`vcsh` was designed with [myrepos][myrepos], a tool to manage Multiple
Repositories, in mind and the two integrate very nicely. The myrepos tool
(`mr`) has native support for `vcsh` repositories and the configuration for
-myrepos is just another set of files that you cat track with `vcsh` like any
+myrepos is just another set of files that you can track with `vcsh` like any
other. This makes setting up any new machine a breeze. It can take literally
less than five minutes to go from standard installation to fully set up system.
proposed system that follows. For instance, you can use
[myrepos][myrepos] to track repositories in home such as `.emacs.d`,
which `mr` can clone and update for you automatically. To do this,
-just add a `mr` configuration file to `availabile.d` with a `checkout`
+just add a `mr` configuration file to `available.d` with a `checkout`
command to clone the repo, and set the [title] to the desired
location, e.g. `$HOME/.emacs.d`. Try the `mr register` command in an
existing repository, then view `~/.mrconfig` for an example.
vcsh will check if any file it would want to create exists. If it exists, vcsh
will throw a warning and exit. Move away your old config and try again.
Optionally, merge your local and your global configs afterwards and push with
-`vcsh foo push`.
+`vcsh repo_name push`.
## Moving into a New Host
And then create your own stuff:
- vcsh init foo
- vcsh foo add bar baz quux
- vcsh foo remote add origin git://quuux
- vcsh foo commit
- vcsh foo push
- cp $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mr/available.d/mr.vcsh $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mr/available.d/foo.vcsh
- vim $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mr/available.d/foo.vcsh # add your own repo
+ vcsh init repo_name
+ vcsh repo_name add bar baz quux
+ vcsh repo_name remote add origin git://quuux
+ vcsh repo_name commit
+ vcsh repo_name push
+ cp $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mr/available.d/mr.vcsh $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mr/available.d/repo_name.vcsh
+ vim $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mr/available.d/repo_name.vcsh # add your own repo
After you have made some changes, for which you would normally use `git add`
and `git commit`, use the vcsh wrapper (like above):
- vcsh foo add bar baz quux
- vcsh foo commit
- vcsh foo push
+ vcsh repo_name add bar baz quux
+ vcsh repo_name commit
+ vcsh repo_name push
### Using vcsh without myrepos