|| zstyle :madduck:prompt:default path-maxlen 25
zstyle -m :madduck:prompt:default path-minlen '*' \
|| zstyle :madduck:prompt:default path-minlen 10
+for i in {1..9}; do
+ zstyle -m :madduck:prompt:default psvar${i}-style-pre '*' \
+ || zstyle :madduck:prompt:default psvar${i}-style-pre ''
+ zstyle -m :madduck:prompt:default psvar${i}-style-post '*' \
+ || zstyle :madduck:prompt:default psvar${i}-style-post ''
return 1
+__get_prompt_path_len() {
emulate -L zsh
- # return the full path to the root of the current git repository
- [ -d "$GIT_DIR" ] && echo "$GIT_DIR" && return 0
- local dir; dir="$PWD/$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)"
- # do not use --show-toplevel because it resolves symlinks
- echo $dir:a
+ local result
+ zstyle -s ":madduck:prompt:$PWD" path-${1}len result
+ [ -z "$result" ] && zstyle -s ':madduck:prompt:default' path-${1}len result
+ echo "$result"
+__get_prompt_psvar_style() {
emulate -L zsh
- # use oh-my-zsh prompt info function if it exists
- $(command -v git_prompt_info) && return
- # return the name of the git branch we're on
- local ref gitdir
- gitdir="$(git rev-parse --git-dir)"
- ref=$(git --git-dir="$gitdir" symbolic-ref -q HEAD 2>/dev/null \
- || git --git-dir="$gitdir" name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>/dev/null) || return 1
- echo "${ref#refs/heads/}"
+ local result
+ zstyle -s ":madduck:prompt:$PWD" psvar${1}-style-${2} result
+ [ -z "$result" ] && zstyle -s ':madduck:prompt:default' psvar${1}-style-${2} result
+ echo "$result"
- emulate -L zsh
- [ "$(git config --get core.bare)" = false ] || return
- __on_networkfs && return
- local COLUMNS=${COLUMNS:-80}
- local LINES=${LINES:-25}
- function output() {
- emulate -L zsh
- local title="$@"
- local output=(${(f)"$(cat)"})
- [[ ${#output} -ge 1 ]] || return
- local statl="$(echo ${output[-1]} | sed -re 's@^\s*([0-9]+)[^,]+(, ([0-9]+) [^(]+\(([-+])\))(, ([0-9]+) [^(]+\(([-+])\))?@\1/\4\3/\7\6@')"
- if [[ ${output[-2]## } = '...' ]]; then
- print "${title} (${statl%/}, abbrev.):"
- print "${(F)output[1,-3]}"
- print " …"
- else
- print "${title} (${statl%/}):"
- print "${(F)output[1,-2]}"
- fi
- }
- function gitdiffstat() {
- emulate -L zsh
- local common_options="--stat=$((COLUMNS/2-1)),$((COLUMNS/4-2)),$(($LINES/3)) --relative"
- eval git diff $common_options "$@" 2>/dev/null
- }
+# define defaults for the $psvar array, which will actually be emptied later,
+# but $PS1 then contains these as default values for each psvar element, i.e.
+# we can override psvar[1] later, but we don't have to
+ zstyle :madduck:prompt:default psvar2-style-pre '%S'
+ zstyle :madduck:prompt:default psvar2-style-post '%s@'
+ zstyle :madduck:prompt:default psvar3-style-pre '%B'
+ zstyle :madduck:prompt:default psvar3-style-post '%b:'
+function __set_prompt_pwd() {
+ psvar[4]="%$(__get_prompt_path_len max)<…<%~%<<"
+# make this an early hook so that it's always set unless overridden
+# by a later handler
+add-zsh-hook chpwd __set_prompt_pwd && __set_prompt_pwd
+psvar[9]='%# '
+local function make_ps1() {
+ local pre post psv
+ for i in {1..9}; do
+ pre="\$(__get_prompt_psvar_style $i pre)"
+ post="\$(__get_prompt_psvar_style $i post)"
+ psv="${psvar[$i]}"
+ echo -n "%(${i}V;${pre}\${psvar[$i]}${post};${psv:+${pre}${psv}${post}})"
+ done
+unfunction make_ps1
- local cached=(${(f)"$(gitdiffstat --cached | output cached)"})
- local changed=(${(f)"$(gitdiffstat | output changed)"})
+local function make_rps1() {
+ # First, a comment character and parens
+ echo -n '#('
- local max=${#changed}
- [[ $max -lt ${#cached} ]] && max=${#cached}
+ # Next, if the returncode was non-zero, make it stand-out
+ # and include a trailing space
+ echo -n "%(0?..%{$fg[red]%}%S%?%s%{$reset_color%} )"
- ((max == 0)) && return
+ # If there are background jobs, print their number, followed by
+ # '@':
+ echo -n '%(1j.%j@.)'
