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initial checkin master
authormartin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
Mon, 30 Mar 2020 20:31:16 +0000 (22:31 +0200)
committermartin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
Mon, 30 Mar 2020 20:31:16 +0000 (22:31 +0200)
manifests/init.pp [new file with mode: 0644]
templates/dehydrated-hook.epp [new file with mode: 0644]
templates/dehydrated-wrapper.epp [new file with mode: 0644]
templates/dehydrated.conf.epp [new file with mode: 0644]
templates/nsupdate-wrapper.epp [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0a95a6f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+class acmessl (
+    String[1] $username = 'acmecert',
+    String[1] $homedir = '/var/lib/acmecert',
+    String[1] $nsupdate_key,
+    String[1] $dnszone,
+    String[1] $dnsserver,
+    Optional[String[1]] $emailaddress = undef,
+) {
+    $certsdir = "$homedir/certs"
+    include acmessl::tools
+    include acmessl::rehash
+    class { "acmessl::user":
+        user    => $username,
+        homedir => $homedir,
+    }->
+    class { "acmessl::pullconfig":
+        user         => $username,
+        homedir      => $homedir,
+        dnsserver    => $dnsserver,
+        dnszone      => $dnszone,
+        nsupdate_key => $nsupdate_key,
+        certsdir     => $certsdir,
+        emailaddress => $emailaddress,
+    }->
+    class { "acmessl::sslfiles":
+        certsdir     => $certsdir,
+    }
+class acmessl::sslfiles (
+    Stdlib::Absolutepath $certsdir,
+) {
+    $netfacts = $facts[networking] ? { undef => $facts, default => $facts[networking] }
+    $fqdn = $netfacts[fqdn]
+    file { "/etc/ssl/certs/${fqdn}.pem":
+        ensure => present,
+        owner  => root,
+        group  => root,
+        mode   => "0444",
+        source => "${certsdir}/cert.pem",
+        notify => Exec["update-ca-certificates"],
+    }
+    file { "/etc/ssl/certs/Lets_Encrypt_Authority_X3.pem":
+        ensure => present,
+        owner  => root,
+        group  => root,
+        mode   => "0444",
+        source => "${certsdir}/chain.pem",
+        notify => Exec["update-ca-certificates"],
+    }
+    file { "/etc/ssl/private/${fqdn}.pem":
+        ensure => present,
+        owner  => root,
+        group  => "ssl-cert",
+        mode   => "0440",
+        source => "${certsdir}/privkey.pem",
+    }
+class acmessl::pullconfig (
+    String[1] $user,
+    Stdlib::Absolutepath $homedir,
+    Stdlib::Absolutepath $certsdir,
+    String[1] $dnsserver,
+    String[1] $dnszone,
+    String[1] $nsupdate_key,
+    Optional[Array[String[1]]] $dns_alt_names = undef,
+    Optional[String[1]] $emailaddress = undef,
+) {
+    $confdir = "$homedir/dehydrated"
+    $basedir = "$confdir/spool"
+    $logsdir = "$homedir/logs"
+    $_keyparts = $nsupdate_key.split(' ')
+    $key = "${_keyparts[0]}:$dnszone:${_keyparts[1]}"
+    $netfacts = $facts[networking] ? { undef => $facts, default => $facts[networking] }
+    $fqdn = $netfacts[fqdn]
+    $_dns_alt_names = $dns_alt_names ? {
+        undef => "",
+        default => $dns_alt_names.join(' '),
+    }
+    $_emailaddress = $emailaddress ? {
+        undef    => undef,
+        /.+@.+/  => $emailaddress,
+        default  => "${emailaddress}@${netfacts[fqdn]}",
+    }
+    file { default:
+            ensure  => present,
+            owner   => $user,
+            group   => $user,
+        ;
+        "$confdir":
+            ensure  => directory,
+            mode    => "2770",
+        ;
+        "$basedir":
+            ensure  => directory,
+            mode    => "2770",
+        ;
+        "$confdir/dehydrated.conf":
+            mode    => "0440",
+            content => epp("acmessl/dehydrated.conf.epp", {
+                            basedir => $basedir,
+                            emailaddress => $_emailaddress,
+                            }),
+        ;
+        "$confdir/domains.txt":
+            mode    => "0440",
+            content => "$fqdn $_dns_alt_names\n",
+        ;
+        "$confdir/dehydrated-wrapper":
+            mode    => "0550",
+            content => epp("acmessl/dehydrated-wrapper.epp", {
+                            logsdir => $logsdir,
+                            }),
+        ;
+        "$confdir/dehydrated-hook":
+            mode    => "0550",
+            content => epp("acmessl/dehydrated-hook.epp", {
+                            dnsserver => $dnsserver,
+                            dnszone   => $dnszone,
+                            deploydir => $certsdir,
+                            }),
+        ;
+        "$confdir/nsupdate-wrapper":
