]> git.madduck.net Git - etc/xscreensaver.git/blob - .xscreensaver

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[etc/xscreensaver.git] / .xscreensaver
1 # XScreenSaver Preferences File
2 # Written by xscreensaver-demo 5.15 for madduck on Wed Nov 28 20:01:46 2012.
3 # http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/
5 timeout:        0:03:00
6 cycle:          0:10:00
7 lock:           True
8 lockTimeout:    0:02:00
9 passwdTimeout:  0:00:30
10 visualID:       default
11 installColormap:    True
12 verbose:        False
13 timestamp:      True
14 splash:         False
15 splashDuration: 0:00:00
16 demoCommand:    xscreensaver-demo
17 prefsCommand:   xscreensaver-demo -prefs
18 nice:           10
19 memoryLimit:    0
20 fade:           True
21 unfade:         False
22 fadeSeconds:    0:00:02
23 fadeTicks:      20
24 captureStderr:  True
25 ignoreUninstalledPrograms:False
26 font:           *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-*
27 dpmsEnabled:    True
28 dpmsQuickOff:   False
29 dpmsStandby:    2:00:00
30 dpmsSuspend:    2:00:00
31 dpmsOff:        4:00:00
32 grabDesktopImages:  False
33 grabVideoFrames:    False
34 chooseRandomImages: True
35 imageDirectory: /home/madduck/photos/veronika/selection
37 mode:           one
38 selected:       142
40 textMode:       program
41 textLiteral:    XScreenSaver
42 textFile:       
43 textProgram:    fortune
44 textURL:        http://planet.debian.org/rss20.xml
46 programs:                                                                     \
47                                 maze -root                                  \n\
48   GL:                           superquadrics -root                         \n\
49                                 attraction -root                            \n\
50                                 blitspin -root                              \n\
51                                 greynetic -root                             \n\
52                                 helix -root                                 \n\
53                                 hopalong -root                              \n\
54                                 imsmap -root                                \n\
55 -                               noseguy -root                               \n\
56 -                               pyro -root                                  \n\
57                                 qix -root                                   \n\
58 -                               rocks -root                                 \n\
59                                 rorschach -root                             \n\
60                                 decayscreen -root                           \n\
61                                 flame -root                                 \n\
62                                 halo -root                                  \n\
63                                 slidescreen -root                           \n\
64                                 pedal -root                                 \n\
65                                 bouboule -root                              \n\
66 -                               braid -root                                 \n\
67                                 coral -root                                 \n\
68                                 deco -root                                  \n\
69                                 drift -root                                 \n\
70 -                               fadeplot -root                              \n\
71                                 galaxy -root                                \n\
72                                 goop -root                                  \n\
73                                 grav -root                                  \n\
74                                 ifs -root                                   \n\
75   GL:                           jigsaw -root                                \n\
76                                 julia -root                                 \n\
77 -                               kaleidescope -root                          \n\
78   GL:                           moebius -root                               \n\
79                                 moire -root                                 \n\
80   GL:                           morph3d -root                               \n\
81                                 mountain -root                              \n\
82                                 munch -root                                 \n\
83                                 penrose -root                               \n\
84   GL:                           pipes -root                                 \n\
85                                 rd-bomb -root                               \n\
86   GL:                           rubik -root                                 \n\
87 -                               sierpinski -root                            \n\
88                                 slip -root                                  \n\
89   GL:                           sproingies -root                            \n\
90                                 starfish -root                              \n\
91                                 strange -root                               \n\
92                                 swirl -root                                 \n\
93                                 triangle -root                              \n\
94                                 xjack -root                                 \n\
95                                 xlyap -root                                 \n\
96   GL:                           atlantis -root                              \n\
97                                 bsod -root                                  \n\
98   GL:                           bubble3d -root                              \n\
99   GL:                           cage -root                                  \n\
100 -                               crystal -root                               \n\
101                                 cynosure -root                              \n\
102                                 discrete -root                              \n\
103                                 distort -root                               \n\
104                                 epicycle -root                              \n\
105                                 flow -root                                  \n\
106 - GL:                           glplanet -root                              \n\
107                                 interference -root                          \n\
108                                 kumppa -root                                \n\
109   GL:                           lament -root                                \n\
110                                 moire2 -root                                \n\
111   GL:                           sonar -root                                 \n\
112   GL:                           stairs -root                                \n\
113                                 truchet -root                               \n\
114 -                               vidwhacker -root                            \n\
115                                 blaster -root                               \n\
116                                 bumps -root                                 \n\
117                                 ccurve -root                                \n\
118                                 compass -root                               \n\
119                                 deluxe -root                                \n\
120 -                               demon -root                                 \n\
121   GL:                           extrusion -root                             \n\
122 -                               loop -root                                  \n\
123                                 penetrate -root                             \n\
124                                 petri -root                                 \n\
125                                 phosphor -root                              \n\
126   GL:                           pulsar -root                                \n\
127                                 ripples -root                               \n\
128                                 shadebobs -root                             \n\
129   GL:                           sierpinski3d -root                          \n\
130                                 spotlight -root                             \n\
131                                 squiral -root                               \n\
132                                 wander -root                                \n\
133 -                               webcollage -root                            \n\
134                                 xflame -root                                \n\
135                                 xmatrix -root                               \n\
136   GL:                           gflux -root                                 \n\
137 -                               nerverot -root                              \n\
138                                 xrayswarm -root                             \n\
139                                 xspirograph -root                           \n\
