+ list_tracked $2
+list_untracked() {
+ command -v 'comm' >/dev/null 2>&1 || fatal "Could not find 'comm'"
+ temp_file_others=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX") || fatal 'Could not create temp file'
+ temp_file_untracked=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX") || fatal 'Could not create temp file'
+ temp_file_untracked_copy=$(mktemp "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX") || fatal 'Could not create temp file'
+ # Hack in support for `vcsh list-untracked -r`...
+ directory_opt="--directory"
+ shift 1
+ while getopts "r" flag; do
+ if [ x"$1" = x'-r' ]; then
+ unset directory_opt
+ fi
+ shift 1
+ done
+ # ...and parse for a potential parameter afterwards. As we shifted things out of $* in during getops, we need to look at $1
+ if [ -n "$VCSH_REPO_NAME" ]; then
+ list_untracked_helper $VCSH_REPO_NAME
+ else
+ for VCSH_REPO_NAME in $(list); do
+ list_untracked_helper $VCSH_REPO_NAME
+ done
+ fi
+ cat $temp_file_untracked
+ unset directory_opt directory_component
+ rm -f $temp_file_others $temp_file_untracked $temp_file_untracked_copy || fatal 'Could not delete temp files'
+list_untracked_helper() {
+ git ls-files --others "$directory_opt" | (
+ while read line; do
+ echo "$line"
+ directory_component=${line%%/*}
+ [ -d "$directory_component" ] && printf '%s/\n' "$directory_component"
+ done
+ ) | sort -u > $temp_file_others
+ if [ -z "$ran_once" ]; then
+ ran_once=1
+ cp $temp_file_others $temp_file_untracked || fatal 'Could not copy temp file'
+ fi
+ cp $temp_file_untracked $temp_file_untracked_copy || fatal 'Could not copy temp file'
+ comm -12 --nocheck-order $temp_file_others $temp_file_untracked_copy > $temp_file_untracked