B<mr> [options] register [repository]
-B<mr> [options] config section [parameter=[value] ...]
+B<mr> [options] config section ["parameter=[value]" ...]
B<mr> [options] action [params ...]
-B<mr> is a Multiple Repository management tool. It
-can checkout, update, or perform other actions on
-a set of repositories as if they were one combined respository. It
-supports any combination of subversion, git, cvs, and bzr repositories,
-and support for other revision control systems can easily be added.
+B<mr> is a Multiple Repository management tool. It can checkout, update, or
+perform other actions on a set of repositories as if they were one combined
+respository. It supports any combination of subversion, git, cvs, mecurial,
+bzr and darcs repositories, and support for other revision control systems can
+easily be added.
B<mr> cds into and operates on all registered repositories at or below your
working directory. Or, if you are in a subdirectory of a repository that
=item register
-Register an existing repository in the mrconfig file. By default, the
+Register an existing repository in a mrconfig file. By default, the
repository in the current directory is registered, or you can specify a
directory to register.
-By default it registers it to the ~/.mrconfig file. To make it write to a
-different file, use the -c option.
+The mrconfig file that is modified is chosen by either the -c option, or by
+looking for the closest known one at or below the current directory.
=item config
-Adds, modifies, removes, or prints a value from the mrconfig file. The next
+Adds, modifies, removes, or prints a value from a mrconfig file. The next
parameter is the name of the section the value is in. To add or modify
values, use one or more instances of "parameter=value". Use "parameter=" to
remove a parameter. Use just "parameter" to get the value of a parameter.
mr config src/foo update
+To see the built-in library of shell functions contained in mr:
+ mr config DEFAULT lib
+The ~/.mrconfig file is used by default. To use a different config file,
+use the -c option.
=item help
Displays this help.
=item -c mrconfig
-Use the specified mrconfig file, instead of looking for one in your home
+Use the specified mrconfig file. The default is B<~/.mrconfig>
=item -v
Expand the statistics line displayed at the end to include information
about exactly which repositories failed and were skipped, if any.
+=item -n
+Just operate on the repository for the current directory, do not
+recurse into deeper repositories.
+=item -j number
+Run the specified number of jobs in parallel. This can greatly speed up
+operations such as updates. It is not recommended for interactive
=head1 FILES
Within a section, each parameter defines a shell command to run to handle a
-given action. mr contains default handlers for the "update", "status", and
-"commit" actions, so normally you only need to specify what to do for
+given action. mr contains default handlers for "update", "status",
+"commit", and other standard actions. Normally you only need to specify what
+to do for "checkout".
Note that these shell commands are run in a "set -e" shell
environment, where any additional parameters you pass are available in
"$@". The "checkout" command is run in the parent of the repository
directory, since the repository isn't checked out yet. All other commands
are run inside the repository, though not necessarily at the top of it.
The "MR_REPO" environment variable is set to the path to the top of the
-repository, and "MR_CONFIG" is set to the topmost .mrconfig file used.
+repository. (For the "register" action, "MR_REPO" is instead set to the
+basename of the directory that should be created when checking the
+repository out.)
+The "MR_CONFIG" environment variable is set to the .mrconfig file
+that defines the repo being acted on, or, if the repo is not yet in a config
+file, the .mrconfig file that should be modified to register the repo.
A few parameters have special meanings:
=item skip
-If the "skip" parameter is set and its command returns nonzero, then B<mr>
+If the "skip" parameter is set and its command returns true, then B<mr>
will skip acting on that repository. The command is passed the action
name in $1.
been at least 12 hours since the last update.
skip = test $(whoami) != joey
- skip = [ "$1" = update ] && [ $(hours_since "$1") -lt 12 ]
+ skip = [ "$1" = update ] && ! hours_since "$1" 12
+=item order
+The "order" parameter can be used to override the default ordering of
+repositories. The default order value is 10. Use smaller values to make
+repositories be processed earlier, and larger values to make repositories
+be processed later.
