+status() {
+ if [ -t 1 ]; then
+ COLORING="-c color.status=always"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$VCSH_REPO_NAME" ]; then
+ status_helper $VCSH_REPO_NAME
+ else
+ for VCSH_REPO_NAME in $(list); do
+ STATUS=$(status_helper $VCSH_REPO_NAME "$COLORING")
+ [ -n "$STATUS" -o -z "$VCSH_STATUS_TERSE" ] && echo "$VCSH_REPO_NAME:"
+ [ -n "$STATUS" ] && echo "$STATUS"
+ [ -z "$VCSH_STATUS_TERSE" ] && echo
+ done
+ fi
+status_helper() {
+ GIT_DIR=$VCSH_REPO_D/$1.git; export GIT_DIR
+ use
+ remote_tracking_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u} 2> /dev/null) && {
+ commits_behind=$(git log ..${remote_tracking_branch} --oneline | wc -l)
+ commits_ahead=$(git log ${remote_tracking_branch}.. --oneline | wc -l)
+ [ ${commits_behind} -ne 0 ] && echo "Behind $remote_tracking_branch by $commits_behind commits"
+ [ ${commits_ahead} -ne 0 ] && echo "Ahead of $remote_tracking_branch by $commits_ahead commits"
+ }
+ git ${VCSH_GIT_OPTIONS} status --short --untracked-files='no'
+upgrade() {
+ hook pre-upgrade
+ # fake-bare repositories are not bare, actually. Set this to false
+ # because otherwise Git complains "fatal: core.bare and core.worktree
+ # do not make sense"
+ git config core.bare false
+ # core.worktree may be absolute or relative to $GIT_DIR, depending on
+ # user preference
+ if [ ! "x$VCSH_WORKTREE" = 'xabsolute' ]; then
+ git config core.worktree "$(cd "$GIT_DIR" && GIT_WORK_TREE=$VCSH_BASE git rev-parse --show-cdup)"
+ elif [ ! "x$VCSH_WORKTREE" = 'xrelative' ]; then
+ git config core.worktree "$VCSH_BASE"
+ fi
+ [ ! "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xnone' ] && git config core.excludesfile ".gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME"
+ [ ! "x$VCSH_GITATTRIBUTES" = 'xnone' ] && git config core.attributesfile ".gitattributes.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME"
+ git config vcsh.vcsh 'true'
+ use
+ [ -e "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME" ] && git add -f "$VCSH_BASE/.gitignore.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME"
+ [ -e "$VCSH_BASE/.gitattributes.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME" ] && git add -f "$VCSH_BASE/.gitattributes.d/$VCSH_REPO_NAME"
+ hook post-upgrade
+use() {
+ git_dir_exists
+which() {
+ output=$(for VCSH_REPO_NAME in $(list); do
+ get_files | grep -- "$VCSH_COMMAND_PARAMETER" | sed "s/^/$VCSH_REPO_NAME: /"
+ done | sort -u)
+ if [ -z "$output" ]; then
+ fatal "'$VCSH_COMMAND_PARAMETER' does not exist" 1
+ else
+ echo "$output"
+ fi
+write_gitignore() {
+ # Don't do anything if the user does not want to write gitignore
+ if [ "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xnone' ]; then
+ info "Not writing gitignore as '\$VCSH_GITIGNORE' is set to 'none'"
+ exit
+ fi
+ use
+ cd "$VCSH_BASE" || fatal "could not enter '$VCSH_BASE'" 11
+ local GIT_VERSION="$(git --version)"
+ local GIT_VERSION_MAJOR=$(echo $GIT_VERSION | sed -n 's/.* \([0-9]\+\)\..*/\1/p')
+ local GIT_VERSION_MINOR=$(echo $GIT_VERSION | sed -n 's/.* \([0-9]\+\)\.\([0-9]\+\)\..*/\2/p')
+ IFS=$(printf '\n\t')
+ gitignores=$(for file in $(git ls-files); do
+ if [ $GIT_VERSION_MAJOR -ge 2 -a $GIT_VERSION_MINOR -ge 7 ]; then
+ echo "$file";
+ else
+ while true; do
+ echo "$file"; new=${file%/*}
+ [ x"$file" = x"$new" ] && break
+ file=$new
+ done;
+ fi
+ done | sort -u)
+ # Contrary to GNU mktemp, mktemp on BSD/OSX requires a template for temp files
+ # Using a template makes GNU mktemp default to $PWD and not #TMPDIR for tempfile location
+ # To make every OS happy, set full path explicitly
+ tempfile=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX") || fatal "could not create tempfile: '${tempfile}'" 51
+ echo '*' > "$tempfile" || fatal "could not write to '$tempfile'" 57
+ for gitignore in $gitignores; do
+ echo "$gitignore" | sed 's@^@!/@' >> "$tempfile" || fatal "could not write to '$tempfile'" 57
+ if [ "x$VCSH_GITIGNORE" = 'xrecursive' ] && [ -d "$gitignore" ]; then
+ { echo "$gitignore/*" | sed 's@^@!/@' >> "$tempfile" || fatal "could not write to '$tempfile'" 57; }
+ fi