- local width=$(((COLUMNS-3)/2))
+ # and then the terminal line we're using
+ echo -n '%l'
- if (( ${#cached} > 0 && ${#changed} > 0 )); then
- local i
- for (( i=1 ; i <= max ; i++ )) do
- printf "%-${width}s │ %-${width}s\n" "${cached[$i]}" "${changed[$i]}"
- done
- else
- print ${(F)cached}${(F)changed}
- fi
+ # this concludes the first part, but there's more
+ echo -n ') '
- emulate -L zsh
- hg root
+ # the timestamp will finish it off:
+ echo -n '%D{%d %H:%M:%S.%.}'
+ echo
+typeset -g RPS1="$(make_rps1)"
+unfunction make_rps1
- emulate -L zsh
- echo "hg:$(hg branch)"
- emulate -L zsh
- local reporoot
- reporoot="$(bzr info | sed -rne 's, *branch root: ,,p')"
- case "$reporoot" in
- .) echo "$PWD";;
- *) echo "$reporoot";;
- esac
- emulate -L zsh
- local branch revno
- bzr version-info | while read i j; do
- case "$i" in
- revno:) revno="$j";;
- branch-nick:) branch="$j";;
- esac
- done
- echo "bzr:${branch}@$revno"
- emulate -L zsh
- # return the type of the closest repository in the path hierarchy
- local dir
- while true; do
- [ -d ${dir}.git ] && echo git && break
- [ -d "$GIT_DIR" ] && echo git && break
- [ -d ${dir}.bzr ] && echo bzr && break
- [ -d ${dir}.hg ] && echo hg && break
- [ "$(readlink -f ${dir:-.})" = / ] && echo NONE && break
- dir="../$dir"
- done
-__get_prompt_path_len() {
- emulate -L zsh
- local result
- zstyle -s ":madduck:prompt:$PWD" path-${1}len result
- [ -z "$result" ] && zstyle -s ':madduck:prompt:default' path-${1}len result
- echo $result
eval set -- $(__vcs_get_prompt_path_components "$reporoot" "$branch")
if [ -d "$GIT_DIR" ]; then
- # poor man's replace until I find out how to do named dirs properly
- # here:
- local _D="${GIT_DIR/$HOME/~}"
- set -- "$_D" "$2" "${${1#$_D}%/}"
+ set -- "${(D)GIT_DIR}" "$2" "${${1#$_D}%/}"
case "$repotype" in
- NONE) :;;
+ NONE|netfs) :;;
*) warn "$repotype repositories not (yet) supported in the prompt";;
psvar[1,3]=($1 $2 $3)
- emulate -L zsh
- local repotype="${1:-$(__vcs_get_repo_type)}"
- case "$repotype" in
- git)
- __git_print_preprompt
- ;;
- esac
-if ! is_root; then
+if false && ! is_root; then
# too dangerous to be run as root
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
_update_vcs_prompt_vars_if_vcs_ran() {
local vcs="$(__vcs_get_repo_type)"
- case "$(history $(($HISTCMD - 1)))" in
+ case "$vcs/$(history $(($HISTCMD - 1)))" in
# $vcs appeared in last command, so be sure to update
- *${vcs}*) __vcs_set_prompt_variables "$vcs"
+ NONE/*) :;;
+ netfs/*) :;;
+ */*${vcs}*) __vcs_set_prompt_variables "$vcs"
add-zsh-hook precmd _update_vcs_prompt_vars_if_vcs_ran
add-zsh-hook chpwd _update_vcs_prompt_vars
- _print_preprompt() {
- [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && __vcs_print_preprompt
- }
- add-zsh-hook precmd _print_preprompt
# call it once
-function make_ps1() {
- # start with '+' if in a subshell
- echo -n '%(2L.+.)'
- # the machine name, bold or underlined based on non-root/root
- local ps1_hl=B
- is_root && ps1_hl=U
- echo -n "%${ps1_hl:=B}%m%${(L)ps1_hl}"
- # if we're in a Debian chroot, make that stand out
- # we end this with a :
- echo -n :
- # now comes the working directory, composed from parts in $psvar,
- # which is managed by $ZDOTDIR/zshrc/06-vcsprompt
- echo -n '%1v%(2v.|%B%2v%b|.)%(3v.%3v.)'
- # and we finish with #/% for root/non-root, and a space
- echo -n '%# '
- echo
-unfunction make_ps1
-function make_rps1() {
- # First, a comment character and parens
- echo -n '#('
- # Next, if the returncode was non-zero, make it stand-out
- # and include a trailing space
- echo -n "%(0?..%{$fg[red]%}%S%?%s%{$reset_color%} )"
- # If there are background jobs, print their number, followed by
- # '@':
- echo -n '%(1j.%j@.)'
- # and then the terminal line we're using
- echo -n '%l'
- # this concludes the first part, but there's more
- echo -n ') '
- # the timestamp will finish it off:
- echo -n '%D{%d %H:%M:%S.%.}'
- echo
-unfunction make_rps1
# vim:ft=zsh