<h2 align="center">The Uncompromising Code Formatter</h2>
<p align="center">
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> “Any color you like.”
black [OPTIONS] [SRC]...
+ -c, --code TEXT Format the code passed in as a string.
-l, --line-length INTEGER How many characters per line to allow.
[default: 88]
-t, --target-version [py27|py33|py34|py35|py36|py37|py38]
Having one kind of quotes everywhere reduces reader distraction.
It will also enable a future version of *Black* to merge consecutive
string literals that ended up on the same line (see
-[#26](https://github.com/ambv/black/issues/26) for details).
+[#26](https://github.com/python/black/issues/26) for details).
Why settle on double quotes? They anticipate apostrophes in English
text. They match the docstring standard described in [PEP 257](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/#what-is-a-docstring).
3. Open External tools in PyCharm/IntelliJ IDEA
On macOS:
```PyCharm -> Preferences -> Tools -> External Tools```
On Windows / Linux / BSD:
```File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools```
4. Click the + icon to add a new external tool with the following values:
- Working directory: `$ProjectFileDir$`
- Uncheck "Auto-save edited files to trigger the watcher"
+### Wing IDE
+Wing supports black via the OS Commands tool, as explained in the Wing documentation on [pep8 formatting](https://wingware.com/doc/edit/pep8). The detailed procedure is:
+1. Install `black`.
+$ pip install black
+2. Make sure it runs from the command line, e.g.
+$ black --help
+3. In Wing IDE, activate the **OS Commands** panel and define the command **black** to execute black on the currently selected file:
+- Use the Tools -> OS Commands menu selection
+- click on **+** in **OS Commands** -> New: Command line..
+ - Title: black
+ - Command Line: black %s
+ - I/O Encoding: Use Default
+ - Key Binding: F1
+ - [x] Raise OS Commands when executed
+ - [x] Auto-save files before execution
+ - [x] Line mode
+4. Select a file in the editor and press **F1** , or whatever key binding you selected in step 3, to reformat the file.
### Vim
Commands and shortcuts:
To install with [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug):
-Plug 'ambv/black'
+Plug 'python/black'
or with [Vundle](https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim):
-Plugin 'ambv/black'
+Plugin 'python/black'
-or you can copy the plugin from [plugin/black.vim](https://github.com/ambv/black/tree/master/plugin/black.vim).
+or you can copy the plugin from [plugin/black.vim](https://github.com/python/black/tree/master/plugin/black.vim).
Let me know if this requires any changes to work with Vim 8's builtin
`packadd`, or Pathogen, and so on.
`.pre-commit-config.yaml` in your repository:
-- repo: https://github.com/ambv/black
+- repo: https://github.com/python/black
rev: stable
- id: black
Use the badge in your project's README.md:
Using the badge in README.rst:
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg
- :target: https://github.com/ambv/black
+ :target: https://github.com/python/black
-Looks like this: [](https://github.com/ambv/black)
+Looks like this: [](https://github.com/python/black)
## License
## Change Log
-### 19.3b1
+### 19.5b0
+* don't crash when run on a Windows machine with more than 61 cores (#838)
+* remove unnecessary parentheses around `yield` expressions (#834)
+* add parentheses around long tuples in unpacking assignments (#832)
+* don't produce invalid code for `from` ... `import` blocks with comments
+ (#829)
+* fix grammar selection (#765)
+* fix feature detection for trailing commas in function definitions and
+ call sites (#763)
+* add `black -c` as a way to format code passed from the command line (#761)
* fix bug that led *Black* format some code with a line length target of 1