+from typing_extensions import Final
+from mypy_extensions import mypyc_attr
from appdirs import user_cache_dir
-from attr import dataclass, evolve, Factory
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace
import click
import toml
from typed_ast import ast3, ast27
+from pathspec import PathSpec
# lib2to3 fork
from blib2to3.pytree import Node, Leaf, type_repr
from blib2to3.pgen2.grammar import Grammar
from blib2to3.pgen2.parse import ParseError
-from _version import version as __version__
+from _black_version import version as __version__
DEFAULT_EXCLUDES = r"/(\.eggs|\.git|\.hg|\.mypy_cache|\.nox|\.tox|\.venv|\.svn|_build|buck-out|build|dist)/" # noqa: B950
class FileMode:
- target_versions: Set[TargetVersion] = Factory(set)
+ target_versions: Set[TargetVersion] = field(default_factory=set)
line_length: int = DEFAULT_LINE_LENGTH
string_normalization: bool = True
is_pyi: bool = False
return all(feature in VERSION_TO_FEATURES[version] for version in target_versions)
+def find_pyproject_toml(path_search_start: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Find the absolute filepath to a pyproject.toml if it exists"""
+ path_project_root = find_project_root(path_search_start)
+ path_pyproject_toml = path_project_root / "pyproject.toml"
+ return str(path_pyproject_toml) if path_pyproject_toml.is_file() else None
+def parse_pyproject_toml(path_config: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Parse a pyproject toml file, pulling out relevant parts for Black
+ If parsing fails, will raise a toml.TomlDecodeError
+ """
+ pyproject_toml = toml.load(path_config)
+ config = pyproject_toml.get("tool", {}).get("black", {})
+ return {k.replace("--", "").replace("-", "_"): v for k, v in config.items()}
def read_pyproject_toml(
ctx: click.Context, param: click.Parameter, value: Union[str, int, bool, None]
) -> Optional[str]:
assert not isinstance(value, (int, bool)), "Invalid parameter type passed"
if not value:
- root = find_project_root(ctx.params.get("src", ()))
- path = root / "pyproject.toml"
- if path.is_file():
- value = str(path)
- else:
+ value = find_pyproject_toml(ctx.params.get("src", ()))
+ if value is None:
return None
- pyproject_toml = toml.load(value)
- config = pyproject_toml.get("tool", {}).get("black", {})
+ config = parse_pyproject_toml(value)
except (toml.TomlDecodeError, OSError) as e:
raise click.FileError(
filename=value, hint=f"Error reading configuration file: {e}"
if ctx.default_map is None:
ctx.default_map = {}
- ctx.default_map.update( # type: ignore # bad types in .pyi
- {k.replace("--", "").replace("-", "_"): v for k, v in config.items()}
- )
+ ctx.default_map.update(config) # type: ignore # bad types in .pyi
return value
+def target_version_option_callback(
+ c: click.Context, p: Union[click.Option, click.Parameter], v: Tuple[str, ...]
+) -> List[TargetVersion]:
+ """Compute the target versions from a --target-version flag.
+ This is its own function because mypy couldn't infer the type correctly
+ when it was a lambda, causing mypyc trouble.
+ """
+ return [TargetVersion[val.upper()] for val in v]
@click.command(context_settings=dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"]))
@click.option("-c", "--code", type=str, help="Format the code passed in as a string.")
type=click.Choice([v.name.lower() for v in TargetVersion]),
- callback=lambda c, p, v: [TargetVersion[val.upper()] for val in v],
+ callback=target_version_option_callback,
"Python versions that should be supported by Black's output. [default: "
verbose: bool,
include: str,
exclude: str,
- src: Tuple[str],
+ src: Tuple[str, ...],
config: Optional[str],
) -> None:
"""The uncompromising code formatter."""
