--- /dev/null
+all: $(wildcard *.msg)
+.%.header: %
+ sed -e '/^$$/ q' $< | grep -v '^$$' | iconv -futf8 -tlatin1 > $@
+.%.body: %
+ sed -e '1,/^$$/ d' $< | iconv -futf8 -tlatin1 > $@
+%.msg: .%.header .%.body
+ cat .$(subst .msg,,$@).header > $@
+ mime-construct --output \
+ --type "text/plain; charset=latin1" \
+ --file .$(subst .msg,,$@).body >> $@
+ rm -f $^
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+set -eu
+case "$ME" in
+ kill-from)
+ case "${1:-}" in
+ *@*) :;;
+ '')
+ echo "E: missing email address argument." >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "E: not an email address: $1" >&2
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ CHECKPREFIX='From: someone <'
+ REPREFIX='^From:.*'
+ ARG="$1"
+ ;;
+ kill-thread)
+ case "${1:-}" in
+ *@*) :;;
+ '')
+ echo "E: missing message ID argument." >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "E: not a message ID: $1" >&2
+ exit 2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ CHECKPREFIX='References: <something> '
+ REPREFIX='^References:.*'
+ ARG="${1#<}"; ARG="${ARG%>}"
+ ;;
+if echo "$CHECKPREFIX$1$CHECKPOSTFIX" | egrep -qif $IGNORE_FILE; then
+ echo "I: already ignored: $1" >&2
+ exit 0
+ARG_ESCAPED="$(echo "$ARG" | sed -re 's,([.+]),\\\1,g')"
+cat <<_eof >> $IGNORE_FILE
+$^# $(date +%Y.%m.%d.%H.%m.%S) added by ${0##*/}
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+set -eu
+NICE='nice -20'
+for i in "$@"; do
+ case "$i" in
+ --ham) HAM=1;;
+ --spam) SPAM=1;;
+ *)
+ if [ -n "$MAILDIR" ]; then
+ echo "E: Maildir already specified: $i" >&2
+ exit 1
+ elif [ -d "$i"/cur ] && [ -d "$i"/new ] && [ -d "$i"/tmp ]; then
+ MAILDIR="$i"
+ else
+ echo "E: unknown argument: $i" >&2
+ exit 255
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+case "$HAM/$SPAM" in
+ 0/0)
+ echo "E: you need to specify either --ham or --spam." >&2
+ exit 255
+ ;;
+ 1/1)
+ echo "E: you cannot specify both --ham and --spam." >&2
+ exit 255
+ ;;
+ 0/1) ARG=--spam;;
+ 1/0) ARG=--ham;;
+trap "rm -f $LOCKFILE" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15
+if ! lockfile -0 -r0 -l 3600 "$LOCKFILE" 2>/dev/null; then
+ echo "E: another retrain process is already running over that Maildir." >&2
+ exit 1
+find $MAILDIR/cur $MAILDIR/new -type f | while read msg; do
+ $NICE ${0%/*}/train $ARG "$msg" | $PROCMAIL || ret=$?
+ case "${ret:-0}" in
+ 0|75) :;;
+ esac
+ rm -f "$msg"
+ sleep $PAUSETIME
+rm -f "$LOCKFILE"
+trap - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -eu
+trap "rm -f $LOCKFILE" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15
+if ! lockfile -0 -r0 -l 3600 "$LOCKFILE" 2>/dev/null; then
+ echo "E: another sendmail process is already running over that Maildir." >&2
+ exit 1
+find $OUTBOX/cur $OUTBOX/new -type f | while read msg; do
+ RECORD="$(sed -rne 's,^X-Record: ,,p' < $msg)"
+ case "$RECORD" in [Dd]iscard|[Nn]o|[Nn]one|[Nn]ull) RECORD=$DISCARD_RECORD;; esac
+ if sed -e '/^X-Record: /d' $msg | /usr/lib/sendmail -oem -oi -t; then
+ if [ ${DONT_STORE:-0} -eq 1 ]; then
+ rm "$msg"
+ else
+ #TODO this is not okay to deliver to Maildirs, really.
+ mv "$msg" ${RECORD:-$DEFAULT_RECORD}/cur
+ fi
+ fi
+rm -f "$LOCKFILE"
+trap - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
+set -eu
+DOMAIN=${DOMAIN:-$(hostname --fqdn)}
+NICE='/usr/bin/nice -20'
+MAILREAVER="$NICE $HOME/spamfilter/mailreaver.crm -u $MAILFILTER/crm114/"
+SPAMASSASSIN="$NICE /usr/bin/spamassassin -p $SA_PREFS"
+#SPAMC="$NICE /usr/bin/spamc -lxu ${USER}@${DOMAIN}"
+SA_LEARN="$NICE /usr/bin/sa-learn -p $SA_PREFS"
+for i in "$@"; do
+ case "$i" in
+ --ham) HAM=1;;
+ --spam) SPAM=1;;
+ *)
+ if [ -n "$FILE" ]; then
+ echo "E: input file already specified: $i" >&2
+ exit 1
+ elif [ -r "$i" ]; then
+ FILE="$i"
+ else
+ echo "E: unknown argument: $i" >&2
+ exit 255
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+case "$HAM/$SPAM" in
+ 0/0)
+ echo "E: you need to specify either --ham or --spam." >&2
+ exit 255
+ ;;
+ 1/1)
+ echo "E: you cannot specify both --ham and --spam." >&2
+ exit 255
+ ;;
+TMPFILE="$(tempfile -p mailtrainer)"
+trap "rm -f $TMPFILE" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15
+$PRE_CLEANUP < ${FILE:-/dev/stdin} > "$TMPFILE"
+cd $HOME/.var/crm114
+case "$HAM/$SPAM" in
+ 1/0)
+ echo -n 'Training Spamassassin with ham: ' >&2
+ echo -n 'Revoking spam via Spamassassin: ' >&2
+# [ "${CRM114_STATUS:-}" = GOOD ] || {
+ echo -n 'Training crm114 with ham: ' >&2
+ $MAILREAVER --good < "$TMPFILE" >/dev/null
+ echo 'done.' >&2
+# }
+ formail -I 'X-Trained-As: ham' < "$TMPFILE"
+ ;;
+ 0/1)
+ echo -n 'Training Spamassassin with spam: ' >&2
+ echo -n 'Reporting spam via Spamassassin: ' >&2
+# [ "${CRM114_STATUS:-}" = SPAM ] || {
+ echo -n 'Training crm114 with spam: ' >&2
+ $MAILREAVER --spam < "$TMPFILE" >/dev/null
+ echo 'done.' >&2
+# }
+ formail -I 'X-Trained-As: spam' < "$TMPFILE"
+ ;;
+rm -f $TMPFILE
+trap - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15
+exit 0
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+.*- account closed
+Address Incorrect
+Archivo Prohibido:
+Attachment Filtering Notification
+automated response
+Automatic message from
+Considered UNSOLICITED BULK EMAIL, apparently from you
+Delivery failure
+Delivery Notification
+Delivery Status Notification
+email delivery error
+Error Condition
+failed delivery
+failure delivery
+failure notice
+Illegal IMail List Server Comand
+Mail Delivery.*fail
+Mail System Error - Returned Mail
+message undeliverable
+.*Message you sent blocked by our bulk email filter
+Não foi possível enviar sua mensagem
+Non delivery report
+Nondeliverable mail
+Out of Office AutoReply:
+Please confirm your message
+Policy Violation
+Returned mail
+Undeliverable mail
+Undelivered Mail
+Warning: E-mail viruses detected
+Your email requires verification
+Your email.*was blocked
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+^Subject: =\?ISO-8859-1\?Q\?Xing:_New_(members_in|group_articles)
+^Subject: New Spam - (Explicit|Suspect) Summary Digest: [[:digit:]]+ Messages$
+^Subject: [^[:space:]]+ mailing list memberships reminder$
--- /dev/null
+^Sender: owner-mutt-users@mutt\.org$
+^Sender: owner-postfix-users@postfix\.org$
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+The Debian System
+method diffusion
--- /dev/null
+^X-Mailer: swaks v20[[:digit:].]+ jetmore\.org/john/code/#swaks$
+^User-Agent: rss2email$
+^X-madduck-test: yes$
+^From:.*\<root@.+[[:space:]]+\<Cron Daemon\>
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+# mailfilter.cf -- Config file for mailfilter, mailreaver, mailtrainer
+# You MUST edit the fileds for "Secret Password", "mime decoder", and
+# "cache_dupe_command". Just those THREE things.
