--- /dev/null
+set -eu
+ echo "$ME -- list postponed messages which have expired"
+ echo "Copyright © martin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>"
+ echo "Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0"
+ echo "Usage: $ME [options] <Maildir> [<Maildir> ...]"
+ echo
+ echo "Valid options are:"
+ cat <<-_eof | column -s\& -t
+ -V|--version & show version information.
+ -h|--help & show this output.
+ -a|--all & list all postponed messages, not only expired ones
+ -s|--stamp & include the time stamp *before* the filename
+ _eof
+for opt in $(getopt -n $ME -o $SHORTOPTS -l $LONGOPTS -u -- "$@"); do
+ case "$opt" in
+ -V|--version) about; exit 0;;
+ -h|--help) about; echo; usage; exit 0;;
+ -a|--all) listall=1;;
+ -s|--stamp) timestamp=1;;
+ --) :;;
+ *)
+ if [ -d "$opt/cur" ] && [ -d "$opt/new" ] && [ -d "$opt/tmp" ]; then
+ maildirs="$maildirs $opt"
+ else
+ echo "E: unknown argument: $opt" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ -z "$maildirs" ]; then
+ echo "E: no Maildirs specified." >&2
+ exit 2
+NOW=$(date +%s)
+for i in $maildirs; do
+ d="${i%/}"
+ echo "$d/new/"
+ echo "$d/cur/"
+done \
+ | xargs -I {} find {} -type f \
+ | xargs grep '^X-Postponed:' \
+ | while read i; do
+ f="${i%:X-Postponed:*}"
+ ts="${i#*:X-Postponed: }"; ts="${ts%% *}"
+ if [ $listall -eq 1 ] || [ $ts -le $NOW ]; then
+ [ $timestamp -eq 1 ] && echo -n "$ts "
+ echo "$f"
+ fi
+ done
+++ /dev/null
-set -eu
-QUERY='select * from messages where release_ts <= strftime("%s", "now")'
-$SQLITE -list -separator ' ' $DELAYED_QUEUE_DB "$QUERY" \
- | while read msgid basefile ts; do
- file="$MAILDIR/$basefile"
- files="$file ${file}:2,"
- basename="${file##*/}"
- dirname="${file%/*}"
- case "${dirname##*/}" in
- cur)
- files="$files ${file}:2,S ${file}:2,R ${file}:2,RS"
- file="${dirname%/cur}/new/$basename"
- files="$files $file ${file}:2, ${file}:2,R ${file}:2,RS"
- ;;
- new)
- file="${dirname%/new}/cur/$basename"
- files="$files ${file}:2, ${file}:2,S"
- ;;
- esac
- found=0
- for file in $files; do
- if [ -f "$file" ]; then
- $RESUBMIT "$file"
- echo "I: resubmitted $msgid"
- found=1
- break
- fi
- done
- $SQLITE $DELAYED_QUEUE_DB "delete from messages where msgid = '$msgid'"
- if [ $found -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "E: message $msgid not found in $basefile" >&2
- fi
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# process-tickler – process message in tickler maildir
-# Copyright © martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
-# Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0
-import mailbox
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-HOME = os.getenv('HOME')
-MAILDIR = os.path.join(HOME, '.maildir')
-TICKLER_DIR = os.path.join(MAILDIR, '.tickler')
-DEST_DIR = os.path.join(MAILDIR, '.resubmit')
-tmd = mailbox.Maildir(TICKLER_DIR)
-dmd = mailbox.Maildir(DEST_DIR)
-msgids = dict()
-def resubmit(key):
- msg = tmd.get_message(key)
- print >>sys.stdout, 'I: resubmit message %s' % key
- if msg.has_key('X-Tickle-Delivered'):
- msg.replace_header('X-Tickle-Delivered', time.strftime('%c'))
- else:
- msg.add_header('X-Tickle-Delivered', time.strftime('%c'))
- dmd.add(msg)
- tmd.discard(key)
-for key, msg in tmd.iteritems():
- msgid = msg.get('Message-Id')
- if msgid is None:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'W: message without ID: ' + key
- resubmit(key)
- tickle = msg.get('X-Tickle')
- if tickle is None:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'W: message without tickle information: ' + msgid
- resubmit(key)
- if msgids.get(msgid, None) is None:
- msgids[msgid] = list()
- msgids[msgid].append((int(tickle.split(' ', 1)[0]), key, msg))
-for msgid, msgs in msgids.iteritems():
- msgs.sort()
- prev_tickle = None
- for tickle, key, msg in msgs:
- if tickle == prev_tickle:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'I: discarding duplicate %s of message %s' % (key, msgid)
- tmd.discard(key)
- continue
- prev_tickle = tickle
- t = time.time()
- if t >= tickle:
- resubmit(key)
- else:
- print >>sys.stdout, 'I: message %s still has %d seconds' % (key,
- int(tickle - t))
set -eu
-QUERY="update messages set release_ts = strftime('%s', 'now') where filename like '.delayed/%'"
-exec $HOME/.etc/mailfilter/bin/process-delayed-queue
+"$DIR"/list-postponed-messages --all "$DELAYED_QUEUE" \
+ | exec xargs "$DIR"/resubmit --list
set -eu
+ echo "$ME -- resubmit messages to the mail filter"
+ echo "Copyright © martin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>"
+ echo "Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0"
+ echo "Usage: $ME [options] <Maildir> [<Maildir> ...]"
+ echo
+ echo "Valid options are:"
+ cat <<-_eof | column -s\& -t
+ -V|--version & show version information.
+ -h|--help & show this output.
+ -l|--list & process the argument list (even if empty), never stdin
+ _eof
+for opt in $(getopt -n $ME -o $SHORTOPTS -l $LONGOPTS -u -- "$@"); do
+ case "$opt" in
+ -V|--version) about; exit 0;;
+ -h|--help) about; echo; usage; exit 0;;
+ -l|--list) list=1;;
+ --) :;;
+ *)
+ if [ -f "$opt" ] && [ -r "$opt" ]; then
+ files="$files $opt"
+ else
+ echo "E: unknown argument: $opt" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
-FORMAIL="/usr/bin/formail -I'X-Resubmitted: $(date -R)'"
+# execute the date -R only during the eval, not immediately
+FILTER='/usr/bin/formail -I"X-Resubmitted: $(date -R)"'
-if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then
- eval $FORMAIL | exec $PROCMAIL
+if [ -z "${1:-}" ] && [ $list -eq 0 ]; then
+ eval $FILTER | exec $PROCMAIL
- if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
- echo "E: no such file: $1" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- eval $FORMAIL < "$1" | $PROCMAIL && rm -f "$1"
+ for f in $files; do
+ eval $FILTER < "$f" | $PROCMAIL && rm -f "$f"
+ done
exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -eu
+"$DIR"/list-postponed-messages "$TICKLER_QUEUE" "$DELAYED_QUEUE" \
+ | exec xargs "$DIR"/resubmit --list