B<mr> is a Multiple Repository management tool. It can checkout, update, or
perform other actions on a set of repositories as if they were one combined
repository. It supports any combination of subversion, git, cvs, mercurial,
-bzr, darcs and fossil repositories, and support for other revision
+bzr, darcs and fossil repositories, and support for other version
control systems can easily be added.
B<mr> cds into and operates on all registered repositories at or below your
looks for a .mrconfig file in the current directory, or in one of its
parent directories.
-These predefined commands should be fairly familiar to users of any revision
+These predefined commands should be fairly familiar to users of any version
control system:
=over 4
=item record
Records changes to the local repository, but does not push them to the
-remote repository. Only supported for distributed revision control systems.
+remote repository. Only supported for distributed version control systems.
The optional -m parameter allows specifying a commit message.
=item push
Pushes committed local changes to the remote repository. A no-op for
-centralized revision control systems.
+centralized version control systems.
=item diff
Additional parameters can be passed to most commands, and are passed on
-unchanged to the underlying revision control system. This is mostly useful
-if the repositories mr will act on all use the same revision control
+unchanged to the underlying version control system. This is mostly useful
+if the repositories mr will act on all use the same version control
=head1 OPTIONS
=item --quiet
-Be quiet. This supresses mr's usual output, as well as any output from
+Be quiet. This suppresses mr's usual output, as well as any output from
commands that are run (including stderr output). If a command fails,
the output will be shown.
Here is an example .mrconfig file:
- checkout = svn co svn://svn.example.com/src/trunk src
+ checkout = svn checkout svn://svn.example.com/src/trunk src
chain = true
Within a section, each parameter defines a shell command to run to handle a
given action. mr contains default handlers for "update", "status",
-"commit", and other standard actions. Normally you only need to specify what
-to do for "checkout".
+"commit", and other standard actions.
+Normally you only need to specify what to do for "checkout". Here you
+specify the command to run in order to create a checkout of the repository.
+The command will be run in the parent directory, and must create the
+repository's directory. So use "git clone", "svn checkout", "bzr branch"
+or "bzr checkout" (for a bound branch), etc.
Note that these shell commands are run in a "set -e" shell
environment, where any additional parameters you pass are available in
-"$@". The "checkout" command is run in the parent of the repository
-directory, since the repository isn't checked out yet. All other commands
-are run inside the repository, though not necessarily at the top of it.
+"$@". All commands other than "checkout" are run inside the repository,
+though not necessarily at the top of it.
The "MR_REPO" environment variable is set to the path to the top of the
repository. (For the "register" action, "MR_REPO" is instead set to the
that defines the repo being acted on, or, if the repo is not yet in a config
file, the .mrconfig file that should be modified to register the repo.
+The "MR_ACTION" environment variable is set to the command being run
+(update, checkout, etc).
A few parameters have special meanings:
=over 4
(included in mr's built-in library) to skip updating the repo unless it's
been at least 12 hours since the last update.
+ [mystuff]
+ checkout = ...
skip = test `whoami` != joey
+ [linux]
+ checkout = ...
skip = [ "$1" = update ] && ! hours_since "$1" 12
+Another way to use skip is for a lazy checkout. This makes mr skip
+operating on a repo unless it already exists. To enable the
+repo, you have to explicitly check it out (using "mr -d foo checkout").
+ [foo]
+ checkout = ...
+ skip = lazy
=item order
Unlike all other parameters, this parameter does not need to be placed
within a section.
+B<mr> ships several libraries that can be included to add support for
+additional version control type things (unison, git-svn, vcsh, git-fake-bare,
+git-subtree). To include them all, you could use:
+ include = cat /usr/share/mr/*
+See the individual files for details.
+=item deleted
+If the "deleted" parameter is set and its command returns true, then
+B<mr> will treat the repository as deleted. It won't ever actually delete
+the repository, but it will warn if it sees the repository's directory.
+This is useful when one mrconfig file is shared amoung multiple machines,
+to keep track of and remember to delete old repositories.
=item lib
The "lib" parameter can specify some shell code that will be run before each
When looking for a command to run for a given action, mr first looks for
a parameter with the same name as the action. If that is not found, it
-looks for a parameter named "rcs_action" (substituting in the name of the
-revision control system and the action). The name of the revision control
-system is itself determined by running each defined "rcs_test" action,
+looks for a parameter named "VCS_action" (substituting in the name of the
+version control system and the action). The name of the version control
+system is itself determined by running each defined "VCS_test" action,
until one succeeds.