+Note that if a repository is located in a subdirectory of another
+repository, ordering it to be processed earlier is not recommended.
=item chain
-If the "chain" parameter is set and its command returns nonzero, then B<mr>
+If the "chain" parameter is set and its command returns true, then B<mr>
will try to load a .mrconfig file from the root of the repository. (You
should avoid chaining from repositories with untrusted committers.)
-=item deleted
+=item include
-If the "deleted" parameter is set and its command returns nonzero, then
-B<mr> will treat the repository as deleted. It won't ever actually delete
-the repository, but it will warn if it sees the repository's directory.
-This is useful when one mrconfig file is shared amoung multiple machines,
-to keep track of and remember to delete old repositories.
+If the "include" parameter is set, its command is ran, and should output
+additional mrconfig file content. The content is included as if it were
+part of the including file.
+Unlike all other parameters, this parameter does not need to be placed
+within a section.
=item lib
+When looking for a command to run for a given action, mr first looks for
+a parameter with the same name as the action. If that is not found, it
+looks for a parameter named "rcs_action" (substituting in the name of the
+revision control system and the action). The name of the revision control
+system is itself determined by running each defined "rcs_test" action,
+until one succeeds.
+Internally, mr has settings for "git_update", "svn_update", etc. To change
+the action that is performed for a given revision control system, you can
+override these rcs specific actions. To add a new revision control system,
+you can just add rcs specific actions for it.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2007 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path);
+use constant {
+ OK => 0,
+ FAILED => 1,
+ SKIPPED => 2,
+ ABORT => 3,
$SIG{INT}=sub {
print STDERR "mr: interrupted\n";
-my $directory=getcwd();
+my $config_overridden=0;
my $verbose=0;
my $stats=0;
+my $no_recurse=0;
+my $jobs=1;
my %config;
+my %configfiles;
my %knownactions;
my %alias;
+my $directory=getcwd();
my $result=GetOptions(
"d|directory=s" => sub { $directory=abs_path($_[1]) },
- "c|config=s" => sub { $ENV{MR_CONFIG}=abs_path($_[1]) },
+ "c|config=s" => sub { $ENV{MR_CONFIG}=$_[1]; $config_overridden=1 },
"v|verbose" => \$verbose,
"s|stats" => \$stats,
+ "n|no-recurse" => \$no_recurse,
+ "j|jobs=i" => \$jobs,
if (! $result || @ARGV < 1) {
die("Usage: mr [-d directory] action [params ...]\n".
"(Use mr help for man page.)\n");
+if (! defined $directory) {
+ die("mr: failed to determine working directory\n");
-#use Data::Dumper;
-#print Dumper(\%config);
+# Make sure MR_CONFIG is an absolute path, but don't use abs_path since
+# the config file might be a symlink to elsewhere, and the directory it's
+# in is significant.
+if ($ENV{MR_CONFIG} !~ /^\//) {
+ $ENV{MR_CONFIG}=getcwd()."/".$ENV{MR_CONFIG};
+# Try to set MR_PATH to the path to the program.
eval {
use FindBin qw($Bin $Script);
+#use Data::Dumper;
+#print Dumper(\%config);
# alias expansion and command stemming
my $action=shift @ARGV;
if (exists $alias{$action}) {
+# commands that do not operate on all repos
if ($action eq 'help') {
exec($config{''}{DEFAULT}{$action}) || die "exec: $!";
if ($section=~/^\//) {
# try to convert to a path relative to the config file
my ($dir)=$ENV{MR_CONFIG}=~/^(.*\/)[^\/]+$/;
+ $dir=abs_path($dir);
+ $dir.="/" unless $dir=~/\/$/;
if ($section=~/^\Q$dir\E(.*)/) {
exists $config{$topdir}{$section}{$_}) {
print $config{$topdir}{$section}{$_}."\n";
+ last if $section eq 'DEFAULT';
if (! $found) {
exit 0;
elsif ($action eq 'register') {
- my $command="set -e; ".$config{''}{DEFAULT}{lib}."\n".