+# Changes to all other values are optional.
+# Many of the options here have two or three alternatives; for your
+# convenience, we have put all of the reasonable alternatives
+# on sequential lines. Uncomment the one you want, and leave the
+# others commented out. If you leave more than one uncommented, the
+# last one is the one that's used. Don't do that; it's ugly.
+# After you edit this file, don't forget to edit 'rewrites.mfp'
+# --------->>> You MUST set the following correctly! <<<-------
+# If you leave it as "DEFAULT-PASSWORD", you will not be able to
+# access the mail-to-myself commanding system, as "DEFAULT-PASSWORD"
+# is specifically _disabled_ as a legal password. Just pick something, eh?
+# ----- If you want a verbose startup, turn this on. Note that this is
+# ----- intentionally _after_ the password is set, so a verbose startup
+# ----- will not reveal your password.
+#:verbose_startup: /SET/
+:verbose_startup: //
+# --------->>> You MUST set the following correctly! <<<-------
+# --- Some mail systems do mime decoding with "mimencode -d" or "-u".
+# --- Others (such as Red Hat 8.0) use "mewdecode" .
+# --- Yet others (such as Fedora Core 3) use "openssl base64 -d" .
+# --- Yet Others (i.e. *BSDs) can use "base64" .
+# --- See which one is on your system and use that one- comment
+# --- the others out. If you can't figure out what your base64 mime
+# --- decoder is, or don't want mime decoding, set :do_base64: to /no/
+# --- but expect a significant accuracy decrease if you do this.
+#:do_base64: /no/
+:do_base64: /yes/
+#:mime_decoder: /mewdecode/
+#:mime_decoder: /mimencode -d/
+#:mime_decoder: /mimencode -u/
+#:mime_decoder: /base64 -d/
+:mime_decoder: /openssl base64 -d/
+#:mime_decoder: /normalizemime/
+# --------->>> You MUST set the following correctly! <<<-------
+# --- Linux (and Unix) systems use "hardlinks" to make a file
+# --- appear in more than one place, while not actually using up
+# --- extra disk space. Sadly, it is the case that most
+# --- Windows systems have no such feature. So, you must set the
+# --- following for what kind of system you are actually using.
+# -- Note to other developers: here's where to put other system-dependent
+# -- syscall commands.
+# --- Use the default /ln/ for LINUX and UNIX systems (does a hard-link,
+# --- does not use up disk space or inodes). Change this to the /copy/
+# --- command for WINDOWS systems (95, 98, NT, XP)
+# --- Mild security issue: to avoid a theoretical exploit where a user
+# --- gets their commands re-aliased, make sure you use the fully qualified
+# --- commandname (that is, starting in the root directory).
+:cache_dupe_command: /\/bin\/ln/
+#:cache_dupe_command: /copy/
+# END of things you absolutely MUST set. Feel free
+# to keep reading though...
+# START of things you might likely want to set. These
+# are probably OK for you, but many users change these things.
+# ----------- define an optional target for where to send spam,
+# ----------- To NOT forward this to another account, just leave the
+# ----------- address as the empty string, which is '//'.
+# ----------- This works fine especially if your mail reader program
+# ----------- can sort based on the ADV and UNS (or whatever you choose
+# ----------- to use as flagging strings) in the "Subject:" field.
+# ------- CAUTION- some systems are buggy and _REQUIRE_ a user@host.domain
+# ----- in the following to forward spammy mail correctly. WTF??? :-(
+#:general_fails_to: /somebody@somewhere.net/
+:general_fails_to: //
+# -------- If you would prefer to send specific kinds of spam to
+# -------- different mailboxes, here's where to do it.
+# ----------(be sure to uncomment the line!)
+# :fail_priority_mail_to: /where_priority_fails_go/
+# :fail_blacklist_mail_to: /where_blacklist_fails_go/
+# :fail_SSM_mail_to: /where_Classifier_fails_go_for_mailFILTER/
+# :fail_classify_mail_to: /where_classifier_fails_go_for_mailREAVER/
+# --------- Do we give nonspam, spam, and unsure an exitcode of 0
+# --------- (for most standalone apps) or something else?
+# --------- Usually we use an exit code of 1 for "program fault",
+# --------- but change it if you need to use 0/1 for good/spam
+# --------- Don't use an exit code greater than 128 (it breaks BASH!)
+# --------- If you use exit codes (procmail doesn't) change it here.
+:rejected_mail_exit_code: /0/
+:accepted_mail_exit_code: /0/
+:unsure_mail_exit_code: /0/
+:program_fault_exit_code: /1/
+# END of things you are likely to want to change.
+# Anything following is starting to approach true customization.
+# Feel free to explore and poke around.