Internally, mr has settings for "git_update", "svn_update", etc. To change
-the action that is performed for a given revision control system, you can
-override these rcs specific actions. To add a new revision control system,
-you can just add rcs specific actions for it.
+the action that is performed for a given version control system, you can
+override these VCS specific actions. To add a new version control system,
+you can just add VCS specific actions for it.
-my %rcs;
-sub rcs_test {
+my %vcs;
+sub vcs_test {
my ($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir) = @_;
- if (exists $rcs{$dir}) {
- return $rcs{$dir};
+ if (exists $vcs{$dir}) {
+ return $vcs{$dir};
my $test="set -e\n";
- foreach my $rcs_test (
+ foreach my $vcs_test (
sort {
length $a <=> length $b
$a cmp $b
} grep { /_test$/ } keys %{$config{$topdir}{$subdir}}) {
- my ($rcs)=$rcs_test=~/(.*)_test/;
- $test="my_$rcs_test() {\n$config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$rcs_test}\n}\n".$test;
- $test.="if my_$rcs_test; then echo $rcs; fi\n";
+ my ($vcs)=$vcs_test=~/(.*)_test/;
+ $test="my_$vcs_test() {\n$config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$vcs_test}\n}\n".$test;
+ $test.="if my_$vcs_test; then echo $vcs; fi\n";
if exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{lib};
- print "mr $action: running rcs test >>$test<<\n" if $verbose;
- my $rcs=`$test`;
- chomp $rcs;
- if ($rcs=~/\n/s) {
- $rcs=~s/\n/, /g;
- print STDERR "mr $action: found multiple possible repository types ($rcs) for ".fulldir($topdir, $subdir)."\n";
+ print "mr $action: running vcs test >>$test<<\n" if $verbose;
+ my $vcs=`$test`;
+ chomp $vcs;
+ if ($vcs=~/\n/s) {
+ $vcs=~s/\n/, /g;
+ print STDERR "mr $action: found multiple possible repository types ($vcs) for ".fulldir($topdir, $subdir)."\n";
return undef;
- if (! length $rcs) {
- return $rcs{$dir}=undef;
+ if (! length $vcs) {
+ return $vcs{$dir}=undef;
else {
- return $rcs{$dir}=$rcs;
+ return $vcs{$dir}=$vcs;
return undef;
- my $rcs=rcs_test(@_);
+ my $vcs=vcs_test(@_);
- if (defined $rcs &&
- exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$rcs."_".$action}) {
- return $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$rcs."_".$action};
+ if (defined $vcs &&
+ exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$vcs."_".$action}) {
+ return $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$vcs."_".$action};
else {
return undef;
my $is_checkout=($action eq 'checkout');
my $is_update=($action =~ /update/);
- $ENV{MR_REPO}=$dir;
+ ($ENV{MR_REPO}=$dir) =~ s!/$!!;
+ $ENV{MR_ACTION}=$action;
+ foreach my $testname ("skip", "deleted") {
+ my $testcommand=findcommand($testname, $dir, $topdir, $subdir, $is_checkout);
+ if (defined $testcommand) {
+ my $test="set -e;".$lib.
+ "my_action(){ $testcommand\n }; my_action '$action'";
+ print "mr $action: running $testname test >>$test<<\n" if $verbose;
+ my $ret=system($test);
+ if ($ret != 0) {
+ if (($? & 127) == 2) {
+ print STDERR "mr $action: interrupted\n";
+ return ABORT;
+ }
+ elsif ($? & 127) {
+ print STDERR "mr $action: $testname test received signal ".($? & 127)."\n";
+ return ABORT;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ret >> 8 == 0) {
+ if ($testname eq "deleted") {
+ if (-d $dir) {
+ print STDERR "mr error: $dir should be deleted yet still exists\n";
+ return FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ print "mr $action: skip $dir skipped\n" if $verbose;
+ return SKIPPED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if ($is_checkout) {
if (! $force_checkout) {
- my $skiptest=findcommand("skip", $dir, $topdir, $subdir, $is_checkout);
my $command=findcommand($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir, $is_checkout);
- if (defined $skiptest) {
- my $test="set -e;".$lib.