- "my_action(){ $config{''}{DEFAULT}{$action}\n }; my_action ".
+ if (! $config_overridden) {
+ # Find the closest known mrconfig file to the current
+ # directory.
+ $directory.="/" unless $directory=~/\/$/;
+ foreach my $topdir (reverse sort keys %config) {
+ next unless length $topdir;
+ if ($directory=~/^\Q$topdir\E/) {
+ $ENV{MR_CONFIG}=$configfiles{$topdir};
+ $directory=$topdir;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (@ARGV) {
+ my $subdir=shift @ARGV;
+ if (! chdir($subdir)) {
+ print STDERR "mr $action: failed to chdir to $subdir: $!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $ENV{MR_REPO}=getcwd();
+ my $command=findcommand("register", $ENV{MR_REPO}, $directory, 'DEFAULT');
+ if (! defined $command) {
+ die "mr $action: unknown repository type\n";
+ }
+ $ENV{MR_REPO}=~s/.*\/(.*)/$1/;
+ $command="set -e; ".$config{$directory}{DEFAULT}{lib}."\n".
+ "my_action(){ $command\n }; my_action ".
join(" ", map { s/\//\/\//g; s/"/\"/g; '"'.$_.'"' } @ARGV);
- print STDERR "mr $action: running >>$command<<\n" if $verbose;
+ print "mr $action: running >>$command<<\n" if $verbose;
exec($command) || die "exec: $!";
+# an ordered list of repos
+my @list;
+foreach my $topdir (sort keys %config) {
+ foreach my $subdir (sort keys %{$config{$topdir}}) {
+ push @list, {
+ topdir => $topdir,
+ subdir => $subdir,
+ order => $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{order},
+ };
+ }
+@list = sort {
+ $a->{order} <=> $b->{order}
+ ||
+ $a->{topdir} cmp $b->{topdir}
+ ||
+ $a->{subdir} cmp $b->{subdir}
+ } @list;
# work out what repos to act on
my @repos;
my $nochdir=0;
-foreach my $topdir (sort keys %config) {
- foreach my $subdir (sort keys %{$config{$topdir}}) {
+foreach my $repo (@list) {
+ my $topdir=$repo->{topdir};
+ my $subdir=$repo->{subdir};
+ next if $subdir eq 'DEFAULT';
+ my $dir=($subdir =~/^\//) ? $subdir : $topdir.$subdir;
+ my $d=$directory;
+ $dir.="/" unless $dir=~/\/$/;
+ $d.="/" unless $d=~/\/$/;
+ next if $no_recurse && $d ne $dir;
+ next if $dir ne $d && $dir !~ /^\Q$d\E/;
+ push @repos, [$dir, $topdir, $subdir];
+if (! @repos) {
+ # fallback to find a leaf repo
+ foreach my $repo (reverse @list) {
+ my $topdir=$repo->{topdir};
+ my $subdir=$repo->{subdir};
next if $subdir eq 'DEFAULT';
my $dir=($subdir =~/^\//) ? $subdir : $topdir.$subdir;
my $d=$directory;
$dir.="/" unless $dir=~/\/$/;
$d.="/" unless $d=~/\/$/;
- next if $dir ne $d && $dir !~ /^\Q$d\E/;
- push @repos, [$dir, $topdir, $subdir];
- }
-if (! @repos) {
- # fallback to find a leaf repo
- LEAF: foreach my $topdir (reverse sort keys %config) {
- foreach my $subdir (reverse sort keys %{$config{$topdir}}) {
- next if $subdir eq 'DEFAULT';
- my $dir=($subdir =~/^\//) ? $subdir : $topdir.$subdir;
- my $d=$directory;
- $dir.="/" unless $dir=~/\/$/;
- $d.="/" unless $d=~/\/$/;
- if ($d=~/^\Q$dir\E/) {
- push @repos, [$dir, $topdir, $subdir];
- last LEAF;
- }
+ if ($d=~/^\Q$dir\E/) {
+ push @repos, [$dir, $topdir, $subdir];
+ last;
-my (@failed, @ok, @skipped);
-foreach my $repo (@repos) {
- action($action, @$repo);
