# Source repository: http://git.madduck.net/v/etc/zsh.git
-# Shamelessly adapted from http://www.jukie.net/~bart/conf/zsh.d/S55_git
+# Shamelessly based on http://glandium.org/blog/?p=170
-_get_git_cur_branch() {
- git branch --no-color | sed -rne 's,^\* ,,p'
+ local relroot
+ relroot="$(git rev-parse --show-cdup 2>/dev/null)" || return 1
+ if [ -n "$relroot" ]; then
+ readlink -f "$relroot"
+ else
+ echo $PWD
+ fi
+ local ref
+ ref=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD 2>/dev/null \
+ || git-name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>/dev/null)
+ echo "${ref#refs/heads/}"
-_is_git_repo() {
- [ $(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree) = true ]
+ local pwda reporoot loc
+ pwda=(${(s:/:)PWD})
+ reporoot=(${(s:/:)1})
+ echo $((1 - $#reporoot)) $(($#pwda - $#reporoot))
+ local reporoot
+ reporoot="$1"
+ set -- $(__get_root_offsets "$reporoot")
+ if [ "$2" -le 0 ]; then
+ echo %~
+ else
+ echo "%${1}~" "%${2}~"
+ fi
-_set_git_psvar() {
- if _is_git_repo; then
- psvar[1]="$(_get_git_cur_branch)"
+ if __git_get_repo_root >/dev/null; then
+ echo git
- unset "psvar[1]"
+ echo NONE
+ local pre branch post
+ local MAXLEN=25
+ case "${1:-$(__vcs_get_repo_type)}" in
+ git)
+ local reporoot="$(__git_get_repo_root)"
+ set -- $(__get_prompt_path_components "$reporoot")
+ branch="$(__git_get_branch)"
+ post="${(%)2}"
+ local prelen="$((MAXLEN - $#post - $#branch))"
+ [ $prelen -lt 10 ] && prelen=10
+ pre="%${prelen}<..<${1}%<<"
+ pre="${(%)pre}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ local p="%${MAXLEN}<..<%~%<<"
+ #TODO find a better way so we don't have to nuke $psvar, but since the
+ # %(nv.true.false) check for prompts checks element count, not
+ # content, that's all we get for now
+ psvar=("${(%)p}")
+ return
+ esac
+ psvar[1]="$pre"
+ psvar[2]="$branch"
+ psvar[3]="$post"
update_git_vars_if_git_ran() {
- # if the last command included the word git, the branch may have changed.
- # checkout should be alright, but you never know...
+ local vcs="$(__vcs_get_repo_type)"
case "$(history $(($HISTCMD - 1)))" in
- *git*) _set_git_psvar;;
+ # $vcs appeared in last command, so be sure to update
+ *${vcs}*) __vcs_set_prompt_variables
update_git_vars() {
- _set_git_psvar
+ __vcs_set_prompt_variables