- "my_action(){ $skiptest\n }; my_action '$action'";
- print "mr $action: running skip test >>$test<<\n" if $verbose;
- my $ret=system($test);
- if ($ret != 0) {
- if (($? & 127) == 2) {
- print STDERR "mr $action: interrupted\n";
- return ABORT;
- }
- elsif ($? & 127) {
- print STDERR "mr $action: skip test received signal ".($? & 127)."\n";
- return ABORT;
- }
- }
- if ($ret >> 8 == 0) {
- print "mr $action: $dir skipped per config file\n" if $verbose;
- return SKIPPED;
- }
- }
if ($is_checkout && ! -d $dir) {
print "mr $action: creating parent directory $dir\n" if $verbose;
system("mkdir", "-p", $dir);
return FAILED;
elsif (! defined $command) {
- my $rcs=rcs_test(@_);
- if (! defined $rcs) {
+ my $vcs=vcs_test(@_);
+ if (! defined $vcs) {
print STDERR "mr $action: unknown repository type and no defined $action command for $fulldir\n";
return FAILED;
else {
- print STDERR "mr $action: no defined action for $rcs repository $fulldir, skipping\n";
+ print STDERR "mr $action: no defined action for $vcs repository $fulldir, skipping\n";
return SKIPPED;
print STDERR "mr $hook: received signal ".($? & 127)."\n";
return ABORT;
+ else {
+ return FAILED;
+ }
return OK;
return $ret;
-# figure out which repos to act on
+# Figure out which repos to act on. Returns a list of array refs
+# in the format:
+# [ "$full_repo_path/", "$mr_config_path/", $section_header ]
sub selectrepos {
my @repos;
foreach my $repo (repolist()) {
- elsif (defined $words[$c] && $twords[$c] eq $words[$c]) {
+ elsif (defined $words[$c] && $words[$c]=~/^($twords[$c])$/) {
else {
else {
- if (! -e $f) {
- return;
- }
my $absf=abs_path($f);
if ($loaded{$absf}) {
+ if (! -e $f) {
+ return;
+ }
print "mr: loading config $f\n" if $verbose;
open($in, "<", $f) || die "mr: open $f: $!\n";
close $in unless ref $f eq 'GLOB';
my $section;
+ # Keep track of the current line in the config file;
+ # when a file is included track the current line from the include.
my $line=0;
+ my $included=undef;
+ my $includeline=0;
+ my $nextline = sub {
+ if ($included) {
+ $includeline++;
+ $included--;
+ }
+ else {
+ $included=undef;
+ $includeline=0;
+ $line++;
+ }
+ my $l=shift @lines;
+ chomp $l;
+ return $l
+ };
+ my $lineerror = sub {
+ my $msg=shift;
+ if (defined $included) {
+ die "mr: $f line $line include line $includeline: $msg\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ die "mr: $f line $line: $msg\n";
+ }
+ };
while (@lines) {
- $_=shift @lines;
- $line++;
- chomp;
+ $_=$nextline->();
+ if (! $trusted && /[[:cntrl:]]/) {
+ trusterror("mr: illegal control character", $f, $line, $bootstrap_url);
+ }
next if /^\s*\#/ || /^\s*$/;
if (/^\[([^\]]*)\]\s*$/) {
# continued value
while (@lines && $lines[0]=~/^\s(.+)/) {
- shift(@lines);
- $line++;
chomp $value;
+ $nextline->();
if (! $trusted) {
- # Untrusted files can only contain checkout
- # parameters.
- if ($parameter ne 'checkout') {
- trusterror("mr: illegal setting \"$parameter=$value\"", $f, $line, $bootstrap_url);
+ # Untrusted files can only contain a few
+ # settings in specific known-safe formats.
+ if ($parameter eq 'checkout') {
+ if (! is_trusted_checkout($value)) {
+ trusterror("mr: illegal checkout command \"$value\"", $f, $line, $bootstrap_url);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($parameter eq 'order') {
+ # not interpreted as a command, so
+ # safe.
+ }
+ elsif ($value eq 'true' || $value eq 'false') {
+ # skip=true , deleted=true etc are
+ # safe.
