let s:paren_pairs = ['()', '{}', '[]']
let s:control_statement = '^\s*\(if\|while\|with\|for\|except\)\>'
let s:stop_statement = '^\s*\(break\|continue\|raise\|return\|pass\)\>'
-if v:version >= 704 || (v:version == 703 && has('patch1037'))
- let s:string_literal = '".\{-}\\\@1<!"\|''.\{-}\\\@1<!'''
- let s:string_literal = '".\{-}\\\@<!"\|''.\{-}\\\@<!'''
+" Skip strings and comments
+let s:skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' .
+ \ '=~? "string\\|comment"'
" compatibility with vim patch 7.3.629: 'sw' can be set to -1 to follow 'ts'
if exists('*shiftwidth')
let stopline = max([0, line('.') - s:maxoff])
- " Skip strings and comments
- let skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' .
- \ '=~? "string\\|comment"'
" Return if cursor is in a comment or string
- exe 'if' skip '| return [0, 0] | endif'
+ exe 'if' s:skip '| return [0, 0] | endif'
let positions = []
for p in s:paren_pairs
- call add(positions, searchpairpos('\V'.p[0], '', '\V'.p[1], 'bnW', skip, stopline))
+ call add(positions, searchpairpos(
+ \ '\V'.p[0], '', '\V'.p[1], 'bnW', s:skip, stopline))
" Remove empty matches and return the type with the closest match
function! s:indent_like_previous_line(lnum)
let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
+ " No previous line, keep current indent.
+ if lnum < 1
+ return -1
+ endif
let text = getline(lnum)
let start = s:find_start_of_multiline_statement(lnum)
let base = indent(start)
- " Remove string literals.
- let text = substitute(text, s:string_literal, '', 'g')
+ " Jump to last character in previous line.
+ call cursor(lnum, len(text))
+ let ignore_last_char = eval(s:skip)
- " If the previous line ended with a colon and is not a comment, indent
- " relative to statement start.
- if text =~ '^[^#]*:\s*\(#.*\)\?$'
+ " Search for final colon that is not inside a string or comment.
+ while search(':\s*\%(#.*\)\?$', 'bcW', lnum)
+ if eval(s:skip)
+ normal! h
+ else
return base + s:sw()
- endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
- if text =~ '\\$'
+ if text =~ '\\$' && !ignore_last_char
" If this line is the continuation of a control statement
" indent further to distinguish the continuation line
" from the next logical line.
+ describe "when inside an unfinished string" do
+ it "does not indent" do
+ vim.feedkeys 'i"test:\<ESC>'
+ vim.echo('synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")'
+ ).downcase.should include 'string'
+ vim.feedkeys 'a\<CR>'
+ proposed_indent.should == 0
+ indent.should == 0
+ end
+ it "does not dedent" do
+ vim.feedkeys 'iif True:\<CR>"test:\<ESC>'
+ vim.echo('synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")'
+ ).downcase.should include 'string'
+ proposed_indent.should == shiftwidth
+ indent.should == shiftwidth
+ end
+ end
describe "when using simple control structures" do
it "indents shiftwidth spaces" do
vim.feedkeys 'iwhile True:\<CR>pass'