+# run the action on each repository and print stats
+my (@ok, @failed, @skipped);
+if ($jobs > 1) {
+ mrs(@repos);
+else {
+ foreach my $repo (@repos) {
+ record($repo, action($action, @$repo));
+ }
+if (! @ok && ! @failed && ! @skipped) {
+ die "mr $action: no repositories found to work on\n";
+print "mr $action: finished (".join("; ",
+ showstat($#ok+1, "ok", "ok"),
+ showstat($#failed+1, "failed", "failed"),
+ showstat($#skipped+1, "skipped", "skipped"),
+if ($stats) {
+ if (@skipped) {
+ print "mr $action: (skipped: ".join(" ", @skipped).")\n";
+ }
+ if (@failed) {
+ print STDERR "mr $action: (failed: ".join(" ", @failed).")\n";
+ }
+if (@failed) {
+ exit 1;
+elsif (! @ok && @skipped) {
+ exit 1;
+exit 0;
-sub action { #{{{
+sub rcs_test { #{{{
my ($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir) = @_;
+ my $test="set -e\n";
+ foreach my $rcs_test (
+ sort {
+ length $a <=> length $b
+ ||
+ $a cmp $b
+ } grep { /_test$/ } keys %{$config{$topdir}{$subdir}}) {
+ my ($rcs)=$rcs_test=~/(.*)_test/;
+ $test="my_$rcs_test() {\n$config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$rcs_test}\n}\n".$test;
+ $test.="if my_$rcs_test; then echo $rcs; fi\n";
+ }
+ $test=$config{$topdir}{$subdir}{lib}."\n".$test
+ if exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{lib};
- my $lib= exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{lib} ?
- $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{lib}."\n" : "";
+ print "mr $action: running rcs test >>$test<<\n" if $verbose;
+ my $rcs=`$test`;
+ chomp $rcs;
+ if (! length $rcs) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ else {
+ return $rcs;
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub findcommand { #{{{
+ my ($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir) = @_;
+ if (exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$action}) {
+ return $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$action};
+ }
- if (exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{deleted}) {
- if (! -d $dir) {
- return;
- }
- else {
- my $test="set -e;".$lib.$config{$topdir}{$subdir}{deleted};
- print "mr $action: running deleted test >>$test<<\n" if $verbose;
- my $ret=system($test);
- if ($ret != 0) {
- if (($? & 127) == 2) {
- print STDERR "mr $action: interrupted\n";
- exit 2;
- }
- elsif ($? & 127) {
- print STDERR "mr $action: deleted test received signal ".($? & 127)."\n";
- }
- if ($ret >> 8 == 0) {
- print STDERR "mr error: $dir should be deleted yet still exists\n\n";
- push @failed, $dir;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
+ my $rcs=rcs_test(@_);
+ if (defined $rcs &&
+ exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$rcs."_".$action}) {
+ return $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$rcs."_".$action};
+ else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub action { #{{{
+ my ($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir) = @_;
+ $ENV{MR_CONFIG}=$configfiles{$topdir};
+ my $lib=exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{lib} ?