- if (! is_trusted_checkout($value)) {
- trusterror("mr: illegal checkout command \"$value\"", $f, $line, $bootstrap_url);
+ else {
+ trusterror("mr: illegal setting \"$parameter=$value\"", $f, $line, $bootstrap_url);
if ($parameter eq "include") {
print "mr: including output of \"$value\"\n" if $verbose;
- unshift @lines, `$value`;
+ my @inc=`$value`;
if ($?) {
print STDERR "mr: include command exited nonzero ($?)\n";
+ $included += @inc;
+ unshift @lines, @inc;
if (! defined $section) {
- die "$f line $.: parameter ($parameter) not in section\n";
+ $lineerror->("parameter ($parameter) not in section");
if ($section eq 'ALIAS') {
if ($parameter eq 'chain' &&
- length $dir && $section ne "DEFAULT" &&
- -e $dir.$section."/.mrconfig") {
- my $ret=system($value);
- if ($ret != 0) {
- if (($? & 127) == 2) {
- print STDERR "mr: chain test interrupted\n";
- exit 2;
+ length $dir && $section ne "DEFAULT") {
+ my $chaindir="$section";
+ if ($chaindir !~ m!^/!) {
+ $chaindir=$dir.$chaindir;
+ }
+ if (-e "$chaindir/.mrconfig") {
+ my $ret=system($value);
+ if ($ret != 0) {
+ if (($? & 127) == 2) {
+ print STDERR "mr: chain test interrupted\n";
+ exit 2;
+ }
+ elsif ($? & 127) {
+ print STDERR "mr: chain test received signal ".($? & 127)."\n";
+ }
- elsif ($? & 127) {
- print STDERR "mr: chain test received signal ".($? & 127)."\n";
+ else {
+ push @toload, ["$chaindir/.mrconfig", $chaindir];
- else {
- push @toload, $dir.$section."/.mrconfig";
- }
else {
- die "$f line $line: parse error\n";
+ $lineerror->("parse error");
- foreach (@toload) {
- loadconfig($_);
+ foreach my $c (@toload) {
+ loadconfig(@$c);
return 0
+ is_bzr_checkout() {
+ LANG=C bzr info | egrep -q '^Checkout'
+ }
+ lazy() {
+ if [ "$MR_ACTION" = checkout ] || [ -d "$MR_REPO" ]; then
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ fi
+ }
svn_test = test -d "$MR_REPO"/.svn
git_test = test -d "$MR_REPO"/.git
svn_update = svn update "$@"
git_update = git pull "$@"
-bzr_update = bzr merge --pull "$@"
+bzr_update =
+ if is_bzr_checkout; then
+ bzr update "$@"
+ else
+ bzr merge --pull "$@"
+ fi
cvs_update = cvs update "$@"
hg_update = hg pull "$@" && hg update "$@"
darcs_update = darcs pull -a "$@"
svn_commit = svn commit "$@"
git_commit = git commit -a "$@" && git push --all
-bzr_commit = bzr commit "$@" && bzr push
+bzr_commit =
+ if is_bzr_checkout; then
+ bzr commit "$@"
+ else
+ bzr commit "$@" && bzr push
+ fi
cvs_commit = cvs commit "$@"
hg_commit = hg commit -m "$@" && hg push
darcs_commit = darcs record -a -m "$@" && darcs push -a
fossil_commit = fossil commit "$@"
git_record = git commit -a "$@"
-bzr_record = bzr commit "$@"
+bzr_record =
+ if is_bzr_checkout; then
+ bzr commit --local "$@"
+ else
+ bzr commit "$@"
+ fi
hg_record = hg commit -m "$@"
darcs_record = darcs record -a -m "$@"
fossil_record = fossil commit "$@"
error "cannot determine bzr url"
echo "Registering bzr url: $url in $MR_CONFIG"
- mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "`pwd`" checkout="bzr clone '$url' '$MR_REPO'"
+ mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "`pwd`" checkout="bzr branch '$url' '$MR_REPO'"
cvs_register =
repo=`cat CVS/Repository`
root=`cat CVS/Root`
svn_trusted_checkout = svn co $url $repo
svn_alt_trusted_checkout = svn checkout $url $repo
git_trusted_checkout = git clone $url $repo
-bzr_trusted_checkout = bzr clone $url $repo
+bzr_trusted_checkout = bzr checkout|clone|branch|get $url $repo
# cvs: too hard
hg_trusted_checkout = hg clone $url $repo
darcs_trusted_checkout = darcs get $url $repo