+# -----------Do we want to add the optional headers to the mail?
+# -----------If turned on, will add X-CRM114-Whatever: headers on each
+# -----------incoming email. (note- this does NOT turn off the cache-id header
+:add_headers: /yes/
+#:add_headers: /no/
+# --------- do we add the statistics report?
+:add_verbose_stats: /no/
+#:add_verbose_stats: /no/
+# --------- do we add the mailtrainer report to the top of the message body
+# --------- after training?
+:add_mailtrainer_report: /no/
+#:add_mailtrainer_report: /no/
+# --------- Do we enable long-form explains (with lots of text)?
+# -- you can have no extra stuff, add it as text, or add it as an attachment.
+# -- (only available in mailfilter, not mailreaver)
+:add_extra_stuff: /no/
+# :add_extra_stuff: /text/
+# :add_extra_stuff: /attachment/
+# --------- Do we want to insert a "flagging" string on the subject line,
+# --------- perhaps to insert an 'ADV:' ? Whatever string we put here
+# --------- will be inserted at the front of the subject if we think the
+# --------- mail is spam.
+# :spam_flag_subject_string: //
+:spam_flag_subject_string: //
+# --------- Do we want to insert a "flagging" string on the subject line
+# --------- for good email? Usually we don't.... so we set this to the
+# --------- null string - that is, //
+:good_flag_subject_string: //
+# ------------Similarly, do we want to insert a "flagging" string on
+# -------------the subject line of an "unsure" email? This way we know
+# --------------we need to train it even if "headers" is turned off.
+# :unsure_flag_subject_string: //
+:unsure_flag_subject_string: //
+# ------------- Do we want Training ConFirmation flags on the results of
+# ------------- a message to be learned? Default is "TCF:".
+:confirm_flag_subject_string: //
+#:confirm_flag_subject_string: //
+# --------- Do we want to do any "rewrites" to increase generality and
+# ---------- (usually) accuracy? IF 'yes', be sure to edit rewrites.mfp!
+# --------- NOTE: this option is somewhat slow. If your mailserver is
+# --------- maxed out on CPU, you might want to turn this off.
+:rewrites_enabled: /yes/
+#:rewrites_enabled: /no/
+# --------- Do we copy incoming text into allmail.txt ? default is yes, but
+# --------- experienced users will probably set this to 'no' after testing
+# --------- their configuration for functionality.
+:log_to_allmail.txt: /no/
+# :log_to_allmail.txt: /no/
+# ------- Another logging option - log all mail to somewhere else
+# ------- entirely. Whatever pathname is given here will be prefixed
+# ------- by :fileprefix:
+# ------- To not use this, set it to the null string .. //
+# ------- Remember to backslash-escape path slashes!
+:log_all_mail_to_file: //
+#:log_all_mail_to_file: /my_personal_mail_log_file_name.txt/
+# ---------- Message Cacheing for retraining - do we keep a cache of
+# ---------- messages we've classified recently "in the wild" as retrain
+# ---------- texts? This uses up some disk space, but means that we can
+# ---------- use mailtrainer.crm on these messages to autotune the classifier.
+# ---------- Default is to cache into the directory reaver_cache ;
+# ---------- if you don't want this, set it to // . If you don't use this,
+# ---------- you can't really use mailtrainer.crm, and you must keep your
+# ---------- headers scrupulously clean in all train messages. Recommended
+# ---------- to leave this unchanged unless you are VERY short of disk.
+:text_cache: /../../../.var/crm114/reaver_cache/
+# :text_cache: //
+# ----- How do we invoke the trainer (as in, just the invocation
+# ------ of CRM114 on mailtrainer.crm. Usually this is just obvious,
+# ------- but if you don't have CRM114 installed in the search path, here's
+# -------- where you can set trainer invocation to be via whatever path
+# --------- you want it (the second example is if you haven't installed
+# ---------- CRM114 at all, but are running the crm114_tre static binary
+# ----------- right out of the local directory.)
+# -- use this next one if you have installed CRM114 with "make install"
+# -- (This is preferred and is the default)
+:trainer_invoke_command: /\/usr\/share\/crm114\/mailtrainer.crm/
+# -- use this one if you can't do a "make install" and so must run the
+# --- crm114_tre binary directly out of the current working directory.
+# :trainer_invoke_command: /.\/crm114_tre mailtrainer.crm /
+# ------ If we're cacheing for retraining, we're probably using
+# ------ mailtrainer.crm or some other variant. In that case,
+# ------ you will want a "randomizer" to present the training
+# ------ examples to the classifier in some random but balanced order.
+# ------ You have two choices - you can either use the "sort"
+# ------ command on some random character in the filename (this
+# ------ is NOT recommended) or use the "shuffle.crm" program.
+# ------ We _strongly_ recommend using shuffle.crm; the default
+# ------ options to shuffle.crm will work fine. Alternatively,
+# ------ you can use the "sort --key 1.2" on date-named files to
+# ----- achieve chronological training
+:trainer_randomizer_command: / .\/shuffle.crm /
+#:trainer_randomizer_command: / .\/crm114_tre shuffle.crm /
+#:trainer_randomizer_command: /sort --key 1.2/
+# --------- Do we log rejected mail to a file? default yes, but most
+# --------- users should set this to no after testing their
+# --------- configuration to verify that rejected mail goes to the
+# --------- reject address. Only works in mailfilter.crm
+:log_rejections: /yes/
+#:log_rejections: /no/
+# ------- alternate rejection logging - set this pathname to non-null
+# ------ to log rejections elsewhere. Only for mailreaver.crm.
+# ----- Set to NULL ( // ) to turn this off.
+:log_rejections_to_file: //
+#:log_rejections_to_file /this_is_my_rejected_email_log_file.txt/
+# ----------Do we want to enable "inoculation by email"?
+# --------(leave this off unless you want RFC inoculations)
+:inoculations_enabled: /no/
+#:inoculations_enabled: /yes/
+# --------- How many characters of the input do we really trust to be
+# ---------- worthy of classification? Usually the first few thousand
+# ----------- bytes of the message tell more than enough (though we've
+# ------------ been "noticed" by spammers, who are now packing 4K of
+# ------------- innocuous text into their headers. No problemo... :) )
+#:decision_length: /4096/
+#:decision_length: /64000/
+:decision_length: /16000/
+# ----- for entropy users ONLY - 4K is plenty!
+#:decision_length: /4096/
+# ------------ Do we want to expand URLs (that is, fetching the contents
+# ------------- of a URL and inserting that after the url itself?)
+# -------------- By default this is off, but turn it on if you want
+# --------------- to experiment.
+:expand_urls: /no/
+# :expand_urls: /yes/
+# WGET options - 30-second timeout, output to stdout.
+# HACK - use the proper --user-agent="IEblahblah" for max effect!
+:url_fetch_cmd: /wget -T 30 -O - /
+# and trim the URL text to not more than 16bytes of text.
+:url_trim_cmd: / head -c 16000 /
+# ------------------- YOU REALLY SHOULD STOP HERE -------------------
+# --------- values below this line are usually OK for almost all
+# --------- users to use unchanged - Gurus only beyond this point.
+# If you want to change things here, go ahead, but realize you are
+# playing with things that can really hurt accuracy.
+# This being open source, if you don't *think* about changing it,
+# what would be the use of it being open source? That said, this
+# _is_ open source- you break it, you get to keep _both_ pieces!
+# ------------ CLF - The Classifier Flags ----------
+# --------- Which classifier flags do we use? Default for 20060101 has
+# --------- been changed to OSB UNIQUE MICROGROOM.
+# --------- A null setting gets you straight Markovian, without
+# --------- microgrooming. OSB uses less memory, is faster,
+# --------- and is usually more accurate. Correlative matching is
+# --------- 100x - 1000x slower, but can match anything (binaries,
+# --------- wide chars, unicode, virii, _anything_. Winnow is a
+# --------- non-statistical learning classificer with very nice
+# --------- accuracy (up to 2x SBPH). Hyperspace is a pseudogaussian
+# --------- KNN (K-nearest-neighbor) matcher.
+# --------- This is also where we set whether to use microgrooming
+# --------- or Arne optimization (they're currently mutually exclusive).
+# --------- If you turn off microgrooming you get Arne optimization
+# --------- automatically.
+# --------- If you _change_ this, you _must_ empty out your .css or
+# --------- .cow files and build fresh ones, because these
+# --------- classifiers do NOT use compatible data storage formats!
+#:clf: /microgroom/
+#:clf: /osb/
+#:clf: /osb microgroom/
+:clf: /osb unique microgroom/
+#:clf: /correlate/
+#:clf: /winnow/
+#:clf: /osbf/
+#:clf: /osbf microgroom/
+#:clf: /hyperspace/
+#:clf: /hyperspace unique/
+# --------- If you are using thick-threshold training of any sort,
+# ---------- (for OSBF or otherwise) put the threshold here.
+# ----------- Remember, the polarity of the thick threshold value
+# ------------ is that anything scoring less than this value
+# ------------- should be considered a trainable error, and it "flips over"
+# -------------- so that both good mail and spam have the right symmetrical
+# ---------------- polarity.
+# ------ a very small thick threshold (or zero!) works for Markovian.
+#:thick_threshold: /0/
+#:thick_threshold: /.001/
+# ----- a thick threshold of 5 to 20 seems good for OSB, OSBF,
+# Hyperspace, Bit-Entropy, and Winnow
+#:thick_threshold: /5.0/
+:thick_threshold: /10.0/
+#:thick_threshold: /20.0/
+# ---- What regex do we use for LEARN/CLASSIFY? the first is the
+# ---- "old standard". Other ones are handy for different spam
+# ---- mixes. The last one is for people who get a great deal of
+# ---- packed HTML spam, which is almost everybody in 2003, so it
+# ---- used to be the default. But since spammers have shifted away
+# ---- from this, it isn't the default any longer. IF you change
+# ---- this, you MUST rebuild your .css files with roughly equal
+# ---- amounts of locally-grown spam and nonspam ( if you've been
+# ---- following instructions and using the "reaver" cache, this is
+# ---- easily done! )
+:lcr: /[[:graph:]]+/
+#:lcr: /[[:alnum:]]+/
+#:lcr: /[-.,:[:alnum:]]+/
+#:lcr: /[[:graph:]][-[:alnum:]]*[[:graph:]]?/
+#:lcr: /[[:graph:]][-.,:[:alnum:]]*[[:graph:]]?/
+# this next one is pretty incomprehensible, and probably wrong...
+#:lcr: /[[:print:]][/!?\#]?[-[[:alnum:]][[:punct:]]]*(?:[*'=;]|/?>|:/*)?
+# Expansions for antispamming. You almost _always_ want these on,
+# unless you're debugging something really bizarre.
+# --------- Do we enable spammus interruptus undo?
+:undo_interruptus: /no/
+#:undo_interruptus: /yes/
+# ------------ HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL - automatic training!
+# enable this only if you really want to live VERY dangerously!
+# "Do you feel lucky today, punk? Well, do ya?"
+:automatic_training: /no/
+# ---- if you are living dangerously and have turned on autotraining,
+# you should also set the following to point to an address that
+# will get read on a quick basis, becuause this is where autotrain
+# verifications will go.
+#:autotrain_address: /root/
+:datadir: /..\/..\/.var\/.crm114/
--- /dev/null
+ :0 c
+ * ^To:.*\<wohnung@sudetia\.de\>
+ {
+ LOG="autoreply: replying to wohnung@sudetia.de mail$NL"
+ REPLY=$REPLIES/sudetia-wohnung.msg
+ :0
+ |($SED -e '/^$/,$d' $REPLY; \
+ $FORMAIL -R Reply-To From -U From -r -t; \
+ $SED -e '1,/^$/d' $REPLY) \
+ }
--- /dev/null
+* ? test -e $HOME/procmail.defer
+* !SKIP_DEFER ?? .
+ LOG="local delivery intentionally deferred by $LOGNAME"
--- /dev/null
+### basic settings
+NICE='/usr/bin/nice -20'
+PROCMAIL="$NICE /usr/bin/procmail -p $PMDIR/procmailrc"
+FORMAIL="$NICE /usr/bin/formail -f"
+EGREP="$NICE /bin/egrep"
+SED="$NICE /bin/sed"
+CRM114="$NICE /usr/share/crm114/mailreaver.crm -u $MAILFILT/crm114/"
+SPAMASSASSIN="$NICE /usr/bin/spamassassin -p $SA_PREFS"
+#SPAMC="$NICE /usr/bin/spamc -lxu $ID"
+OURDATE=`date -R`
+OURDATE_SHORT=`date +%Y.%m.%d.%H.%m.%N`
+# maximum message size for spam checking
+# if crm114 is unsure and SA returns a score less-than-or-equal to this,
+# autotrain crm114 with ham
+# if crm114 classifies a message as spam but SA returns a score
+# less-than-or-equal to this, retrain crm114
+# if crm114 is unsure and SA returns a score greater than this, autotrain
+# crm114 with spam
+# if crm114 classifies a message as ham but SA returns a score
+# greate than this, retrain crm114
+### constants used in rules
+### variables from the message
+### local recipient data
+# user+foobar@my.domain.org
+# < > $USER
+# < > $LOCAL
+# < > $DOMAIN
+HOSTNAME="`hostname --fqdn`"
+# message-id
+# if $SENDER is undefined or not an email address, get it from the message
+* !SENDER ?? @
+{ DATE="$MATCH" }
+{ FROM="$MATCH" }
+# TODO: can be removed as soon as albatross is out of the loop
+:0 fw
+* ^X-Original-To-Saved: \/.*
+|$FORMAIL -R X-Original-To-Saved X-Original-To
+:0 E
+# fix variable values for special cases
+* ORIGINAL_TO ?? ^\/[^@]+
+* ORIGINAL_TO ?? .+@\/.+
+### run-time variables
+# a procmail-style flag, which is true if unset and false if set (to !).
+# unset by marknew if the message has already been seen by the filter (according
+# to the X-Been-There header).
+# if set, cuases spamchecks to be skipped, value lists reason
+# set by spamtrapped and eqdomains and used to bypass spamchecks and handle as
+# spam immediately. The value identifies who unset the variable.
+# if set, then the mailfilter is as sure as it gets that the message is spam.
+# The value identifies who set the variable.
+# if set, then the various spamchecks disagree about spaminess of the mail.
+# The value can hold additional information.
+# if set, then the various spamchecks are unsure about spaminess of the mail.
+# The value can hold additional information.
+# if set, the spamchecks were skipped. The value gives the reason for
+# skipping.
+# if set, causes crm114 to be retrained, according to the variable's value
--- /dev/null
+MID_CACHE_FILE = $PMVAR/msgid.cache
+*$ !SKIP_DUP ?? .
+* ^Message-ID:
+ LOG="duplicate: drop duplicate message $MSGID$NL"
+ :0
+LOCKFILE # unlock
--- /dev/null
+* ? echo "$ORIG_DOMAIN" | $EGREP -qif $CONF/eqdomains
+ :0
+ * !ORIGINAL_TO ?? =.+@.+
+ {
+ LOG="eqdomain: spamtrap message due to missing = in localpart ($ORIGINAL_TO)$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -A"X-Spamtrapped: missing equal sign in eqdomain ($ORIGINAL_TO)"
+ SPAMTRAPPED=eqdomain
+ }
+ :0 E
+ {
+ :0
+ * ORIG_LOCAL ?? ^\/[^=]+
+ :0
+ * ORIG_LOCAL ?? .+=\/.+
+ LOG="eqdomain: message to $EQ_LOCAL@$EQ_DOMAIN via $ORIG_DOMAIN$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ }
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* ^Message-Id:[ ]*\/[^ ]+
+* MSGID ?? ^[ ]*$|^<>$
+ TMPFILE="`tempfile -p msgid`"
+ LOG="get-msgid: LACKING MSGID header, DUMPING to $TMPFILE$NL"
+ :0 ifw
+ |cat > $TMPFILE
+* ! MSGID ?? ^<[^>]+>$
+ LOG="get-msgid: message-id '$MSGID' not enclosed in <>, fixing it...$NL"
+*$ !^Return-Path: .+@$RE_MAILRELAYS\>
+*$ !^Received: by $RE_MAILRELAYS \(postfix, from userid
+ LOG="get-msgid: missing message ID added by one of our mail relays$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$SED -re "s/^([Mm]essage-[Ii][Dd]:[^@]+@$RE_MAILRELAYS)\>/\1.MSGID-ADDED/"
+ :0
+ * ^Message-Id:[ ]*\/[^ ]+
+ { MSGID="$MATCH" }
--- /dev/null
+# we are called from spamfilter and the following cases could be:
+# 1. spamfilters are unsure
+# symptom: $SPAM_UNSURE is set (sa-unsure)
+# reaction: file as unsure
+# 2. spamfilters disagree
+# symptom: $SPAM_DISAGREE is set (sa-ham or sa-spam)
+# reaction: file as disagreed
+# 3. message is spam for sure
+# symptom: $IS_SPAM is set
+# reaction: file as spam
+# 4a. message needs to be retrained as spam
+# symptom: $CRM_RETRAIN is set to spam
+# reaction: retrain filters, report, and file as spam
+# 4b. message is spamtrapped
+# symptom: $SPAMTRAPPED is set
+# reaction: train filters, report, and file as spam
+# 5. message needs to be retrained as ham
+# symptom: $CRM_RETRAIN is set to ham
+# reaction: retrain crm114 and resubmit the message to the spamfilter
+# 6. spam degree is unknown:
+# symptom: $SPAM_UNKNOWN contains the reason for skipping the checks
+# reaction: pass the message
+# 7. message is not spam
+# symptom: none of the above
+# reaction: pass the message
+ LOG="spamfilter: filing as unsure$NL"
+ :0
+ $INBOX/.retrain.unsure/
+:0 E
+ LOG="spamfilter: filing as disagreed$NL"
+ :0
+ $INBOX/.retrain.disagree/
+:0 E
+* 1^0 CRM_RETRAIN ?? spam
+* 1^0 SPAMTRAPPED ?? .
+ LOG="spamfilter: (re)training as spam$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$TRAINER --spam 2>/dev/null
+ IS_SPAM=trained
+:0 E
+* CRM_RETRAIN ?? ham
+ LOG="spamfilter: retraining as ham$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$TRAINER --ham 2>/dev/null
+# :0
+# |$TRAINER --ham 2>/dev/null | $PROCMAIL
+# not using flag E because IS_SPAM could have been set further up
+* IS_SPAM ?? .
+ LOG="spamfilter: filing as spam$NL"
+ :0
+ $INBOX/.spam/
+{ LOG="spamfilter: allowed to pass$NL" }
+#:0 E
+#{ do nothing }
+#:0 E
+#{ do nothing}
--- /dev/null
+:0 BH
+* ? $EGREP -qif $CONF/ignore
+ LOG="ignore: discarding ignored message $MSGID from $FROM to $ORIGINAL_TO$NL"
+ :0
+:0 H
+* ORIGINAL_TO ?? madduck@(madduck\.net|debian\.org)
+* ? $EGREP -qif $CONF/ignore-lists
+ LOG="ignore: dropping list message $MSGID$NL"
+ :0
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* ? echo "$ORIGINAL_TO" | $EGREP -qif $CONF/justme-addresses
+ :0 H
+ *$ MSGID ?? <.+@$RE_MYDOMAIN>
+ {
+ LOG="justme: passing; from machine in my domain$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I'X-Justme: from machine in my domain'
+ SKIP_SPAMCHECKS=from-mydomain
+ }
+ :0 EH
+ *$ ^(References|In-Reply-To):.*<.+@$RE_MYDOMAIN>
+ {
+ LOG="justme: passing; in-reply-to/referenced$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I'X-Justme: in-reply-to/referenced'
+ SKIP_SPAMCHECKS=in-reply-to/referenced
+ }
+ :0 E
+ * ? echo "$ORIGINAL_TO" | $EGREP -qif $CONF/justme-address-exceptions
+ {
+ LOG="justme: passing; explicitly excepted address$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I'X-Justme: in-reply-to/referenced'
+ }
+ :0 EBH
+ {
+ LOG="justme: passing; full name reference$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I'X-Justme: full name reference'
+ }
+ :0 EBH
+ *$ B ?? $RE_LASTNAME
+ {
+ LOG="justme: passing; last name reference$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I'X-Justme: last name reference'
+ }
+ :0 EBH
+ * 1^0 B ?? madduck
+ * -1^0 B ?? mass\.madduck\.net
+ {
+ LOG="justme: passing; nickname reference$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I'X-Justme: nickname reference'
+ }
+ :0 EBH
+ *$ ? $EGREP -qif $CONF/justme-keyword-exceptions
+ {
+ LOG="justme: passing; keyword reference$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I'X-Justme: keyword reference'
+ }
+ :0 E
+ {
+ LOG="justme: discarding$NL"
+ :0
+ }
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* MSGID ?? ^<\/[^>]+
+ THISLOGFILE_REL=`echo $MATCH | tr -d "'\"?[:cntrl:]" | tr ' /*' '__+'`%$OURDATE_SHORT
+msgid: $MSGID
+date: $DATE (@$OURDATE)
+from: $FROM
+original-to: $ORIGINAL_TO
+subject: $SUBJECT$NL"
+TRAP="echo \"delivered: \${LASTFOLDER#$INBOX/}\" >> '$THISLOGFILE';
+ echo >> '$THISLOGFILE';
+ egrep -v '^(procmail:)?[[:space:]\"]' '$THISLOGFILE' >> $MASTERLOGFILE"
--- /dev/null
+:0 c
+ LOG="lurker: archiving message $MSGID with lurker$NL"
+ TRAP=""
+ LURKER_CONF=$HOME/.etc/lurker/lurker.conf
+ :0
+ |$NICE lurker-index -c $LURKER_CONF -l foo -m
--- /dev/null
+*$ ^X-Been-There: $ID
+ LOG="marknew: re-processing message $MSGID$NL"
+:0 Efw
+|$FORMAIL -A"X-Been-There: $ID"
--- /dev/null
+# add hostname if missing
+* ! ORIGINAL_TO ?? @
+# rewrite local admin mail to admin.madduck.net domain
+*$ ^Delivered-To: $LOGNAME\+admin@$HOSTNAME$
+{ ORIGINAL_TO="`echo $ORIGINAL_TO | tr @ =`@admin.madduck.net" }
+# transform root@ to proper localpart
+# http://marc.info/?t=118495181500014&r=1&w=2
+* ORIGINAL_TO ?? ^root=\/[^@]+
+*$ ^Delivered-To: \/.+@$MATCH$
+{ ORIGINAL_TO="`echo $MATCH | tr @ =`@admin.madduck.net" }
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* !PMVAR ?? .
+ # PMVAR is not defined, so we are being called as filter
+ # thus source the standard defines
+ # prevent feeding back to procmail and delete the leading From line
+ PROCMAIL='/bin/cat'
+ # and tell the fucking procmail piece-of-shit to continue to be a filter
+# unpack SA report_safe mails
+* B ?? ^Content-Type: message/rfc822; x-spam-type=original$
+ LOG="cleanup: unpacking SA MIME-wrapped spam mail$NL"
+ :0 fw
+# remove other unwanted headers from all messages
+:0 fw
+|$FORMAIL -IX-Virus-Scanned -IX-SenderIP -IX-ASN -IX-CIDR -IX-UID -IX-OfflineIMAP- \
+ -IX-Status -IStatus -IX-Keywords -IX-Greylist \
+ -IX-Spam -IX-CRM114 -IX-Auto -IX-Trained-As -IX-EqDomain -IX-EqTo
+# now should be idempotent
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/procmail -t
+* ^X-Been-There: madduck@albatross
+ :0
+ * M ?? ^\+.+\+\/[^@]+
+ {
+ # we have two +, so it's a virtual domain
+ :0
+ * M ?? ^\+\/[^+]+
+ { D=$MATCH }
+ OT="$L@$D"
+ L
+ D
+ }
+ :0 E
+ * M ?? ^\/\+?[^@]*
+ { OT="madduck$MATCH@madduck.net" }
+ M
+ :0 fw
+ |formail -I "X-Original-To: $OT" -A'X-From-Albatross: yes'
+ OT
+ LOG="log: *** received $MSGID from albatross$NL"
--- /dev/null
+* ORIG_DOMAIN ?? ^admin\.madduck\.net$
+ # require that messages sent to foo=bar@admin.madduck.net have passed the
+ # machine at bar, meaning have been Delivered-To there.
+ :0
+ *$ !^Delivered-To: .+@$EQ_DOMAIN
+ {
+ LOG="spamtrap message as it was never delivered to $EQ_DOMAIN
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -A'X-Spamtrapped: not delivered to eqdomain'
+ }
+ DESTDIR="$INBOX/.admin.`echo $EQ_DOMAIN | tr . _"
+ :0
+ {
+ :0
+ * EQ_LOCAL ?? (logcheck|apticron)
+ :0
+ }
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* ORIGINAL_TO ?? ^madduck=debian\.org@forward\.madduck\.net$
+ :0
+ * ^X-Debian-PR-Source: \/.+
+ * ? grep -q "^${MATCH}$" $CONF/debian-packages
+ $INBOX/.debian.$MATCH/
+ :0 E
+ $INBOX/.debian/
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* ORIG_DOMAIN ?? ^r2e\.madduck\.net$
+ :0
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* ORIG_DOMAIN ?? ^mass\.madduck\.net$
+ :0
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* ORIGINAL_TO ?? ^madduck=sudetia.de@forward\.madduck\.net$
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* ORIGINAL_TO ?? .+@sms.madduck.net
+ :0 W
+ |$HOME/.bin/proc_smsmail
--- /dev/null
+#TODO: rewrite to use SPAM variable, and do not autotrain spam here, only ham
+* !PMVAR ?? .
+ # PMVAR is not defined, so we are being called as filter
+ # thus source the standard defines
+ # prevent feeding back to procmail and delete the leading From line
+ PROCMAIL='/bin/cat'
+ # and tell the fucking procmail piece-of-shit to continue to be a filter
+# no need to reprocess messages that went into a spamtrap
+ LOG="spamfilter: skipping checks for spamtrapped message$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I"X-Spam: spamtrapped"
+# let earlier parts of the mailfilter cause bypassing the checks
+:0 E
+ LOG="spamfilter: skipping checks as requested: $SKIP_SPAMCHECKS$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I"X-Spam: unknown (skip requested)"
+ SPAM_UNKNOWN=skip-requested
+# honour skip-spamchecks to exclude certain messages from spam checks
+# altogether
+:0 EBH
+* ? $EGREP -qif $CONF/skip-spamchecks
+ LOG="spamfilter: skipping checks as per skip-spamchecks$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I"X-Spam: unknown (check skipped)"
+ SPAM_UNKNOWN=skip-match
+# sanity check on message size
+:0 E
+ LOG="spamfilter: skipping check because message size exceeds $SPAMCHECK_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE bytes$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I"X-Spam: unknown (message larger than $SPAMCHECK_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE bytes)"
+ SPAM_UNKNOWN=too-large
+# now run the spamfilters
+:0 E
+ # crm114
+ :0
+ * !SKIP_CRM ?? .
+ {
+ :0 fw
+ |$CRM114
+ :0
+ * ^X-CRM114-Status: \/[A-Z]+
+ :0
+ * ^X-CRM114-Status: .+\([ ]*\/-?[.0-9]+
+ }
+ # spamassassin
+ SA_STATUS=Unknown
+ SA_TESTS=none
+ :0
+ * !SKIP_SA ?? .
+ {
+ :0 fw
+ :0
+ * ^X-Spam-Status: \/[A-Za-z]+
+ :0
+ * ^X-Spam-Status: .+score=\/-?[.0-9]+
+ :0
+ * ^X-Spam-Status: .+tests=\/[^ ]+
+ }
+ ## CASE 0: crm114 is unsure/untrained
+ :0
+ {
+ # retrain as ham
+ :0
+ * ? perl -e "$SA_SCORE <= $CRM_UNSURE_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_HAM || exit 1"
+ {
+ LOG="spamfilter: scheduling crm114 retraining with HAM (score $SA_SCORE <= $CRM_UNSURE_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_HAM)$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -A "X-CRM114-Autotrain: ham, according to SA (score $SA_SCORE <= $CRM_UNSURE_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_HAM)"
+ }
+ # retrain as spam
+ :0 E
+ * ? perl -e "$SA_SCORE > $CRM_UNSURE_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_SPAM || exit 1"
+ {
+ LOG="spamfilter: scheduling crm114 retraining with SPAM (score $SA_SCORE > $CRM_UNSURE_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_SPAM)$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -A "X-CRM114-Autotrain: spam, according to SA (score $SA_SCORE > $CRM_UNSURE_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_SPAM)"
+ }
+ # skip retraining if SA is not convinced
+ :0 E
+ {
+ LOG="spamfilter: will not autotrain crm114 because SA is not convinced ($CRM_UNSURE_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_HAM <= $SA_SCORE < $CRM_UNSURE_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_SPAM)$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ SPAM_UNSURE=sa-unsure
+ }
+ }
+ ## CASE 1: disagreement, SA sees ham
+ :0 E
+ * SA_SPAM ?? No
+ {
+ # SA is convincing, so retrain crm114
+ :0
+ {
+ LOG="spamfilter: crm114 found spam ($CRM_SCORE), but SA is more convincing ($SA_SCORE <= $CRM_MISCLASSIFY_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_HAM)$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -A "X-CRM114-Retrain: ham, according to SA (score $SA_SCORE <= $CRM_MISCLASSIFY_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_HAM)"
+ }
+ # SA is not convincing, mark as disagreement
+ :0 E
+ {
+ LOG="spamfilter: crm114 found spam ($CRM_SCORE), but SA thinks it's ham ($SA_SCORE)$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I "X-Spam: disagree (crm114:spam/$CRM_SCORE SA:ham/$SA_SCORE)"
+ }
+ }
+ ## CASE 1: disagreement, SA sees spam
+ :0 E
+ * SA_SPAM ?? Yes
+ {
+ # SA is convincing, so retrain crm114
+ :0
+ {
+ LOG="spamfilter: crm114 found ham ($CRM_SCORE), but SA is more convincing ($SA_SCORE > $CRM_MISCLASSIFY_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_SPAM)$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -A "X-CRM114-Retrain: spam, according to SA (score $SA_SCORE > $CRM_MISCLASSIFY_SA_AUTOTRAIN_LIMIT_SPAM)"
+ }
+ # SA is not convincing, mark as disagreement
+ :0 E
+ {
+ LOG="spamfilter: crm114 found ham ($CRM_SCORE), but SA thinks it's spam ($SA_SCORE)$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I "X-Spam: disagree (crm114:ham/$CRM_SCORE SA:spam/$SA_SCORE)"
+ }
+ }
+ :0 E
+ * SA_SPAM ?? Yes
+ {
+ IS_SPAM=sa+crm
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -I"X-Spam: yes (crm114:$CRM_SCORE SA:$SA_SCORE)"
+ }
+ :0 Efw
+ |$FORMAIL -I"X-Spam: no (crm114:$CRM_SCORE SA:$SA_SCORE)"
--- /dev/null
+* ? echo "$FROM" | $EGREP -qif $CONF/spammers
+:0 E
+* ? echo "$SENDER" | $EGREP -qif $CONF/spammers
+* SPAMMER ?? @
+ LOG="spammers: message from known spam sender$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -A"X-Spamtrapped: from known spammer ($SPAMMER)"
+ SPAMTRAPPED=known-spammer
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+* ? echo "$ORIGINAL_TO" | $EGREP -qif $CONF/spamtraps
+ LOG="spamtraps: message to known spamtrap$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -A"X-Spamtrapped: message to known spamtrap ($ORIGINAL_TO)"
+ SPAMTRAPPED=known-spamtrap
+# vim:ft=procmail
--- /dev/null
+:0 c
--- /dev/null
+:0 c
+* !^X-Mailer: swaksDISABLED
+ :0 f
+ |$FORMAIL -R X-Original-To X-Original-To-Saved
+ :0
+ * ^Return-Path: *<\/[^>]*
+ LOG="log: *** bouncing message $MSGID to albatross$NL"
+ TRAP=""
+ :0
+ ! madduck${EXTENSION:++$EXTENSION}@albatross.madduck.net
+:0 E
+ LOG="log: *** received $MSGID from albatross$NL"
+ :0 fw
+ |$FORMAIL -A'X-From-Albatross: yes'
--- /dev/null
+:0 c
+* ORIG_DOMAIN ?? ^(mass|r2e)\.madduck\.net$
+* !^X-Mailer: swaks
+ LOG="gmail: archiving message $MSGID with gmail$NL"
+ TRAP=""
+ :0
+ ! martin.krafft@gmail.com
--- /dev/null
+# SpamAssassin user preferences file. See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf'
+# for details of what can be tweaked.
+# How many points before a mail is considered spam.
+# required_score 5
+# Whitelist and blacklist addresses are now file-glob-style patterns, so
+# "friend@somewhere.com", "*@isp.com", or "*.domain.net" will all work.
+# whitelist_from someone@somewhere.com
+# Add your own customised scores for some tests below. The default scores are
+# read from the installed spamassassin rules files, but you can override them
+# here. To see the list of tests and their default scores, go to
+# http://spamassassin.apache.org/tests.html .
+# score SYMBOLIC_TEST_NAME n.nn
+# Speakers of Asian languages, like Chinese, Japanese and Korean, will almost
+# definitely want to uncomment the following lines. They will switch off some
+# rules that detect 8-bit characters, which commonly trigger on mails using CJK
+# character sets, or that assume a western-style charset is in use.
+# score UPPERCASE_25_50 0
+# score UPPERCASE_50_75 0
+# score UPPERCASE_75_100 0
+# Speakers of any language that uses non-English, accented characters may wish
+# to uncomment the following lines. They turn off rules that fire on
+# misformatted messages generated by common mail apps in contravention of the
+# email RFCs.
+use_auto_whitelist 0
+focr_timeout 30
+report_safe 0
+report_safe_copy_headers X-CRM114-Status X-CRM114-Notice
+report_safe_copy_headers X-Greylist
+rewrite_header SUBJECT
+bayes_path ~/.var/spamassassin/bayes
+bayes_auto_learn 1
+bayes_ignore_header X-Original-To
+bayes_ignore_header X-Original-To-Saved #
+bayes_ignore_header X-EqDomain
+bayes_ignore_header X-EqTo
+bayes_ignore_header X-Been-There
+bayes_ignore_header X-Delivered-To
+bayes_ignore_header X-Greylist
+bayes_ignore_header X-Virus-Scanned
+bayes_ignore_header X-CRM114-Status
+bayes_ignore_header X-CRM114-CacheID
+bayes_ignore_header X-CRM114-Notice
+bayes_ignore_header X-CRM114-Version
+bayes_ignore_header X-Sender-IP #
+bayes_ignore_header X-CIDR #
+bayes_ignore_header X-ASN #
+bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Relays-External
+bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Relays-Internal
+bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Relays-Trusted
+bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Relays-Untrusted
+bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Status
+bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Bayes
+bayes_ignore_header X-Spam-Level
+bayes_ignore_from add@ress.com #
+bayes_learn_to_journal 1
+add_header all Status _YESNO_, score=_SCORE_/_REQD_ tests=_TESTS_ autolearn=_AUTOLEARN_
+add_header all Bayes score=_BAYES_ sum=_TOKENSUMMARY_ ham=_HAMMYTOKENS_ spam=_SPAMMYTOKENS_
+add_header all Level _STARS(-)_
+#add_header all Relays-Trusted _RELAYSTRUSTED_
+add_header all Relays-Untrusted _RELAYSUNTRUSTED_
+#add_header all Relays-Internal _RELAYSINTERNAL_
+#add_header all Relays-External _RELAYSEXTERNAL_
+# the local host
+trusted_networks 127.
+# madduck.net
+# debian: gluck master murphy spohr rietz
+# debian: alioth
+# ifi: bela miraculix
+# ailab: gaia
+# fortytwo
+# aerasec: all of MNET-AERASEC
+# swat: osprey.sccs
+# acm
+# skynet: calculon gir
+# ul: marshal4
+# ieee: ruebert
+# vger.kernel.org
+whitelist_from *master@*.madduck.net
+whitelist_from *master@madduck.net
+whitelist_from logcheck@*.madduck.net
+whitelist_from root@*.madduck.net
+whitelist_from root@madduck.net
+whitelist_from *-owner@lists.madduck.net
+whitelist_to *-owner@lists.madduck.net
+whitelist_from *-owner@lists.ailab.ch
+whitelist_to *-owner@lists.ailab.ch
+ok_locales en
+ok_languages en de
+header MADDUCK_IN_REFERENCES References =~ /madduck\.net/
+describe MADDUCK_IN_REFERENCES madduck.net appears in References header
+# more obfuscated drugs
+# see http://issues.apache.org/SpamAssassin/show_bug.cgi?id=4875
+replace_tag WS ( [a-z] )
+body __L_rp_drug_ws1 /(?!xanax)X<WS>A<WS>N<WS>A<WS>X/i
+body __L_rp_drug_ws2 /(?!ambien)A<WS>M<WS>B<WS>I<WS>E<WS>N/i
+body __L_rp_drug_ws3 /(?!viagra)V<WS>I<WS>A<WS>G<WS>R<WS>A/i
+body __L_rp_drug_ws4 /(?!soma)S<WS>O<WS>M<WS>A/i
+body __L_rp_drug_ws5 /(?!cialis)C<WS>I<WS>A<WS>L<WS>I<WS>S/i
+body __L_rp_drug_ws6 /(?!valium)V<WS>A<WS>L<WS>I<WS>U<WS>M/i
+body __L_rp_drug_ws7 /(?!meridia)M<WS>E<WS>R<WS>I<WS>D<WS>I<WS>A/i
+replace_rules __L_rp_drug_ws1 __L_rp_drug_ws2 __L_rp_drug_ws3 __L_rp_drug_ws4 __L_rp_drug_ws5 __L_rp_drug_ws6 __L_rp_drug_ws7
+meta L_drug_ws_obfu (__L_rp_drug_ws1 + __L_rp_drug_ws2 + __L_rp_drug_ws3 + __L_rp_drug_ws4 + __L_rp_drug_ws5 + __L_rp_drug_ws6 + __L_rp_drug_ws7) > 3
+score L_drug_ws_obfu 3
+# http://marc.info/?t=118544884300001&r=1&w=2
+rcore BAYES_60 0.0001 0.0001 1.5 1.5
+score BAYES_80 0.0001 0.0001 2.5 2.5
+score BAYES_95 0.0001 0.0001 4.0 4.0
+score BAYES_99 0.0001 0.0001 5.0 5.0