+ $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{lib}."\n" : "";
if ($action eq 'checkout') {
if (-d $dir) {
print "mr $action: $dir already exists, skipping checkout\n" if $verbose;
- push @skipped, $dir;
- return;
+ return SKIPPED;
if (! -d $dir) {
print "mr $action: creating parent directory $dir\n" if $verbose;
- my $ret=system("mkdir", "-p", $dir);
+ system("mkdir", "-p", $dir);
- elsif ($action eq 'update') {
+ elsif ($action =~ /update/) {
if (! -d $dir) {
return action("checkout", $dir, $topdir, $subdir);
- if (exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{skip}) {
+ my $skiptest=findcommand("skip", $dir, $topdir, $subdir);
+ my $command=findcommand($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir);
+ if (defined $skiptest) {
my $test="set -e;".$lib.
- "my_action(){ $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{skip}\n }; my_action '$action'";
+ "my_action(){ $skiptest\n }; my_action '$action'";
print "mr $action: running skip test >>$test<<\n" if $verbose;
my $ret=system($test);
if ($ret != 0) {
if (($? & 127) == 2) {
print STDERR "mr $action: interrupted\n";
- exit 2;
+ return ABORT;
elsif ($? & 127) {
print STDERR "mr $action: skip test received signal ".($? & 127)."\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- if ($ret >> 8 == 0) {
- print "mr $action: $dir skipped per config file\n" if $verbose;
- push @skipped, $dir;
- return;
+ return ABORT;
+ if ($ret >> 8 == 0) {
+ print "mr $action: $dir skipped per config file\n" if $verbose;
+ return SKIPPED;
+ }
if (! $nochdir && ! chdir($dir)) {
print STDERR "mr $action: failed to chdir to $dir: $!\n";
- push @failed, $dir;
+ return FAILED;
- elsif (! exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$action}) {
- print STDERR "mr $action: no defined $action command for $topdir$subdir, skipping\n";
- push @skipped, $dir;
+ elsif (! defined $command) {
+ my $rcs=rcs_test(@_);
+ if (! defined $rcs) {
+ print STDERR "mr $action: unknown repository type and no defined $action command for $topdir$subdir\n";
+ return FAILED;
+ }
+ else {
+ print STDERR "mr $action: no defined $action command for $rcs repository $topdir$subdir, skipping\n";
+ return SKIPPED;
+ }
else {
if (! $nochdir) {
print "mr $action: $topdir$subdir\n";
else {
- print "mr $action: $topdir$subdir (in subdir $directory)\n";
+ my $s=$directory;
+ $s=~s/^\Q$topdir$subdir\E\/?//;
+ print "mr $action: $topdir$subdir (in subdir $s)\n";
- my $command="set -e; ".$lib.
- "my_action(){ $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$action}\n }; my_action ".
+ $command="set -e; ".$lib.
+ "my_action(){ $command\n }; my_action ".
join(" ", map { s/\//\/\//g; s/"/\"/g; '"'.$_.'"' } @ARGV);
- print STDERR "mr $action: running >>$command<<\n" if $verbose;
+ print "mr $action: running >>$command<<\n" if $verbose;
my $ret=system($command);
if ($ret != 0) {
if (($? & 127) == 2) {
print STDERR "mr $action: interrupted\n";
- exit 2;
+ return ABORT;
elsif ($? & 127) {
print STDERR "mr $action: received signal ".($? & 127)."\n";
+ return ABORT;
print STDERR "mr $action: failed ($ret)\n" if $verbose;
- push @failed, $dir;
if ($ret >> 8 != 0) {
print STDERR "mr $action: command failed\n";
elsif ($ret != 0) {
print STDERR "mr $action: command died ($ret)\n";
+ return FAILED;
else {
if ($action eq 'checkout' && ! -d $dir) {
print STDERR "mr $action: $dir missing after checkout\n";;
- push @failed, $dir;
- return;
+ return FAILED;
- push @ok, $dir;
