+sub register {
+ if ($config_overridden) {
+ # Find the directory that the specified config file is
+ # located in.
+ ($directory)=abs_path($ENV{MR_CONFIG})=~/^(.*\/)[^\/]+$/;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Find the closest known mrconfig file to the current
+ # directory.
+ $directory.="/" unless $directory=~/\/$/;
+ my $foundconfig=0;
+ foreach my $topdir (reverse sort keys %config) {
+ next unless length $topdir;
+ if ($directory=~/^\Q$topdir\E/) {
+ $ENV{MR_CONFIG}=$configfiles{$topdir};
+ $directory=$topdir;
+ $foundconfig=1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! $foundconfig) {
+ $directory=""; # no config file, use builtin
+ }
+ }
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ my $subdir=shift @ARGV;
+ if (! chdir($subdir)) {
+ print STDERR "mr register: failed to chdir to $subdir: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $ENV{MR_REPO}=getcwd();
+ my $command=findcommand("register", $ENV{MR_REPO}, $directory, 'DEFAULT', 0);
+ if (! defined $command) {
+ die "mr register: unknown repository type\n";
+ }
+ $ENV{MR_REPO}=~s/.*\/(.*)/$1/;
+ $command="set -e; ".$config{$directory}{DEFAULT}{lib}."\n".
+ "my_action(){ $command\n }; my_action ".
+ join(" ", map { s/\\/\\\\/g; s/"/\"/g; '"'.$_.'"' } @ARGV);
+ print "mr register: running >>$command<<\n" if $verbose;
+ exec($command) || die "exec: $!";
+sub bootstrap {
+ my $url=shift @ARGV;
+ my $dir=shift @ARGV || ".";
+ if (! defined $url || ! length $url) {
+ die "mr: bootstrap requires url\n";
+ }
+ # Download the config file to a temporary location.
+ eval q{use File::Temp};
+ die $@ if $@;
+ my $tmpconfig=File::Temp->new();
+ my @curlargs = ("curl", "-A", "mr", "-L", "-s", $url, "-o", $tmpconfig);
+ push(@curlargs, "-k") if $insecure;
+ my $curlstatus = system(@curlargs);
+ die "mr bootstrap: invalid SSL certificate for $url (consider -k)\n" if $curlstatus >> 8 == 60;
+ die "mr bootstrap: download of $url failed\n" if $curlstatus != 0;
+ if (! -e $dir) {
+ system("mkdir", "-p", $dir);
+ }
+ chdir($dir) || die "chdir $dir: $!";
+ # Special case to handle checkout of the "." repo, which
+ # would normally be skipped.
+ my $topdir=abs_path(".")."/";
+ my @repo=($topdir, $topdir, ".");
+ loadconfig($tmpconfig, $topdir, $url);
+ record(\@repo, action("checkout", @repo, 1))
+ if exists $config{$topdir}{"."}{"checkout"};
+ if (-e ".mrconfig") {
+ print STDERR "mr bootstrap: .mrconfig file already exists, not overwriting with $url\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ eval q{use File::Copy};
+ die $@ if $@;
+ move($tmpconfig, ".mrconfig") || die "rename: $!";
+ }
+ # Reload the config file (in case we got a different version)
+ # and checkout everything else.
+ startingconfig();
+ loadconfig(".mrconfig");
+ dispatch("checkout");
+ @skipped=grep { abs_path($_) ne abs_path($topdir) } @skipped;
+ showstats("bootstrap");
+ exitstats();
+# alias expansion and command stemming
+sub expandaction {
+ my $action=shift;
+ if (exists $alias{$action}) {
+ $action=$alias{$action};
+ }
+ if (! exists $knownactions{$action}) {
+ my @matches = grep { /^\Q$action\E/ }
+ keys %knownactions, keys %alias;
+ if (@matches == 1) {
+ $action=$matches[0];
+ }
+ elsif (@matches == 0) {
+ die "mr: unknown action \"$action\" (known actions: ".
+ join(", ", sort keys %knownactions).")\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ die "mr: ambiguous action \"$action\" (matches: ".
+ join(", ", @matches).")\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return $action;
+sub find_mrconfig {
+ my $dir=getcwd();
+ while (length $dir) {
+ if (-e "$dir/.mrconfig") {
+ return "$dir/.mrconfig";
+ }
+ $dir=~s/\/[^\/]*$//;
+ }
+ return "$ENV{HOME}/.mrconfig";
+sub getopts {
+ my @saved=@ARGV;
+ Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling", "no_permute");
+ my $result=GetOptions(
+ "d|directory=s" => sub { $directory=abs_path($_[1]) },
+ "c|config=s" => sub { $ENV{MR_CONFIG}=$_[1]; $config_overridden=1 },
+ "p|path" => sub { }, # now default, ignore
+ "v|verbose" => \$verbose,
+ "q|quiet" => \$quiet,
+ "s|stats" => \$stats,
+ "k|insecure" => \$insecure,
+ "i|interactive" => \$interactive,
+ "n|no-recurse:i" => \$max_depth,
+ "j|jobs:i" => \$jobs,
+ "t|trust-all" => \$trust_all,
+ );
+ if (! $result || @ARGV < 1) {
+ die("Usage: mr [options] action [params ...]\n".
+ "(Use mr help for man page.)\n");
+ }
+ foreach my $option (@saved) {
+ last if $option eq $ARGV[0];
+ $ENV{MR_SWITCHES}.="$option ";
+ }
+sub init {
+ $SIG{INT}=sub {
+ print STDERR "mr: interrupted\n";
+ exit 2;
+ };
+ # This can happen if it's run in a directory that was removed
+ # or other strangeness.
+ if (! defined $directory) {
+ die("mr: failed to determine working directory\n");
+ }
+ # Make sure MR_CONFIG is an absolute path, but don't use abs_path since
+ # the config file might be a symlink to elsewhere, and the directory it's
+ # in is significant.
+ if ($ENV{MR_CONFIG} !~ /^\//) {
+ $ENV{MR_CONFIG}=getcwd()."/".$ENV{MR_CONFIG};
+ }
+ # Try to set MR_PATH to the path to the program.
+ eval {
+ use FindBin qw($Bin $Script);
+ $ENV{MR_PATH}=$Bin."/".$Script;
+ };
+sub exitstats {
+ if (@failed) {
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ exit 0;