+from dataclasses import replace
+from typing import Any, Iterator
from unittest.mock import patch
-import black
-from parameterized import parameterized
+import pytest
+import black
+from black.mode import TargetVersion
from tests.util import (
- BlackBaseTestCase,
- fs,
- ff,
+ all_data_cases,
+ assert_format,
+ read_data_with_mode,
- "beginning_backslash",
- "bracketmatch",
- "class_blank_parentheses",
- "class_methods_new_line",
- "collections",
- "comments",
- "comments2",
- "comments3",
- "comments4",
- "comments5",
- "comments6",
- "comments_non_breaking_space",
- "comment_after_escaped_newline",
- "composition",
- "composition_no_trailing_comma",
- "docstring",
- "empty_lines",
- "expression",
- "fmtonoff",
- "fmtonoff2",
- "fmtonoff3",
- "fmtonoff4",
- "fmtskip",
- "fmtskip2",
- "fmtskip3",
- "fmtskip4",
- "fmtskip5",
- "fstring",
- "function",
- "function2",
- "function_trailing_comma",
- "import_spacing",
- "numeric_literals_py2",
- "python2",
- "python2_unicode_literals",
- "remove_parens",
- "slices",
- "string_prefixes",
- "tricky_unicode_symbols",
- "tupleassign",
- "cantfit",
- "comments7",
- "long_strings",
- "long_strings__edge_case",
- "long_strings__regression",
- "percent_precedence",
+def patch_dump_to_file(request: Any) -> Iterator[None]:
+ with patch("black.dump_to_file", dump_to_stderr):
+ yield
+def check_file(subdir: str, filename: str, *, data: bool = True) -> None:
+ args, source, expected = read_data_with_mode(subdir, filename, data=data)
+ assert_format(
+ source,
+ expected,
+ args.mode,
+ fast=args.fast,
+ minimum_version=args.minimum_version,
+ )
+ if args.minimum_version is not None:
+ major, minor = args.minimum_version
+ target_version = TargetVersion[f"PY{major}{minor}"]
+ mode = replace(args.mode, target_versions={target_version})
+ assert_format(
+ source, expected, mode, fast=args.fast, minimum_version=args.minimum_version
+ )
+@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:invalid escape sequence.*:DeprecationWarning")
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", all_data_cases("cases"))
+def test_simple_format(filename: str) -> None:
+ check_file("cases", filename)
- "tests/test_black.py",
- "tests/test_format.py",
- "tests/test_blackd.py",
- "src/black/__init__.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pygram.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pytree.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pgen2/conv.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pgen2/driver.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pgen2/grammar.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pgen2/literals.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pgen2/parse.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pgen2/pgen.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pgen2/tokenize.py",
- "src/blib2to3/pgen2/token.py",
- "setup.py",
+# =============== #
+# Unusual cases
+# =============== #
-class TestSimpleFormat(BlackBaseTestCase):
- @parameterized.expand(SIMPLE_CASES)
- @patch("black.dump_to_file", dump_to_stderr)
- def test_simple_format(self, filename: str) -> None:
- self.check_file(filename, DEFAULT_MODE)
+def test_empty() -> None:
+ source = expected = ""
+ assert_format(source, expected)
- @patch("black.dump_to_file", dump_to_stderr)
- def test_experimental_format(self, filename: str) -> None:
- self.check_file(filename, black.Mode(experimental_string_processing=True))
- @parameterized.expand(SOURCES)
- @patch("black.dump_to_file", dump_to_stderr)
- def test_source_is_formatted(self, filename: str) -> None:
- path = THIS_DIR.parent / filename
- self.check_file(str(path), DEFAULT_MODE, data=False)
- self.assertFalse(ff(path))
+def test_patma_invalid() -> None:
+ source, expected = read_data("miscellaneous", "pattern_matching_invalid")
+ mode = black.Mode(target_versions={black.TargetVersion.PY310})
+ with pytest.raises(black.parsing.InvalidInput) as exc_info:
+ assert_format(source, expected, mode, minimum_version=(3, 10))
- def check_file(self, filename: str, mode: black.Mode, *, data: bool = True) -> None:
- source, expected = read_data(filename, data=data)
- actual = fs(source, mode=mode)
- self.assertFormatEqual(expected, actual)
- black.assert_equivalent(source, actual)
- black.assert_stable(source, actual, mode)
+ exc_info.match("Cannot parse: 10:11")