=head1 NAME
mr - a Multiple Repository management tool
B<mr> [options] action [params ...]
+B<mr> [options] [online|offline]
+B<mr> [options] remember action [params ...]
B<mr> is a Multiple Repository management tool. It can checkout, update, or
The optional -m parameter allows specifying a commit message.
+=item push
+Pushes committed local changes to the remote repository. A no-op for
+centralized revision control systems.
=item diff
Show a diff of uncommitted changes.
The ~/.mrconfig file is used by default. To use a different config file,
use the -c option.
+=item offline
+Advises mr that it is in offline mode. Any commands that fail in
+offline mode will be remembered, and retried when mr is told it's online.
+=item online
+Advices mr that it is in online mode again. Commands that failed while in
+offline mode will be re-run.
+=item remember
+Remember a command, to be run later when mr re-enters online mode. This
+implicitly puts mr into offline mode. The command can be any regular mr
+command. This is useful when you know that a command will fail due to being
+offline, and so don't want to run it right now at all, but just remember
+to run it when you go back online.
=item help
Displays this help.
Expand the statistics line displayed at the end to include information
about exactly which repositories failed and were skipped, if any.
+=item -i
+Interactive mode. If a repository fails to be processed, a subshell will be
+started which you can use to resolve or investigate the problem. Exit the
+subshell to continue the mr run.
=item -n [number]
If no number if specified, just operate on the repository for the current
It is not recommended for interactive operations.
Note that running more than 10 jobs at a time is likely to run afoul of
-ssh connection limits. Running between 3 and 5 jobs at a time will yeild
+ssh connection limits. Running between 3 and 5 jobs at a time will yield
a good speedup in updates without loading the machine too much.
All other sections add repositories. The section header specifies the
directory where the repository is located. This is relative to the directory
that contains the mrconfig file, but you can also choose to use absolute
+paths. (Note that you can use environment variables in section names; they
+will be passed through the shell for expansion. For example,
+"[$HOSTNAME]", or "[${HOSTNAME}foo]")
Within a section, each parameter defines a shell command to run to handle a
given action. mr contains default handlers for "update", "status",
override these rcs specific actions. To add a new revision control system,
you can just add rcs specific actions for it.
+The ~/.mrlog file contains commands that mr has remembered to run later,
+due to being offline. You can delete or edit this file to remove commands,
+or even to add other commands for 'mr online' to run. If the file is
+present, mr assumes it is in offline mode.
+mr can be extended to support things such as unison and git-svn. Some
+files providing such extensions are available in /usr/share/mr/. See
+the documentation in the files for details about using them.
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright 2007 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my $verbose=0;
my $quiet=0;
my $stats=0;
+my $interactive=0;
my $max_depth;
my $no_chdir=0;
my $jobs=1;
my %rcs;
-sub rcs_test { #{{{
+sub rcs_test {
my ($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir) = @_;
if (exists $rcs{$dir}) {
else {
return $rcs{$dir}=$rcs;
-} #}}}
-sub findcommand { #{{{
+sub findcommand {
my ($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir, $is_checkout) = @_;
if (exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{$action}) {
else {
return undef;
-} #}}}
-sub action { #{{{
+sub action {
my ($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir) = @_;
my $lib=exists $config{$topdir}{$subdir}{lib} ?