except re.error:
err(f"Invalid regular expression for exclude given: {exclude!r}")
- report = Report(check=check, quiet=quiet, verbose=verbose)
+ report = Report(check=check, diff=diff, quiet=quiet, verbose=verbose)
root = find_project_root(src)
sources: Set[Path] = set()
path_empty(src, quiet, verbose, ctx)
p = Path(s)
if p.is_dir():
- gen_python_files_in_dir(p, root, include_regex, exclude_regex, report)
+ gen_python_files_in_dir(
+ p, root, include_regex, exclude_regex, report, get_gitignore(root)
+ )
elif p.is_file() or s == "-":
# if a file was explicitly given, we don't care about its extension
-def path_empty(src: Tuple[str], quiet: bool, verbose: bool, ctx: click.Context) -> None:
+def path_empty(
+ src: Tuple[str, ...], quiet: bool, verbose: bool, ctx: click.Context
+) -> None:
Exit if there is no `src` provided for formatting
): src
for src in sorted(sources)
- pending: Iterable[asyncio.Future] = tasks.keys()
+ pending: Iterable["asyncio.Future[bool]"] = tasks.keys()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, cancel, pending)
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, cancel, pending)
`mode` and `fast` options are passed to :func:`format_file_contents`.
if src.suffix == ".pyi":
- mode = evolve(mode, is_pyi=True)
+ mode = replace(mode, is_pyi=True)
then = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(src.stat().st_mtime)
with open(src, "rb") as buf:
except NothingChanged:
return False
- if write_back == write_back.YES:
+ if write_back == WriteBack.YES:
with open(src, "w", encoding=encoding, newline=newline) as f:
- elif write_back == write_back.DIFF:
+ elif write_back == WriteBack.DIFF:
now = datetime.utcnow()
src_name = f"{src}\t{then} +0000"
dst_name = f"{src}\t{now} +0000"
if supports_feature(versions, feature)
for current_line in lines.visit(src_node):
- for _ in range(after):
- dst_contents.append(str(empty_line))
+ dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * after)
before, after = elt.maybe_empty_lines(current_line)
- for _ in range(before):
- dst_contents.append(str(empty_line))
+ dst_contents.append(str(empty_line) * before)
for line in split_line(
current_line, line_length=mode.line_length, features=split_line_features
# Python 2.7
- elif all(version.is_python2() for version in target_versions):
+ if all(version.is_python2() for version in target_versions):
# Python 2-only code, so try Python 2 grammars.
return [
# Python 2.7 with future print_function import
# Python 2.7
- else:
- # Python 3-compatible code, so only try Python 3 grammar.
- grammars = []
- # If we have to parse both, try to parse async as a keyword first
- if not supports_feature(target_versions, Feature.ASYNC_IDENTIFIERS):
- # Python 3.7+
- grammars.append(
- pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement_no_exec_statement_async_keywords # noqa: B950
- )
- if not supports_feature(target_versions, Feature.ASYNC_KEYWORDS):
- # Python 3.0-3.6
- grammars.append(pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement_no_exec_statement)
- # At least one of the above branches must have been taken, because every Python
- # version has exactly one of the two 'ASYNC_*' flags
- return grammars
+ # Python 3-compatible code, so only try Python 3 grammar.
+ grammars = []
+ # If we have to parse both, try to parse async as a keyword first
+ if not supports_feature(target_versions, Feature.ASYNC_IDENTIFIERS):
+ # Python 3.7+
+ grammars.append(
+ pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement_no_exec_statement_async_keywords
+ )
+ if not supports_feature(target_versions, Feature.ASYNC_KEYWORDS):
+ # Python 3.0-3.6
+ grammars.append(pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement_no_exec_statement)
+ # At least one of the above branches must have been taken, because every Python
+ # version has exactly one of the two 'ASYNC_*' flags
+ return grammars
def lib2to3_parse(src_txt: str, target_versions: Iterable[TargetVersion] = ()) -> Node:
if node.type < 256:
name = token.tok_name[node.type]
- name = type_repr(node.type)
- yield from getattr(self, f"visit_{name}", self.visit_default)(node)
+ name = str(type_repr(node.type))
+ # We explicitly branch on whether a visitor exists (instead of
+ # using self.visit_default as the default arg to getattr) in order
+ # to save needing to create a bound method object and so mypyc can
+ # generate a native call to visit_default.