140   GL:                           circuit -root                               \n\
141   GL:                           dangerball -root                            \n\
142   GL:                           engine -root                                \n\
143   GL:                           flipscreen3d -root                          \n\
144   GL:                           gltext -root                                \n\
145   GL:                           menger -root                                \n\
146   GL:                           molecule -root                              \n\
147                                 rotzoomer -root                             \n\
148                                 speedmine -root                             \n\
149   GL:                           starwars -root                              \n\
150   GL:                           stonerview -root                            \n\
151                                 vermiculate -root                           \n\
152                                 whirlwindwarp -root                         \n\
153                                 zoom -root                                  \n\
154                                 anemone -root                               \n\
155                                 apollonian -root                            \n\
156   GL:                           boxed -root                                 \n\
157   GL:                           cubenetic -root                             \n\
158   GL:                           endgame -root                               \n\
159                                 euler2d -root                               \n\
160                                 fluidballs -root                            \n\
161   GL:                           flurry -root                                \n\
162 - GL:                           glblur -root                                \n\
163   GL:                           glsnake -root                               \n\
164                                 halftone -root                              \n\
165   GL:                           juggler3d -root                             \n\
166   GL:                           lavalite -root                              \n\
167 -                               polyominoes -root                           \n\
168   GL:                           queens -root                                \n\
169 - GL:                           sballs -root                                \n\
170   GL:                           spheremonics -root                          \n\
171 -                               thornbird -root                             \n\
172                                 twang -root                                 \n\
173 - GL:                           antspotlight -root                          \n\
174                                 apple2 -root                                \n\
175   GL:                           atunnel -root                               \n\
176                                 barcode -root                               \n\
177   GL:                           blinkbox -root                              \n\
178   GL:                           blocktube -root                             \n\
179   GL:                           bouncingcow -root                           \n\
180                                 cloudlife -root                             \n\
181   GL:                           cubestorm -root                             \n\
182                                 eruption -root                              \n\
183   GL:                           flipflop -root                              \n\
184   GL:                           flyingtoasters -root                        \n\
185                                 fontglide -root                             \n\
186   GL:                           gleidescope -root                           \n\
187   GL:                           glknots -root                               \n\
188   GL:                           glmatrix -root                              \n\
189 - GL:                           glslideshow -root -duration 10 -pan 10 -no-letterbox    \n\
190   GL:                           hypertorus -root                            \n\
191 - GL:                           jigglypuff -root                            \n\
192                                 metaballs -root                             \n\
193   GL:                           mirrorblob -root                            \n\
194                                 piecewise -root                             \n\
195   GL:                           polytopes -root                             \n\
196                                 pong -root                                  \n\
197                                 popsquares -root                            \n\
198   GL:                           surfaces -root                              \n\
199                                 xanalogtv -root                             \n\
200 -                               abstractile -root                           \n\
201                                 anemotaxis -root                            \n\
202 - GL:                           antinspect -root                            \n\
203                                 fireworkx -root                             \n\
204                                 fuzzyflakes -root                           \n\
205                                 interaggregate -root                        \n\
206                                 intermomentary -root                        \n\
207                                 memscroller -root                           \n\
208   GL:                           noof -root                                  \n\
209                                 pacman -root                                \n\
210   GL:                           pinion -root                                \n\
211   GL:                           polyhedra -root                             \n\
212 - GL:                           providence -root                            \n\
213                                 substrate -root                             \n\
214                                 wormhole -root                              \n\
215 - GL:                           antmaze -root                               \n\
216   GL:                           boing -root                                 \n\
217                                 boxfit -root                                \n\
218   GL:                           carousel -root                              \n\
219                                 celtic -root                                \n\
220   GL:                           crackberg -root                             \n\
221   GL:                           cube21 -root                                \n\
222                                 fiberlamp -root                             \n\
223   GL:                           fliptext -root                              \n\
224   GL:                           glhanoi -root                               \n\
225   GL:                           tangram -root                               \n\
226   GL:                           timetunnel -root                            \n\
227   GL:                           glschool -root                              \n\
228   GL:                           topblock -root                              \n\
229   GL:                           cubicgrid -root                             \n\
230                                 cwaves -root                                \n\
231   GL:                           gears -root                                 \n\
232   GL:                           glcells -root                               \n\
233   GL:                           lockward -root                              \n\
234                                 m6502 -root                                 \n\
235   GL:                           moebiusgears -root                          \n\
236   GL:                           voronoi -root                               \n\
237   GL:                           hypnowheel -root                            \n\
238   GL:                           klein -root                                 \n\
239 -                               lcdscrub -root                              \n\
240   GL:                           photopile -root                             \n\
241   GL:                           skytentacles -root                          \n\
242   GL:                           rubikblocks -root                           \n\
243   GL:                           companioncube -root                         \n\
244   GL:                           hilbert -root                               \n\
245   GL:                           tronbit -root                               \n\
246                                 unicode -root                               \n\
249 pointerPollTime:    0:00:05
250 pointerHysteresis:  10
251 windowCreationTimeout:0:00:30
252 initialDelay:   0:00:00
253 GetViewPortIsFullOfLies:False
254 procInterrupts: True
255 xinputExtensionDev: False
256 overlayStderr:  True