$config{$topdir}{$subdir}{lib}."\n" : "";
my $is_checkout=($action eq 'checkout');
+ $ENV{MR_REPO}=$dir;
if ($is_checkout) {
if (-d $dir) {
print "mr $action: $dir already exists, skipping checkout\n" if $verbose;
- $ENV{MR_REPO}=$dir;
my $skiptest=findcommand("skip", $dir, $topdir, $subdir, $is_checkout);
my $command=findcommand($action, $dir, $topdir, $subdir, $is_checkout);
print STDERR "mr $action: failed ($ret)\n" if $verbose;
if ($ret >> 8 != 0) {
print STDERR "mr $action: command failed\n";
+ if (-e "$ENV{HOME}/.mrlog" && $action ne 'remember') {
+ # recreate original command line to
+ # remember, and avoid recursing
+ my @orig=@ARGV;
+ @ARGV=('-n', $action, @orig);
+ action("remember", $dir, $topdir, $subdir);
+ @ARGV=@orig;
+ }
elsif ($ret != 0) {
print STDERR "mr $action: command died ($ret)\n";
return OK;
-} #}}}
# run actions on multiple repos, in parallel
-sub mrs { #{{{
+sub mrs {
my $action=shift;
my @repos=@_;
-} #}}}
-sub record { #{{{
+sub record {
my $dir=shift()->[0];
my $ret=shift;
print "\n";
elsif ($ret == FAILED) {
+ if ($interactive) {
+ chdir($dir) unless $no_chdir;
+ print STDERR "mr: Starting interactive shell. Exit shell to continue.\n";
+ system((getpwuid($<))[8]);
+ }
push @failed, $dir;
print "\n";
else {
die "unknown exit status $ret";
-} #}}}
-sub showstats { #{{{
+sub showstats {
my $action=shift;
if (! @ok && ! @failed && ! @skipped) {
die "mr $action: no repositories found to work on\n";
print STDERR "mr $action: (failed: ".join(" ", @failed).")\n";
-} #}}}
-sub showstat { #{{{
+sub showstat {
my $count=shift;
my $singular=shift;
my $plural=shift;
return "$count ".($count > 1 ? $plural : $singular);
-} #}}}
# an ordered list of repos
-sub repolist { #{{{
+sub repolist {
my @list;
foreach my $topdir (sort keys %config) {
foreach my $subdir (sort keys %{$config{$topdir}}) {
$a->{subdir} cmp $b->{subdir}
} @list;
-} #}}}
# figure out which repos to act on
-sub selectrepos { #{{{
+sub selectrepos {
my @repos;
foreach my $repo (repolist()) {
my $topdir=$repo->{topdir};
return @repos;
-} #}}}
+sub expandenv {
+ my $val=shift;
+ if ($val=~/\$/) {
+ $val=`echo "$val"`;
+ chomp $val;
+ }
+ return $val;
my %loaded;
-sub loadconfig { #{{{
+sub loadconfig {
my $f=shift;
my @toload;
next if /^\s*\#/ || /^\s*$/;
if (/^\[([^\]]*)\]\s*$/) {
- $section=$1;
+ $section=expandenv($1);
elsif (/^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
my $parameter=$1;
if ($parameter eq "include") {
print "mr: including output of \"$value\"\n" if $verbose;
unshift @lines, `$value`;
+ if ($?) {
+ print STDERR "mr: include command exited nonzero ($?)\n";
+ }
foreach (@toload) {
-} #}}}
-sub modifyconfig { #{{{
+sub modifyconfig {
my $f=shift;
# the section to modify or add
my $targetsection=shift;
- $section=$1;
+ $section=expandenv($1);
push @out, $_;
open(my $out, ">", $f) || die "mr: write $f: $!\n";
print $out @out;
close $out;
-} #}}}
-sub dispatch { #{{{
+sub dispatch {
my $action=shift;
# actions that do not operate on all repos
elsif ($action eq 'register') {
+ elsif ($action eq 'remember' ||
+ $action eq 'offline' ||
+ $action eq 'online') {
+ my @repos=selectrepos;
+ action($action, @{$repos[0]}) if @repos;
+ exit 0;
+ }
if (!$jobs || $jobs > 1) {
mrs($action, selectrepos());
record($repo, action($action, @$repo));
-} #}}}
-sub help { #{{{
+sub help {
exec($config{''}{DEFAULT}{help}) || die "exec: $!";
-} #}}}
-sub config { #{{{
+sub config {
if (@_ < 2) {
die "mr config: not enough parameters\n";
modifyconfig($ENV{MR_CONFIG}, $section, %changefields) if %changefields;
exit 0;
-} #}}}
-sub register { #{{{
- if (! $config_overridden) {
+sub register {
+ if ($config_overridden) {
+ # Find the directory that the specified config file is
+ # located in.