+ visitf = getattr(self, f"visit_{name}", None)
+ if visitf:
+ yield from visitf(node)
+ else:
+ yield from self.visit_default(node)
def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[T]:
"""Default `visit_*()` implementation. Recurses to children of `node`."""
+WHITESPACE: Final = {token.DEDENT, token.INDENT, token.NEWLINE}
+STATEMENT: Final = {
-LOGIC_OPERATORS = {"and", "or"}
+LOGIC_OPERATORS: Final = {"and", "or"}
-STARS = {token.STAR, token.DOUBLESTAR}
+STARS: Final = {token.STAR, token.DOUBLESTAR}
syms.argument, # double star in arglist
syms.trailer, # single argument to call
syms.varargslist, # lambdas
syms.atom, # single element of a list or set literal
token.VBAR: 9,
token.CIRCUMFLEX: 8,
token.AMPER: 7,
token.TILDE: 3,
token.DOUBLESTAR: 2,
+DOT_PRIORITY: Final = 1
"""Keeps track of brackets on a line."""
depth: int = 0
- bracket_match: Dict[Tuple[Depth, NodeType], Leaf] = Factory(dict)
- delimiters: Dict[LeafID, Priority] = Factory(dict)
+ bracket_match: Dict[Tuple[Depth, NodeType], Leaf] = field(default_factory=dict)
+ delimiters: Dict[LeafID, Priority] = field(default_factory=dict)
previous: Optional[Leaf] = None
- _for_loop_depths: List[int] = Factory(list)
- _lambda_argument_depths: List[int] = Factory(list)
+ _for_loop_depths: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
+ _lambda_argument_depths: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
def mark(self, leaf: Leaf) -> None:
"""Mark `leaf` with bracket-related metadata. Keep track of delimiters.
"""Holds leaves and comments. Can be printed with `str(line)`."""
depth: int = 0
- leaves: List[Leaf] = Factory(list)
- comments: Dict[LeafID, List[Leaf]] = Factory(dict) # keys ordered like `leaves`
- bracket_tracker: BracketTracker = Factory(BracketTracker)
+ leaves: List[Leaf] = field(default_factory=list)
+ # keys ordered like `leaves`
+ comments: Dict[LeafID, List[Leaf]] = field(default_factory=dict)
+ bracket_tracker: BracketTracker = field(default_factory=BracketTracker)
inside_brackets: bool = False
should_explode: bool = False
if not self.leaves or len(self.leaves) < 4:
return False
# Look for and address a trailing colon.
if self.leaves[-1].type == token.COLON:
closer = self.leaves[-2]
close_index = -1
if closer.type not in CLOSING_BRACKETS or self.inside_brackets:
return False
if closer.type == token.RPAR:
# Tuples require an extra check, because if there's only
# one element in the tuple removing the comma unmakes the
for _open_index, leaf in enumerate(self.leaves):
if leaf is opener:
# Couldn't find the matching opening paren, play it safe.
return False
commas = 0
comma_depth = self.leaves[close_index - 1].bracket_depth
for leaf in self.leaves[_open_index + 1 : close_index]:
# We haven't looked yet for the trailing comma because
# we might also have caught noop parens.
return self.leaves[close_index - 1].type == token.COMMA
elif commas == 1:
return False # it's either a one-tuple or didn't have a trailing comma
if self.leaves[close_index - 1].type in CLOSING_BRACKETS:
close_index -= 1
closer = self.leaves[close_index]
if closer.type == token.RPAR:
# TODO: this is a gut feeling. Will we ever see this?
return False
if self.leaves[close_index - 1].type != token.COMMA:
return False
return True
def contains_standalone_comments(self, depth_limit: int = sys.maxsize) -> bool:
"""If so, needs to be split before emitting."""