+            mode    => "0550",
+            content => epp("acmessl/nsupdate-wrapper.epp", {
+                            nsupdate_key => $key,
+                            })
+        ;
+        "$certsdir":
+            ensure  => directory,
+            mode    => "2770",
+        ;
+    }
+    class { "acmessl::register":
+        user    => $user,
+        confdir => $confdir,
+        basedir => $basedir,
+    }
+    class { "acmessl::schedule":
+        user    => $user,
+        confdir => $confdir,
+    }
+class acmessl::schedule (
+    String[1] $user,
+    Stdlib::Absolutepath $confdir,
+) {
+    schedule { "Try to renew ACME certificates once a day":
+        period => daily,
+    }->
+    exec { "$confdir/dehydrated-wrapper --cron":
+        require   => [ Class["acmessl::tools"]
+                     , Class["acmessl::pullconfig"]
+                     , Class["acmessl::register"]
+                     ],
+        user      => $user,
+        umask     => "0007",
+        logoutput => true,
+        schedule  => "Try to renew ACME certificates once a day",
+    }
+class acmessl::tools {
+    ensure_packages( [ 'dehydrated', 'dnsutils', 'ssl-cert', 'gnutls-bin' ], {
+                        ensure => latest
+                    })
+    file { [ "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem"
+           , "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key" ]:
+               ensure => absent,
+    }
+class acmessl::register (
+    String[1] $user,
+    Stdlib::Absolutepath $confdir,
+    Stdlib::Absolutepath $basedir,
+) {
+    exec { "Register with Letsencrypt":
+        require   => [ Class["acmessl::tools"]
+                     , Class["acmessl::pullconfig"]
+                     ],
+        creates   => "$basedir/accounts",
+        command   => "$confdir/dehydrated-wrapper --register --accept-terms",
+        logoutput => true,
+        user      => $user,
+        umask     => "0007",
+    }
+class acmessl::user (
+    String[1] $user,
+    Stdlib::Absolutepath $homedir,
+    group { $user:
+        ensure => present,
+        system => true,
+    }->
+    user { $user:
+        ensure         => present,
+        comment        => "ACME certificate manager,,,",
+        home           => $homedir,
+        gid            => $user,
+        system         => true,
+        shell          => "/usr/sbin/nologin",
+        purge_ssh_keys => true,
+    }->
+    file { "$homedir":
+        ensure  => directory,
+        owner   => $user,
+        group   => $user,
+        mode    => "2770",
+        recurse => true,
+        purge   => true,
+        force   => true,
+    }
+class acmessl::rehash {
+    ensure_resource("exec", "update-ca-certificates", {
+        command     => "update-ca-certificates --fresh",
+        path        => "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
+        cwd         => "/etc/ssl/certs",
+        logoutput   => true,
+        refreshonly => true,
+    })
diff --git a/templates/dehydrated-hook.epp b/templates/dehydrated-hook.epp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..492a773
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+set -eu
+ZONE="<%= $dnszone %>"
+SERVER="<%= $dnsserver %>"
+DEPLOYDIR="<%= $deploydir %>"
+deploy_challenge() {
+    local DOMAIN="${1}" TOKEN_FILENAME="${2}" TOKEN_VALUE="${3}"
+    # This hook is called once for every domain that needs to be
+    # validated, including any alternative names you may have listed.
+    #
+    # Parameters:
+    # - DOMAIN
+    #   The domain name (CN or subject alternative name) being
+    #   validated.
+    #   The name of the file containing the token to be served for HTTP
+    #   validation. Should be served by your web server as
+    #   /.well-known/acme-challenge/${TOKEN_FILENAME}.
+    # - TOKEN_VALUE
+    #   The token value that needs to be served for validation. For DNS
+    #   validation, this is what you want to put in the _acme-challenge
+    #   TXT record. For HTTP validation it is the value that is expected
+    #   be found in the $TOKEN_FILENAME file.
+    # Simple example: Use nsupdate with local named
+    # printf 'server\nupdate add _acme-challenge.%s 300 IN TXT "%s"\nsend\n' "${DOMAIN}" "${TOKEN_VALUE}" | nsupdate -k /var/run/named/session.key
+    _nsupdate add "$DOMAIN" "$TOKEN_FILENAME" "$TOKEN_VALUE"
+clean_challenge() {
+    local DOMAIN="${1}" TOKEN_FILENAME="${2}" TOKEN_VALUE="${3}"
+    # This hook is called after attempting to validate each domain,
+    # whether or not validation was successful. Here you can delete
+    # files or DNS records that are no longer needed.
