--version Show the version and exit.
- --config FILE Read configuration from PATH.
+ --config FILE Read configuration from FILE path.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
expressions by Black. Use `[ ]` to denote a significant space character.
-<summary>Example `pyproject.toml`</summary>
+<summary>Example <code>pyproject.toml</code></summary>
## black-primer
-`black-primer` is a tool built for CI (and huumans) to have _Black_ `--check` a number
-of (configured in `primer.json`) Git accessible projects in parallel.
+`black-primer` is a tool built for CI (and humans) to have _Black_ `--check` a number of
+(configured in `primer.json`) Git accessible projects in parallel.
[black_primer](https://github.com/psf/black/blob/master/docs/black_primer.md) has more
information regarding its usage and configuration.
- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
- rev: stable
+ rev: 19.10b0 # Replace by any tag/version: https://github.com/psf/black/tags
- id: black
- language_version: python3.6
+ language_version: python3 # Should be a command that runs python3.6+
Then run `pre-commit install` and you're ready to go.
Use the badge in your project's README.md:
- [Christian Clauss](mailto:cclauss@bluewin.ch)
- [Christian Heimes](mailto:christian@python.org)
- [Chuck Wooters](mailto:chuck.wooters@microsoft.com)
+- [Chris Rose](mailto:offline@offby1.net)
- Codey Oxley
- [Cong](mailto:congusbongus@gmail.com)
- [Cooper Ry Lees](mailto:me@cooperlees.com)
- [Miroslav Shubernetskiy](mailto:miroslav@miki725.com)
- MomIsBestFriend
- [Nathan Goldbaum](mailto:ngoldbau@illinois.edu)
-- [Nathan Hunt](mailtoneighthan.hunt@gmail.com)
+- [Nathan Hunt](mailto:neighthan.hunt@gmail.com)
- [Neraste](mailto:neraste.herr10@gmail.com)
- [Nikolaus Waxweiler](mailto:madigens@gmail.com)
- [Ofek Lev](mailto:ofekmeister@gmail.com)