echo "${ref#refs/heads/}"
+ local output
+ output=(${(f):-"$(git diff --stat --relative)"})
+ if [[ ${#output} -gt 1 ]]; then
+ echo changes on filesystem:
+ print "${(F)output[1,-2]}"
+ fi
+ output=(${(f):-"$(git diff --cached --stat --relative)"})
+ if [[ ${#output} -gt 1 ]]; then
+ echo cached/staged changes:
+ print "${(F)output[1,-2]}"
+ fi
hg root
local dir
while true; do
[ -d ${dir}.git ] && echo git && break
+ [ -d "$GIT_DIR" ] && echo git && break
[ -d ${dir}.bzr ] && echo bzr && break
[ -d ${dir}.hg ] && echo hg && break
[ "$(readlink -f ${dir:-.})" = / ] && echo NONE && break
branch="$(__git_get_branch)" ||
{ error "could not determine git branch"; return 1 }
eval set -- $(__vcs_get_prompt_path_components "$reporoot" "$branch")
- [ -d "$GIT_DIR" ] && set -- "$GIT_DIR" "$2" "$1"
+ if [ -d "$GIT_DIR" ]; then
+ # poor man's replace until I find out how to do named dirs properly
+ # here:
+ local _D="${GIT_DIR/$HOME/~}"
+ set -- "$_D" "$2" "${${1#$_D}%/}"
+ fi
reporoot="$(__hg_get_reporoot)" ||
psvar[1,3]=($1 $2 $3)
+ local reporoot
+ repotype="${1:-$(__vcs_get_repo_type)}"
+ case "$repotype" in
+ git)
+ __git_print_preprompt
+ ;;
+ esac
if ! is_root; then
# too dangerous to be run as root
+ _print_preprompt() {
+ [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && __vcs_print_preprompt
+ }
+ chpwd_functions+=_print_preprompt
+ precmd_functions+=_print_preprompt
# call it once