for leaf in self.leaves:
- if leaf.type == STANDALONE_COMMENT:
- if leaf.bracket_depth <= depth_limit:
- return True
+ if leaf.type == STANDALONE_COMMENT and leaf.bracket_depth <= depth_limit:
+ return True
return False
def contains_uncollapsable_type_comments(self) -> bool:
for leaf_id, comments in self.comments.items():
for comment in comments:
if is_type_comment(comment):
- if leaf_id not in ignored_ids or comment_seen:
+ if comment_seen or (
+ not is_type_comment(comment, " ignore")
+ and leaf_id not in ignored_ids
+ ):
return True
comment_seen = True
return False
def contains_multiline_strings(self) -> bool:
- for leaf in self.leaves:
- if is_multiline_string(leaf):
- return True
- return False
+ return any(is_multiline_string(leaf) for leaf in self.leaves)
def maybe_remove_trailing_comma(self, closing: Leaf) -> bool:
"""Remove trailing comma if there is one and it's safe."""
if not (self.leaves and self.leaves[-1].type == token.COMMA):
return False
# We remove trailing commas only in the case of importing a
# single name from a module.
if not (
comment.prefix = ""
return False
last_leaf = self.leaves[-2]
self.comments.setdefault(id(last_leaf), []).append(comment)
return True
is_pyi: bool = False
previous_line: Optional[Line] = None
previous_after: int = 0
- previous_defs: List[int] = Factory(list)
+ previous_defs: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
def maybe_empty_lines(self, current_line: Line) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Return the number of extra empty lines before and after the `current_line`.
is_pyi: bool = False
normalize_strings: bool = True
- current_line: Line = Factory(Line)
+ current_line: Line = field(default_factory=Line)
remove_u_prefix: bool = False
def line(self, indent: int = 0) -> Iterator[Line]:
yield from super().visit_default(node)
- def visit_factor(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
- """Force parentheses between a unary op and a binary power:
- -2 ** 8 -> -(2 ** 8)
- """
- child = node.children[1]
- if child.type == syms.power and len(child.children) == 3:
- lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, "(")
- rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, ")")
- index = child.remove() or 0
- node.insert_child(index, Node(syms.atom, [lpar, child, rpar]))
- yield from self.visit_default(node)
- def visit_INDENT(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
+ def visit_INDENT(self, node: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
"""Increase indentation level, maybe yield a line."""
# In blib2to3 INDENT never holds comments.
yield from self.line(+1)
yield from self.visit_default(node)
- def visit_DEDENT(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
+ def visit_DEDENT(self, node: Leaf) -> Iterator[Line]:
"""Decrease indentation level, maybe yield a line."""
# The current line might still wait for trailing comments. At DEDENT time
# there won't be any (they would be prefixes on the preceding NEWLINE).
yield from self.line()
yield from self.visit_default(leaf)
- def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
+ def visit_factor(self, node: Node) -> Iterator[Line]:
+ """Force parentheses between a unary op and a binary power:
+ -2 ** 8 -> -(2 ** 8)
+ """
+ _operator, operand = node.children
+ if (
+ operand.type == syms.power
+ and len(operand.children) == 3
+ and operand.children[1].type == token.DOUBLESTAR
+ ):
+ lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, "(")
+ rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, ")")
+ index = operand.remove() or 0
+ node.insert_child(index, Node(syms.atom, [lpar, operand, rpar]))
+ yield from self.visit_default(node)
+ def __post_init__(self) -> None:
"""You are in a twisty little maze of passages."""
v = self.visit_stmt
Ø: Set[str] = set()
# All splits failed, best effort split with no omits.
# This mostly happens to multiline strings that are by definition
# reported as not fitting a single line.
- yield from right_hand_split(line, line_length, features=features)
+ # line_length=1 here was historically a bug that somehow became a feature.