+ return OK;
+ }
+} #}}}
+# run actions on multiple repos, in parallel
+sub mrs { #{{{
+ $| = 1;
+ my @active;
+ my @fhs;
+ my @out;
+ my $running=0;
+ while (@fhs or @repos) {
+ while ($running < $jobs && @repos) {
+ $running++;
+ my $repo = shift @repos;
+ pipe(my $outfh, CHILD_STDOUT);
+ pipe(my $errfh, CHILD_STDERR);
+ my $pid;
+ unless ($pid = fork) {
+ die "mr $action: cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid;
+ open(STDOUT, ">&CHILD_STDOUT") || die "mr $action cannot reopen stdout: $!";
+ open(STDERR, ">&CHILD_STDERR") || die "mr $action cannot reopen stderr: $!";
+ close $outfh;
+ close $errfh;
+ exit action($action, @$repo);
+ }
+ push @active, [$pid, $repo];
+ push @fhs, [$outfh, $errfh];
+ push @out, ['', ''];
+ }
+ my ($rin, $rout) = ('','');
+ my $nfound;
+ foreach my $fh (@fhs) {
+ next unless defined $fh;
+ vec($rin, fileno($fh->[0]), 1) = 1 if defined $fh->[0];
+ vec($rin, fileno($fh->[1]), 1) = 1 if defined $fh->[1];
+ }
+ $nfound = select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, 1);
+ foreach my $channel (0, 1) {
+ foreach my $i (0..$#fhs) {
+ next unless defined $fhs[$i];
+ my $fh = $fhs[$i][$channel];
+ next unless defined $fh;
+ if (vec($rout, fileno($fh), 1) == 1) {
+ my $r = '';
+ if (sysread($fh, $r, 1024) == 0) {
+ close($fh);
+ $fhs[$i][$channel] = undef;
+ if (! defined $fhs[$i][0] &&
+ ! defined $fhs[$i][1]) {
+ waitpid($active[$i][0], 0);
+ print STDOUT $out[$i][0];
+ print STDERR $out[$i][1];
+ record($active[$i][1], $? >> 8);
+ splice(@fhs, $i, 1);
+ splice(@active, $i, 1);
+ splice(@out, $i, 1);
+ $running--;
+ }
+ }
+ $out[$i][$channel] .= $r;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} #}}}
+sub record { #{{{
+ my $dir=shift()->[0];
+ my $ret=shift;
+ if ($ret == OK) {
+ push @ok, $dir;
print "\n";
+ elsif ($ret == FAILED) {
+ push @failed, $dir;
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($ret == SKIPPED) {
+ push @skipped, $dir;
+ }
+ elsif ($ret == ABORT) {
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "unknown exit status $ret";
+ }
} #}}}
sub showstat { #{{{
} #}}}
-if (! @ok && ! @failed && ! @skipped) {
- die "mr $action: no repositories found to work on\n";
-print "mr $action: finished (".join("; ",
- showstat($#ok+1, "ok", "ok"),
- showstat($#failed+1, "failed", "failed"),
- showstat($#skipped+1, "skipped", "skipped"),
-if ($stats) {
- if (@skipped) {
- print "mr $action: (skipped: ".join(" ", @skipped).")\n";
- }
- if (@failed) {
- print STDERR "mr $action: (failed: ".join(" ", @failed).")\n";
- }
-if (@failed) {
- exit 1;
-elsif (! @ok && @skipped) {
- exit 1;
-exit 0;
my %loaded;
sub loadconfig { #{{{
+ if (! exists $configfiles{$dir}) {
+ $configfiles{$dir}=$f;
+ }
# copy in defaults from first parent
my $parent=$dir;
chomp $value;
+ if ($parameter eq "include") {
+ print "mr: including output of \"$value\"\n" if $verbose;
+ unshift @lines, `$value`;
+ next;
+ }
if (! defined $section) {
die "$f line $.: parameter ($parameter) not in section\n";
else {
- $knownactions{$parameter}=1;
+ if ($parameter =~ /.*_(.*)/) {
+ $knownactions{$1}=1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $knownactions{$parameter}=1;
+ }
if ($parameter eq 'chain' &&
length $dir && $section ne "DEFAULT" &&
-e $dir.$section."/.mrconfig") {
ls = list
+order = 10
lib =
+ PWD="$(pwd)"
error() {
echo "mr: $@" >&2
exit 1
+ warning() {
+ echo "mr (warning): $@" >&2
+ }
+ info() {
+ echo "mr: $@" >&2
+ }
hours_since() {
