vim 7 (may work with lower Vim versions, but not tested)
+" URL: http://github.com/nvie/vim-flake8
+" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
+if exists("b:loaded_flake8_ftplugin")
+ finish
+let b:loaded_flake8_ftplugin=1
+let s:flake8_cmd="flake8"
+if !exists("*Flake8()")
+ function Flake8()
+ if !executable(s:flake8_cmd)
+ echoerr "File " . s:flake8_cmd . " not found. Please install it first."
+ return
+ endif
+ set lazyredraw " delay redrawing
+ cclose " close any existing cwindows
+ " store old grep settings (to restore later)
+ let l:old_gfm=&grepformat
+ let l:old_gp=&grepprg
+ " write any changes before continuing
+ if &readonly == 0
+ update
+ endif
+ " perform the grep itself
+ let &grepformat="%f:%l:%c: %m\,%f:%l: %m"
+ let &grepprg=s:flake8_cmd
+ silent! grep! %
+ " restore grep settings
+ let &grepformat=l:old_gfm
+ let &grepprg=l:old_gp
+ " open cwindow
+ let has_results=getqflist() != []
+ if has_results
+ execute 'belowright copen'
+ setlocal wrap
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> c :cclose<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q :cclose<CR>
+ endif
+ set nolazyredraw
+ redraw!
+ if has_results == 0
+ " Show OK status
+ hi Green ctermfg=green
+ echohl Green
+ echon "Flake8 check OK"
+ echohl
+ endif
+ endfunction
+" Add mappings, unless the user didn't want this.
+" The default mapping is registered under to <F7> by default, unless the user
+" remapped it already (or a mapping exists already for <F7>)
+if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_flake8_maps")
+ if !hasmapto('Flake8(')
+ noremap <buffer> <F7> :call Flake8()<CR>
+ noremap! <buffer> <F7> :call Flake8()<CR>
+ endif