+ # See #762 and #781 for the full story.
+ yield from right_hand_split(line, line_length=1, features=features)
if line.inside_brackets:
split_funcs = [delimiter_split, standalone_comment_split, rhs]
body_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
head_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
current_leaves = head_leaves
- matching_bracket = None
+ matching_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
for leaf in line.leaves:
if (
current_leaves is body_leaves
body_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
head_leaves: List[Leaf] = []
current_leaves = tail_leaves
- opening_bracket = None
- closing_bracket = None
+ opening_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
+ closing_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
for leaf in reversed(line.leaves):
if current_leaves is body_leaves:
if leaf is opening_bracket:
# Since body is a new indent level, remove spurious leading whitespace.
normalize_prefix(leaves[0], inside_brackets=True)
# Ensure a trailing comma for imports and standalone function arguments, but
- # be careful not to add one after any comments.
- no_commas = original.is_def and not any(
- l.type == token.COMMA for l in leaves
+ # be careful not to add one after any comments or within type annotations.
+ no_commas = (
+ original.is_def
+ and opening_bracket.value == "("
+ and not any(l.type == token.COMMA for l in leaves)
if original.is_import or no_commas:
for i in range(len(leaves) - 1, -1, -1):
if leaves[i].type == STANDALONE_COMMENT:
- elif leaves[i].type == token.COMMA:
- break
- else:
+ if leaves[i].type != token.COMMA:
leaves.insert(i + 1, Leaf(token.COMMA, ","))
- break
+ break
# Populate the line
for leaf in leaves:
result.append(leaf, preformatted=True)
if "\\" in str(m):
# Do not introduce backslashes in interpolated expressions
if new_quote == '"""' and new_body[-1:] == '"':
# edge case:
new_body = new_body[:-1] + '\\"'
if pc.value in FMT_OFF:
# This `node` has a prefix with `# fmt: off`, don't mess with parens.
check_lpar = False
for index, child in enumerate(list(node.children)):
# Add parentheses around long tuple unpacking in assignments.
if check_lpar:
if is_walrus_assignment(child):
- if child.type == syms.atom:
- # Determines if the underlying atom should be surrounded with
- # invisible params - also makes parens invisible recursively
- # within the atom and removes repeated invisible parens within
- # the atom
- should_surround_with_parens = maybe_make_parens_invisible_in_atom(
- child, parent=node
- )
- if should_surround_with_parens:
- lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, "")
- rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, "")
- index = child.remove() or 0
- node.insert_child(index, Node(syms.atom, [lpar, child, rpar]))
+ if child.type == syms.atom:
+ if maybe_make_parens_invisible_in_atom(child, parent=node):
+ wrap_in_parentheses(node, child, visible=False)
elif is_one_tuple(child):
- # wrap child in visible parentheses
- lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, "(")
- rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, ")")
- child.remove()
- node.insert_child(index, Node(syms.atom, [lpar, child, rpar]))
+ wrap_in_parentheses(node, child, visible=True)
elif node.type == syms.import_from:
# "import from" nodes store parentheses directly as part of
# the statement
elif not (isinstance(child, Leaf) and is_multiline_string(child)):
- # wrap child in invisible parentheses
- lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, "")
- rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, "")
- index = child.remove() or 0
- prefix = child.prefix
- child.prefix = ""
- new_child = Node(syms.atom, [lpar, child, rpar])
- new_child.prefix = prefix
- node.insert_child(index, new_child)
+ wrap_in_parentheses(node, child, visible=False)
