+ def test_format_file_contents(self) -> None:
+ empty = ""
+ with self.assertRaises(black.NothingChanged):
+ black.format_file_contents(empty, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ just_nl = "\n"
+ with self.assertRaises(black.NothingChanged):
+ black.format_file_contents(just_nl, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ same = "l = [1, 2, 3]\n"
+ with self.assertRaises(black.NothingChanged):
+ black.format_file_contents(same, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ different = "l = [1,2,3]"
+ expected = same
+ actual = black.format_file_contents(different, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ invalid = "return if you can"
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
+ black.format_file_contents(invalid, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ self.assertEqual(str(e.exception), "Cannot parse: 1:7: return if you can")
+ def test_endmarker(self) -> None:
+ n = black.lib2to3_parse("\n")
+ self.assertEqual(n.type, black.syms.file_input)
+ self.assertEqual(len(n.children), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(n.children[0].type, black.token.ENDMARKER)
+ @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get("SKIP_AST_PRINT"), "user set SKIP_AST_PRINT")
+ def test_assertFormatEqual(self) -> None:
+ out_lines = []
+ err_lines = []
+ def out(msg: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ out_lines.append(msg)
+ def err(msg: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ err_lines.append(msg)
+ with patch("black.out", out), patch("black.err", err):
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
+ self.assertFormatEqual("l = [1, 2, 3]", "l = [1, 2, 3,]")
+ out_str = "".join(out_lines)
+ self.assertTrue("Expected tree:" in out_str)
+ self.assertTrue("Actual tree:" in out_str)
+ self.assertEqual("".join(err_lines), "")
+ def test_cache_broken_file(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ with black.CACHE_FILE.open("w") as fobj:
+ fobj.write("this is not a pickle")
+ self.assertEqual(black.read_cache(), {})
+ src = (workspace / "test.py").resolve()
+ with src.open("w") as fobj:
+ fobj.write("print('hello')")
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, [str(src)])
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)
+ cache = black.read_cache()
+ self.assertIn(src, cache)
+ def test_cache_single_file_already_cached(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ src = (workspace / "test.py").resolve()
+ with src.open("w") as fobj:
+ fobj.write("print('hello')")
+ black.write_cache({}, [src])
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, [str(src)])
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)
+ with src.open("r") as fobj:
+ self.assertEqual(fobj.read(), "print('hello')")
+ @event_loop(close=False)
+ def test_cache_multiple_files(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace, patch(
+ "black.ProcessPoolExecutor", new=ThreadPoolExecutor
+ ):
+ one = (workspace / "one.py").resolve()
+ with one.open("w") as fobj:
+ fobj.write("print('hello')")
+ two = (workspace / "two.py").resolve()
+ with two.open("w") as fobj:
+ fobj.write("print('hello')")
+ black.write_cache({}, [one])
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, [str(workspace)])
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)
+ with one.open("r") as fobj:
+ self.assertEqual(fobj.read(), "print('hello')")
+ with two.open("r") as fobj:
+ self.assertEqual(fobj.read(), 'print("hello")\n')
+ cache = black.read_cache()
+ self.assertIn(one, cache)
+ self.assertIn(two, cache)
+ def test_no_cache_when_writeback_diff(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ src = (workspace / "test.py").resolve()
+ with src.open("w") as fobj:
+ fobj.write("print('hello')")
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, [str(src), "--diff"])
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)
+ self.assertFalse(black.CACHE_FILE.exists())
+ def test_no_cache_when_stdin(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir():
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, ["-"], input="print('hello')")
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)
+ self.assertFalse(black.CACHE_FILE.exists())
+ def test_read_cache_no_cachefile(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir():
+ self.assertEqual(black.read_cache(), {})
+ def test_write_cache_read_cache(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ src = (workspace / "test.py").resolve()
+ src.touch()
+ black.write_cache({}, [src])
+ cache = black.read_cache()
+ self.assertIn(src, cache)
+ self.assertEqual(cache[src], black.get_cache_info(src))
+ def test_filter_cached(self) -> None:
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as workspace:
+ path = Path(workspace)
+ uncached = (path / "uncached").resolve()
+ cached = (path / "cached").resolve()
+ cached_but_changed = (path / "changed").resolve()
+ uncached.touch()
+ cached.touch()
+ cached_but_changed.touch()
+ cache = {cached: black.get_cache_info(cached), cached_but_changed: (0.0, 0)}
+ todo, done = black.filter_cached(
+ cache, [uncached, cached, cached_but_changed]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(todo, [uncached, cached_but_changed])
+ self.assertEqual(done, [cached])
+ def test_write_cache_creates_directory_if_needed(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir(exists=False) as workspace:
+ self.assertFalse(workspace.exists())
+ black.write_cache({}, [])
+ self.assertTrue(workspace.exists())
+ @event_loop(close=False)
+ def test_failed_formatting_does_not_get_cached(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace, patch(
+ "black.ProcessPoolExecutor", new=ThreadPoolExecutor
+ ):
+ failing = (workspace / "failing.py").resolve()
+ with failing.open("w") as fobj:
+ fobj.write("not actually python")
+ clean = (workspace / "clean.py").resolve()
+ with clean.open("w") as fobj:
+ fobj.write('print("hello")\n')
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, [str(workspace)])
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 123)
+ cache = black.read_cache()
+ self.assertNotIn(failing, cache)
+ self.assertIn(clean, cache)
+ def test_write_cache_write_fail(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir(), patch.object(Path, "open") as mock:
+ mock.side_effect = OSError
+ black.write_cache({}, [])
+ def test_check_diff_use_together(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir():
+ # Files which will be reformatted.
+ src1 = (THIS_DIR / "string_quotes.py").resolve()
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, [str(src1), "--diff", "--check"])
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1)
+ # Files which will not be reformatted.
+ src2 = (THIS_DIR / "composition.py").resolve()
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, [str(src2), "--diff", "--check"])
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)
+ # Multi file command.
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(
+ black.main, [str(src1), str(src2), "--diff", "--check"]
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 1)