+    #
+    # The parameters are the same as for deploy_challenge.
+    # Simple example: Use nsupdate with local named
+    # printf 'server\nupdate delete _acme-challenge.%s TXT "%s"\nsend\n' "${DOMAIN}" "${TOKEN_VALUE}" | nsupdate -k /var/run/named/session.key
+    _nsupdate delete "$DOMAIN" "$TOKEN_FILENAME" "$TOKEN_VALUE"
+sync_cert() {
+    local KEYFILE="${1}" CERTFILE="${2}" FULLCHAINFILE="${3}" CHAINFILE="${4}" REQUESTFILE="${5}"
+    # This hook is called after the certificates have been created but before
+    # they are symlinked. This allows you to sync the files to disk to prevent
+    # creating a symlink to empty files on unexpected system crashes.
+    #
+    # This hook is not intended to be used for further processing of certificate
+    # files, see deploy_cert for that.
+    #
+    # Parameters:
+    # - KEYFILE
+    #   The path of the file containing the private key.
+    # - CERTFILE
+    #   The path of the file containing the signed certificate.
+    #   The path of the file containing the full certificate chain.
+    # - CHAINFILE
+    #   The path of the file containing the intermediate certificate(s).
+    #   The path of the file containing the certificate signing request.
+    # Simple example: sync the files before symlinking them
+deploy_cert() {
+    local DOMAIN="${1}" KEYFILE="${2}" CERTFILE="${3}" FULLCHAINFILE="${4}" CHAINFILE="${5}" TIMESTAMP="${6}"
+    # This hook is called once for each certificate that has been
+    # produced. Here you might, for instance, copy your new certificates
+    # to service-specific locations and reload the service.
+    #
+    # Parameters:
+    # - DOMAIN
+    #   The primary domain name, i.e. the certificate common
+    #   name (CN).
+    # - KEYFILE
+    #   The path of the file containing the private key.
+    # - CERTFILE
+    #   The path of the file containing the signed certificate.
+    #   The path of the file containing the full certificate chain.
+    # - CHAINFILE
+    #   The path of the file containing the intermediate certificate(s).
+    # - TIMESTAMP
+    #   Timestamp when the specified certificate was created.
+    # Simple example: Copy file to nginx config
+    # cp "${KEYFILE}" "${FULLCHAINFILE}" /etc/nginx/ssl/; chown -R nginx: /etc/nginx/ssl
+    # systemctl reload nginx
+    cp --dereference --preserve --update --target-directory "$DEPLOYDIR" \
+deploy_ocsp() {
+    local DOMAIN="${1}" OCSPFILE="${2}" TIMESTAMP="${3}"
+    # This hook is called once for each updated ocsp stapling file that has
+    # been produced. Here you might, for instance, copy your new ocsp stapling
+    # files to service-specific locations and reload the service.
+    #
+    # Parameters:
+    # - DOMAIN
+    #   The primary domain name, i.e. the certificate common
+    #   name (CN).
+    # - OCSPFILE
+    #   The path of the ocsp stapling file
+    # - TIMESTAMP
+    #   Timestamp when the specified ocsp stapling file was created.
+    # Simple example: Copy file to nginx config
+    # cp "${OCSPFILE}" /etc/nginx/ssl/; chown -R nginx: /etc/nginx/ssl
+    # systemctl reload nginx
+unchanged_cert() {
+    local DOMAIN="${1}" KEYFILE="${2}" CERTFILE="${3}" FULLCHAINFILE="${4}" CHAINFILE="${5}"
+    # This hook is called once for each certificate that is still
+    # valid and therefore wasn't reissued.
+    #
+    # Parameters:
+    # - DOMAIN
+    #   The primary domain name, i.e. the certificate common
+    #   name (CN).
+    # - KEYFILE
+    #   The path of the file containing the private key.
+    # - CERTFILE
+    #   The path of the file containing the signed certificate.
+    #   The path of the file containing the full certificate chain.
+    # - CHAINFILE
+    #   The path of the file containing the intermediate certificate(s).
+invalid_challenge() {
+    local DOMAIN="${1}" RESPONSE="${2}"
+    # This hook is called if the challenge response has failed, so domain
+    # owners can be aware and act accordingly.
+    #
+    # Parameters:
+    # - DOMAIN
+    #   The primary domain name, i.e. the certificate common
+    #   name (CN).