+ ($directory)=abs_path($ENV{MR_CONFIG})=~/^(.*\/)[^\/]+$/;
+ }
+ else {
# Find the closest known mrconfig file to the current
# directory.
$directory.="/" unless $directory=~/\/$/;
join(" ", map { s/\//\/\//g; s/"/\"/g; '"'.$_.'"' } @ARGV);
print "mr register: running >>$command<<\n" if $verbose;
exec($command) || die "exec: $!";
-} #}}}
# alias expansion and command stemming
-sub expandaction { #{{{
+sub expandaction {
my $action=shift;
if (exists $alias{$action}) {
return $action;
-} #}}}
-sub getopts { #{{{
+sub getopts {
+ my @saved=@ARGV;
Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling", "no_permute");
my $result=GetOptions(
"d|directory=s" => sub { $directory=abs_path($_[1]) },
"v|verbose" => \$verbose,
"q|quiet" => \$quiet,
"s|stats" => \$stats,
+ "i|interactive" => \$interactive,
"n|no-recurse:i" => \$max_depth,
"j|jobs:i" => \$jobs,
die("Usage: mr [-d directory] action [params ...]\n".
"(Use mr help for man page.)\n");
-} #}}}
+ foreach my $option (@saved) {
+ last if $option eq $ARGV[0];
+ $ENV{MR_SWITCHES}.="$option ";
+ }
-sub init { #{{{
+sub init {
$SIG{INT}=sub {
print STDERR "mr: interrupted\n";
exit 2;
use FindBin qw($Bin $Script);
-} #}}}
-sub main { #{{{
+sub main {
#use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(\%config);
my $action=expandaction(shift @ARGV);
else {
exit 0;
-} #}}}
# Finally, some useful actions that mr knows about by default.
# These can be overridden in ~/.mrconfig.
co = checkout
bzr_status = bzr status "$@"
cvs_status = cvs status "$@"
hg_status = hg status "$@"
-darcs_status = darcs whatsnew -ls "$@"
+darcs_status = darcs whatsnew -ls "$@" || true
svn_commit = svn commit "$@"
git_commit = git commit -a "$@" && git push --all
hg_record = hg commit -m "$@"
darcs_record = darcs record -a -m "$@"
+svn_push = :
+git_push = git push "$@"
+bzr_push = bzr push "$@"
+cvs_push = :
+hg_push = hg push "$@"
+darcs_push = darcs push -a "$@"
svn_diff = svn diff "$@"
git_diff = git diff "$@"
bzr_diff = bzr diff "$@"
list = true
config =
+online =
+ if [ -s ~/.mrlog ]; then
+ info "running offline commands"
+ mv -f ~/.mrlog ~/.mrlog.old
+ if ! sh -e ~/.mrlog.old; then
+ error "offline command failed; left in ~/.mrlog.old"
+ fi
+ rm -f ~/.mrlog.old
+ else
+ info "no offline commands to run"
+ fi
+offline =
+ umask 077
+ touch ~/.mrlog
+ info "offline mode enabled"
+remember =
+ info "remembering command: 'mr $@'"
+ command="mr -d '$(pwd)' $MR_SWITCHES"
+ for w in "$@"; do
+ command="$command '$w'"
+ done
+ if [ ! -e ~/.mrlog ] || ! grep -q -F "$command" ~/.mrlog; then
+ echo "$command" >> ~/.mrlog
+ fi
ed = echo "A horse is a horse, of course, of course.."
T = echo "I pity the fool."
right = echo "Not found."
# vim:sw=8:sts=0:ts=8:noet