" jedi* refers to syntax definitions from jedi-vim for call signatures, which
" are inserted temporarily into the buffer.
let s:skip_special_chars = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' .
- \ '=~? "\\vstring|comment|jedi\\S"'
+ \ '=~? "\\vstring|comment|^pythonbytes%(contents)=$|jedi\\S"'
let s:skip_after_opening_paren = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' .
\ '=~? "\\vcomment|jedi\\S"'
-let s:skip_search = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' .
- \ '=~? "comment"'
" Use 'shiftwidth()' instead of '&sw'.
" (Since Vim patch 7.3.629, 'shiftwidth' can be set to 0 to follow 'tabstop').
if exists('*shiftwidth')
-function! s:pair_sort(x, y)
- if a:x[0] == a:y[0]
- return a:x[1] == a:y[1] ? 0 : a:x[1] > a:y[1] ? 1 : -1
- else
- return a:x[0] > a:y[0] ? 1 : -1
- endif
" Find backwards the closest open parenthesis/bracket/brace.
function! s:find_opening_paren(...)
" optional arguments: line and column (defaults to 1) to search around
" Return if cursor is in a comment.
- exe 'if' s:skip_search '| return [0, 0] | endif'
+ if synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 0), 'name') =~? 'comment'
+ return [0, 0]
+ endif
let nearest = [0, 0]
for [p, maxoff] in items(s:paren_pairs)
" Find possible indent(s) of the block starter that matches the current line.
function! s:find_start_of_block(lnum, types, multiple)
let r = []
- let types = copy(a:types)
let re = '\V\^\s\*\('.join(a:types, '\|').'\)\>'
let lnum = a:lnum
let last_indent = indent(lnum) + 1
while lnum > 0 && last_indent > 0
let indent = indent(lnum)
if indent < last_indent
- for type in types
- let re = '\v^\s*'.type.'>'
- if getline(lnum) =~# re
- if !a:multiple
- return [indent]
- endif
- if index(r, indent) == -1
- let r += [indent]
- endif
- " Remove any handled type, e.g. 'if'.
- call remove(types, index(types, type))
+ if getline(lnum) =~# re
+ if !a:multiple
+ return [indent]
+ endif
+ if index(r, indent) == -1
+ let r += [indent]
- endfor
- let last_indent = indent(lnum)
+ let last_indent = indent
+ endif
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
" indent further to distinguish the continuation line
" from the next logical line.
if text =~# b:control_statement && res == base + s:sw()
- return base + s:sw() * 2
- else
- return res
+ " But only if not inside parens itself (Flake's E127).
+ let [paren_lnum, _] = s:find_opening_paren(paren_lnum)
+ if paren_lnum <= 0
+ return res + s:sw()
+ endif
+ return res
" Match indent of first block of this type.
return -1
- if !empty && s:is_dedented_already(current, base)
+ if (current || !empty) && s:is_dedented_already(current, base)
return -1
" Is the syntax at lnum (and optionally cnum) a python string?
function! s:is_python_string(lnum, ...)
let line = getline(a:lnum)
- let linelen = len(line)
- if linelen < 1
- let linelen = 1
+ if a:0
+ let cols = type(a:1) != type([]) ? [a:1] : a:1
+ else
+ let cols = range(1, max([1, len(line)]))
- let cols = a:0 ? type(a:1) != type([]) ? [a:1] : a:1 : range(1, linelen)
for cnum in cols
if match(map(synstack(a:lnum, cnum),
\ "synIDattr(v:val, 'name')"), 'python\S*String') == -1
let prevline = getline(a:lnum-1)
" Multilinestrings: continous, docstring or starting.
- if s:is_python_string(a:lnum-1, len(prevline))
+ if s:is_python_string(a:lnum-1, max([1, len(prevline)]))
\ && (s:is_python_string(a:lnum, 1)
\ || match(line, '^\%("""\|''''''\)') != -1)
if s:is_python_string(a:lnum-1)
- " Previous line is (completely) a string.
- return indent(a:lnum-1)
+ " Previous line is (completely) a string: keep current indent.
+ return -1
if match(prevline, '^\s*\%("""\|''''''\)') != -1