- for dir in .git .svn .bzr CVS; do
+ if [ -z "$1" ] || [ -z "$2" ]; then
+ error "mr: usage: hours_since action num"
+ fi
+ for dir in .git .svn .bzr CVS .hg _darcs; do
if [ -e "$MR_REPO/$dir" ]; then
if [ -z "$flagfile" ]; then
error "cannot determine flag filename"
- perl -wle 'print -f shift() ? int((-M _) * 24) : 9999' "$flagfile"
- touch "$flagfile"
- }
-update =
- if [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.svn ]; then
- svn update "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.git ]; then
- git pull origin master "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.bzr ]; then
- bzr merge "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/CVS ]; then
- cvs update "$@"
- else
- error "unknown repo type"
- fi
-status =
- if [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.svn ]; then
- svn status "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.git ]; then
- git status "$@" || true
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.bzr ]; then
- bzr status "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/CVS ]; then
- cvs status "$@"
- else
- error "unknown repo type"
- fi
-commit =
- if [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.svn ]; then
- svn commit "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.git ]; then
- git commit -a "$@" && git push --all
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.bzr ]; then
- bzr commit "$@" && bzr push
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/CVS ]; then
- cvs commit "$@"
- else
- error "unknown repo type"
- fi
-diff =
- if [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.svn ]; then
- svn diff "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.git ]; then
- git diff "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.bzr ]; then
- bzr diff "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/CVS ]; then
- cvs diff "$@"
- else
- error "unknown repo type"
+ delta=$(perl -wle 'print -f shift() ? int((-M _) * 24) : 9999' "$flagfile")
+ if [ "$delta" -lt "$2" ]; then
+ exit 0
+ else
+ touch "$flagfile"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ }
+svn_test = test -d "$MR_REPO"/.svn
+git_test = test -d "$MR_REPO"/.git
+bzr_test = test -d "$MR_REPO"/.bzr
+cvs_test = test -d "$MR_REPO"/CVS
+hg_test = test -d "$MR_REPO"/.hg
+darcs_test = test -d "$MR_REPO"/_darcs
+git_bare_test =
+ test -d "$MR_REPO"/refs/heads && test -d "$MR_REPO"/refs/tags &&
+ test -d "$MR_REPO"/objects && test -f "$MR_REPO"/config &&
+ test "$(GIT_CONFIG="$MR_REPO"/config git-config --get core.bare)" = true
+svn_update = svn update "$@"
+git_update = if [ "$@" ]; then git pull "$@"; else git pull -t origin master; fi
+bzr_update = bzr merge "$@"
+cvs_update = cvs update "$@"
+hg_update = hg pull "$@" && hg update "$@"
+darcs_update = darcs pull -a "$@"
+svn_status = svn status "$@"
+git_status = git status "$@" || true
+bzr_status = bzr status "$@"
+cvs_status = cvs status "$@"
+hg_status = hg status "$@"
+darcs_status = darcs whatsnew -ls "$@"
+svn_commit = svn commit "$@"
+git_commit = git commit -a "$@" && git push --all
+bzr_commit = bzr commit "$@" && bzr push
+cvs_commit = cvs commit "$@"
+hg_commit = hg commit -m "$@" && hg push
+darcs_commit = darcs commit -a -m "$@" && darcs push -a
+svn_diff = svn diff "$@"
+git_diff = git diff "$@"
+bzr_diff = bzr diff "$@"
+cvs_diff = cvs diff "$@"
+hg_diff = hg diff "$@"
+darcs_diff = darcs diff "$@"
+svn_log = svn log "$@"
+git_log = git log "$@"