+    # - RESPONSE
+    #   The response that the verification server returned
+    # Simple example: Send mail to root
+    # printf "Subject: Validation of ${DOMAIN} failed!\n\nOh noez!" | sendmail root
+request_failure() {
+    local STATUSCODE="${1}" REASON="${2}" REQTYPE="${3}" HEADERS="${4}"
+    # This hook is called when an HTTP request fails (e.g., when the ACME
+    # server is busy, returns an error, etc). It will be called upon any
+    # response code that does not start with '2'. Useful to alert admins
+    # about problems with requests.
+    #
+    # Parameters:
+    #   The HTML status code that originated the error.
+    # - REASON
+    #   The specified reason for the error.
+    # - REQTYPE
+    #   The kind of request that was made (GET, POST...)
+    # - HEADERS
+    #   HTTP headers returned by the CA
+    # Simple example: Send mail to root
+    # printf "Subject: HTTP request failed failed!\n\nA http request failed with status ${STATUSCODE}!" | sendmail root
+generate_csr() {
+    local DOMAIN="${1}" CERTDIR="${2}" ALTNAMES="${3}"
+    # This hook is called before any certificate signing operation takes place.
+    # It can be used to generate or fetch a certificate signing request with external
+    # tools.
+    # The output should be just the cerificate signing request formatted as PEM.
+    #
+    # Parameters:
+    # - DOMAIN
+    #   The primary domain as specified in domains.txt. This does not need to
+    #   match with the domains in the CSR, it's basically just the directory name.
+    # - CERTDIR
+    #   Certificate output directory for this particular certificate. Can be used
+    #   for storing additional files.
+    # - ALTNAMES
+    #   All domain names for the current certificate as specified in domains.txt.
+    #   Again, this doesn't need to match with the CSR, it's just there for convenience.
+    # Simple example: Look for pre-generated CSRs
+    # if [ -e "${CERTDIR}/pre-generated.csr" ]; then
+    #   cat "${CERTDIR}/pre-generated.csr"
+    # fi
+startup_hook() {
+  # This hook is called before the cron command to do some initial tasks
+  # (e.g. starting a webserver).
+  :
+exit_hook() {
+  local ERROR="${1:-}"
+  # This hook is called at the end of the cron command and can be used to
+  # do some final (cleanup or other) tasks.
+  #
+  # Parameters:
+  # - ERROR
+  #   Contains error message if dehydrated exits with error
+_make_nsupdate_script() {
+  local op; op="$1"; shift
+  echo "server $SERVER"
+  echo "zone $ZONE"
+  local rrname txt
+  while [ -n "${1:-}" ]; do
+    if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
+      echo >&2 "Expecting batches of 3 arguments, got $# in the last: $@"
+      return 1
+    fi
+    rrname="$1"
+    # $2 is ignored for dns-01
+    txt="$3"
+    echo "update $op ${rrname}.$ZONE ${TTL} IN TXT \"${txt}\""
+    shift 3 2>/dev/null || break
+  done
+  echo send
+_nsupdate() {
+  local script
+  script="$(_make_nsupdate_script "$@")" || return 1
+  echo "$script" | $NSUPDATE
+HANDLER="$1"; shift
+if [[ "${HANDLER}" =~ ^(deploy_challenge|clean_challenge|sync_cert|deploy_cert|deploy_ocsp|unchanged_cert|invalid_challenge|request_failure|generate_csr|startup_hook|exit_hook)$ ]]; then
+  "$HANDLER" "$@"
diff --git a/templates/dehydrated-wrapper.epp b/templates/dehydrated-wrapper.epp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7968c04
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+set -eu
+LOGDIR="<%= $logsdir %>"
+args_to_filename() {
+  echo "$@" | sed -e "s,--,,g;s, ,_,g"
+get_datestamp() {
+  date +%F-%H-%M-%S
+if [ "$1" = "--log" ]; then
+  shift
+  exec >$LOGDIR/$(get_datestamp)-$(args_to_filename "$@").log 2>&1
+export _DEHYDRATED_DIR="${0%/*}"
+case "$_DEHYDRATED_DIR" in
+  (/*) :;;
+  (*) _DEHYDRATED_DIR="$(realpath $_DEHYDRATED_DIR)";;
+exec dehydrated --config "${_DEHYDRATED_DIR}/dehydrated.conf" "$@"
diff --git a/templates/dehydrated.conf.epp b/templates/dehydrated.conf.epp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b83f577
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+BASEDIR=<%= $basedir %>
+<% if $emailaddress { -%>
+CONTACT_EMAIL=<%= $emailaddress %>
+<% } -%>
diff --git a/templates/nsupdate-wrapper.epp b/templates/nsupdate-wrapper.epp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..03c17c1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+set -eu
+exec nsupdate -vy "<%= $nsupdate_key %>"