]> git.madduck.net Git - etc/git.git/blob - .gitconfig

madduck's git repository

Every one of the projects in this repository is available at the canonical URL git://git.madduck.net/madduck/pub/<projectpath> — see each project's metadata for the exact URL.

All patches and comments are welcome. Please squash your changes to logical commits before using git-format-patch and git-send-email to patches@git.madduck.net. If you'd read over the Git project's submission guidelines and adhered to them, I'd be especially grateful.

SSH access, as well as push access can be individually arranged.

If you use my repositories frequently, consider adding the following snippet to ~/.gitconfig and using the third clone URL listed for each project:

[url "git://git.madduck.net/madduck/"]
  insteadOf = madduck:

~/.gitignore is not global, thus no need for now
[etc/git.git] / .gitconfig
1 [user]
2         name = martin f. krafft
3         email = madduck@madduck.net
4         signingkey = 999bbcc4
5 [core]
6         pager = "less --quit-if-one-screen --raw-control-chars --no-init --hilite-search --SILENT"
7 [diff]
8         renames = copies
9 [alias]
10         restore = checkout HEAD
11         dist = "!git archive --format=tar -v --prefix=$(git describe HEAD | sed -e 's,-,///,;s,-,+,g;s,///,-,')/ HEAD | gzip -9 > ../$(git describe HEAD | sed -e 's,-,///,;s,-,+,g;s,///,-,').tar.gz"
12         ddist = "!git dist && mv ../$(git describe HEAD | sed -e 's,-,///,;s,-,+,g;s,///,-,').tar.gz ../$(git describe HEAD | sed -e 's,-,_,;s,-,+,g').orig.tar.gz"
13         st = status
14         co = checkout
15         ci = commit -a
16         stat = status
17         files = ls-files -v --deleted --modified --others --directory --no-empty-directory --exclude-standard
18         sum = log --pretty=format:\"%h %Cblue%ci%Creset %Cgreen%cn%Creset %s\"
19         unstage = reset HEAD
20 [clean]
21         requireForce = true
22 [branch]
23         autosetupmerge = true
24         autosetuprebase = remote
25 [merge]
26         tool = vimdiff
27 [merge "dpkg-mergechangelogs"]
28         name = debian/changelog merge driver
29         driver = dpkg-mergechangelogs -m %O %A %B %A
30 [diff]
31         tool = vimdiff
32 [gui]
33         fontui = -family rotissansserif -size 10 -weight bold -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0
34 [color]
35         branch = auto
36         diff = auto
37         interactive = auto
38         status = auto
39         ui = auto
40 [url "ssh://git.debian.org/git/"]
41         insteadOf = alioth:
42 [url "git://git.madduck.net/madduck/pub/"]
43         insteadOf = madduck-anon:
44 [url "ssh://git.madduck.net/madduck/"]
45         insteadOf = madduck:
46 [url "ssh://git.madduck.net/madduck/pub/"]
47         pushInsteadOf = git://git.madduck.net/madduck/
48 [url "ssh://git.madduck.net/gitolite-admin"]
49         insteadOf = gitolite-admin:
50 [push]
51         default = matching
52 [sendemail]
53         confirm = auto
54 [help]
55         autocorrect = 5
56 [format]
57         signoff = true
58 [rerere]
59         enabled = true