+bzr_log = bzr log "$@"
+cvs_log = cvs log "$@"
+hg_log = hg log "$@"
+darcs_log = darcs changes "$@"
+git_bare_log = git log "$@"
+svn_register =
+ url=$(LANG=C svn info . | grep -i ^URL: | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
+ if [ -z "$url" ]; then
+ error "cannot determine svn url"
-log =
- if [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.svn ]; then
- svn log"$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.git ]; then
- git log "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/.bzr ]; then
- bzr log "$@"
- elif [ -d "$MR_REPO"/CVS ]; then
- cvs log "$@"
- else
- error "unknown repo type"
+ echo "Registering svn url: $url in $MR_CONFIG"
+ mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$PWD" checkout="svn co '$url' '$MR_REPO'"
+git_register =
+ url="$(LANG=C git-config --get remote.origin.url)" || true
+ if [ -z "$url" ]; then
+ error "cannot determine git url"
-register =
- if [ -n "$1" ]; then
- cd "$1"
+ echo "Registering git url: $url in $MR_CONFIG"
+ mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$PWD" checkout="git clone '$url' '$MR_REPO'"
+bzr_register =
+ url=$(cat .bzr/branch/parent)
+ if [ -z "$url" ]; then
+ error "cannot determine bzr url"
- basedir="$(basename $(pwd))"
- if [ -d .svn ]; then
- url=$(LANG=C svn info . | grep -i ^URL: | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
- if [ -z "$url" ]; then
- error "cannot determine svn url"
- fi
- echo "Registering svn url: $url"
- mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$(pwd)" checkout="svn co $url $basedir"
- elif [ -d .git ]; then
- url=$(LANG=C git-config --get remote.origin.url)
- if [ -z "$url" ]; then
- error "cannot determine git url"
- fi
- echo "Registering git url: $url"
- mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$(pwd)" checkout="git clone $url $basedir"
- elif [ -d .bzr ]; then
- url=$(cat .bzr/branch/parent)
- if [ -z "$url" ]; then
- error "cannot determine bzr url"
+ echo "Registering bzr url: $url in $MR_CONFIG"
+ mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$PWD" checkout="bzr clone '$url' '$MR_REPO'"
+cvs_register =
+ repo=$(cat CVS/Repository)
+ root=$(cat CVS/Root)
+ if [ -z "$root" ]; then
+ error "cannot determine cvs root"
- echo "Registering bzr url: $url"
- mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$(pwd)" checkout="bzr clone $url $basedir"
- else
- error "unable to register this repo type"
+ echo "Registering cvs repository $repo at root $root"
+ mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$PWD" checkout="cvs -d '$root' co -d '$MR_REPO' '$repo'"
+hg_register =
+ url=$(hg showconfig paths.default)
+ echo "Registering mercurial repo url: $url in $MR_CONFIG"
+ mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$PWD" checkout="hg clone '$url' '$MR_REPO'"
+darcs_register =
+ url=$(cat _darcs/prefs/defaultrepo)
+ echo "Registering darcs repository $url in $MR_CONFIG"
+ mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$PWD" checkout="darcs get '$url'p '$MR_REPO'"
+git_bare_register =
+ url="$(LANG=C GIT_CONFIG=config git-config --get remote.origin.url)" || true
+ if [ -z "$url" ]; then
+ error "cannot determine git url"
+ echo "Registering git url: $url in $MR_CONFIG"
+ mr -c "$MR_CONFIG" config "$PWD" checkout="git clone --bare '$url' '$MR_REPO'"
help =
if [ ! -e "$MR_PATH" ]; then
error "cannot find program path"
T = echo "I pity the fool."
right = echo "Not found."
+# vim:sw=8:sts=0:ts=8:noet