check_lpar = isinstance(child, Leaf) and child.value in parens_after
# That happens when one of the `ignored_nodes` ended with a NEWLINE
# leaf (possibly followed by a DEDENT).
hidden_value = hidden_value[:-1]
- first_idx = None
+ first_idx: Optional[int] = None
for ignored in ignored_nodes:
index = ignored.remove()
if first_idx is None:
container: Optional[LN] = container_of(leaf)
while container is not None and container.type != token.ENDMARKER:
+ is_fmt_on = False
for comment in list_comments(container.prefix, is_endmarker=False):
if comment.value in FMT_ON:
- return
+ is_fmt_on = True
+ elif comment.value in FMT_OFF:
+ is_fmt_on = False
+ if is_fmt_on:
+ return
yield container
Parenthesis can be optional. Returns None otherwise"""
if len(node.children) != 3:
return None
lpar, wrapped, rpar = node.children
if not (lpar.type == token.LPAR and rpar.type == token.RPAR):
return None
return wrapped
+def wrap_in_parentheses(parent: Node, child: LN, *, visible: bool = True) -> None:
+ """Wrap `child` in parentheses.
+ This replaces `child` with an atom holding the parentheses and the old
+ child. That requires moving the prefix.
+ If `visible` is False, the leaves will be valueless (and thus invisible).
+ """
+ lpar = Leaf(token.LPAR, "(" if visible else "")
+ rpar = Leaf(token.RPAR, ")" if visible else "")
+ prefix = child.prefix
+ child.prefix = ""
+ index = child.remove() or 0
+ new_child = Node(syms.atom, [lpar, child, rpar])
+ new_child.prefix = prefix
+ parent.insert_child(index, new_child)
def is_one_tuple(node: LN) -> bool:
"""Return True if `node` holds a tuple with one element, with or without parens."""
if node.type == syms.atom:
yield omit
length = 4 * line.depth
- opening_bracket = None
- closing_bracket = None
+ opening_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
+ closing_bracket: Optional[Leaf] = None
inner_brackets: Set[LeafID] = set()
for index, leaf, leaf_length in enumerate_with_length(line, reversed=True):
length += leaf_length
if isinstance(child, Leaf):
if child.type == token.NAME:
yield child.value
elif child.type == syms.import_as_name:
orig_name = child.children[0]
assert isinstance(orig_name, Leaf), "Invalid syntax parsing imports"
assert orig_name.type == token.NAME, "Invalid syntax parsing imports"
yield orig_name.value
elif child.type == syms.import_as_names:
yield from get_imports_from_children(child.children)
raise AssertionError("Invalid syntax parsing imports")
for child in node.children:
if child.type != syms.simple_stmt:
first_child = child.children[0]
if isinstance(first_child, Leaf):
# Continue looking if we see a docstring; otherwise stop.
and child.children[1].type == token.NEWLINE
- else:
- break
+ break
elif first_child.type == syms.import_from:
module_name = first_child.children[1]
if not isinstance(module_name, Leaf) or module_name.value != "__future__":
imports |= set(get_imports_from_children(first_child.children[3:]))
return imports
+def get_gitignore(root: Path) -> PathSpec:
+ """ Return a PathSpec matching gitignore content if present."""
+ gitignore = root / ".gitignore"
+ lines: List[str] = []
+ if gitignore.is_file():
+ with gitignore.open() as gf:
+ lines = gf.readlines()
+ return PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", lines)
def gen_python_files_in_dir(
path: Path,
root: Path,
include: Pattern[str],
exclude: Pattern[str],
report: "Report",
+ gitignore: PathSpec,
) -> Iterator[Path]:
"""Generate all files under `path` whose paths are not excluded by the
`exclude` regex, but are included by the `include` regex.
assert root.is_absolute(), f"INTERNAL ERROR: `root` must be absolute but is {root}"
for child in path.iterdir():
+ # First ignore files matching .gitignore
+ if gitignore.match_file(child.as_posix()):
+ report.path_ignored(child, f"matches the .gitignore file content")
+ continue
+ # Then ignore with `exclude` option.
normalized_path = "/" + child.resolve().relative_to(root).as_posix()
+ except OSError as e:
+ report.path_ignored(child, f"cannot be read because {e}")
+ continue
except ValueError:
if child.is_symlink():
if child.is_dir():
normalized_path += "/"
exclude_match = exclude.search(normalized_path)
if exclude_match and exclude_match.group(0):
report.path_ignored(child, f"matches the --exclude regular expression")
if child.is_dir():
- yield from gen_python_files_in_dir(child, root, include, exclude, report)
+ yield from gen_python_files_in_dir(
+ child, root, include, exclude, report, gitignore
+ )
elif child.is_file():
include_match = include.search(normalized_path)
# Append a fake file so `parents` below returns `common_base_dir`, too.
common_base /= "fake-file"
for directory in common_base.parents:
- if (directory / ".git").is_dir():
+ if (directory / ".git").exists():
return directory
if (directory / ".hg").is_dir():
"""Provides a reformatting counter. Can be rendered with `str(report)`."""
check: bool = False
+ diff: bool = False
quiet: bool = False
verbose: bool = False
change_count: int = 0
def done(self, src: Path, changed: Changed) -> None:
"""Increment the counter for successful reformatting. Write out a message."""
if changed is Changed.YES:
- reformatted = "would reformat" if self.check else "reformatted"
+ reformatted = "would reformat" if self.check or self.diff else "reformatted"
if self.verbose or not self.quiet:
out(f"{reformatted} {src}")
self.change_count += 1
Use `click.unstyle` to remove colors.
- if self.check:
+ if self.check or self.diff:
reformatted = "would be reformatted"
unchanged = "would be left unchanged"
failed = "would fail to reformat"
node: Union[ast.AST, ast3.AST, ast27.AST]
) -> Union[ast.AST, ast3.AST, ast27.AST]:
"""Map ast nodes deprecated in 3.8 to Constant."""
- # casts are required until this is released:
- # https://github.com/python/typeshed/pull/3142
if isinstance(node, (ast.Str, ast3.Str, ast27.Str, ast.Bytes, ast3.Bytes)):
- return cast(ast.AST, ast.Constant(value=node.s))
- elif isinstance(node, (ast.Num, ast3.Num, ast27.Num)):
- return cast(ast.AST, ast.Constant(value=node.n))
- elif isinstance(node, (ast.NameConstant, ast3.NameConstant)):
- return cast(ast.AST, ast.Constant(value=node.value))
+ return ast.Constant(value=node.s)
+ if isinstance(node, (ast.Num, ast3.Num, ast27.Num)):
+ return ast.Constant(value=node.n)
+ if isinstance(node, (ast.NameConstant, ast3.NameConstant)):
+ return ast.Constant(value=node.value)
return node
yield f"{' ' * depth}{node.__class__.__name__}("
- for field in sorted(node._fields):
+ for field in sorted(node._fields): # noqa: F402
# TypeIgnore has only one field 'lineno' which breaks this comparison
type_ignore_classes = (ast3.TypeIgnore, ast27.TypeIgnore)
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
for item in item.elts:
yield from _v(item, depth + 2)
elif isinstance(item, (ast.AST, ast3.AST, ast27.AST)):
yield from _v(item, depth + 2)
) from None
def dump_to_file(*output: str) -> str:
"""Dump `output` to a temporary file. Return path to the file."""
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
def nullcontext() -> Iterator[None]:
- """Return context manager that does nothing.
- Similar to `nullcontext` from python 3.7"""
+ """Return an empty context manager.
+ To be used like `nullcontext` in Python 3.7.
+ """
-def cancel(tasks: Iterable[asyncio.Task]) -> None:
+def cancel(tasks: Iterable["asyncio.Task[Any]"]) -> None:
"""asyncio signal handler that cancels all `tasks` and reports to stderr."""
for task in tasks: