1. Install `black`.
-$ pip install black
+ ```console
+ $ pip install black
+ ```
2. Locate your `black` installation folder.
-On macOS / Linux / BSD:
+ On macOS / Linux / BSD:
-$ which black
-/usr/local/bin/black # possible location
+ ```console
+ $ which black
+ /usr/local/bin/black # possible location
+ ```
-On Windows:
+ On Windows:
-$ where black
-%LocalAppData%\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts\black.exe # possible location
+ ```console
+ $ where black
+ %LocalAppData%\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Scripts\black.exe # possible location
+ ```
-Note that if you are using a virtual environment detected by PyCharm, this is an
-unneeded step. In this case the path to `black` is `$PyInterpreterDirectory$/black`.
+ Note that if you are using a virtual environment detected by PyCharm, this is an
+ unneeded step. In this case the path to `black` is `$PyInterpreterDirectory$/black`.
3. Open External tools in PyCharm/IntelliJ IDEA
-On macOS:
+ On macOS:
-`PyCharm -> Preferences -> Tools -> External Tools`
+ `PyCharm -> Preferences -> Tools -> External Tools`
-On Windows / Linux / BSD:
+ On Windows / Linux / BSD:
-`File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools`
+ `File -> Settings -> Tools -> External Tools`
4. Click the + icon to add a new external tool with the following values:
1. Install `black`.
-$ pip install black
+ ```console
+ $ pip install black
+ ```
2. Make sure it runs from the command line, e.g.
-$ black --help
+ ```console
+ $ black --help
+ ```
3. In Wing IDE, activate the **OS Commands** panel and define the command **black** to
execute black on the currently selected file:
-- Use the Tools -> OS Commands menu selection
-- click on **+** in **OS Commands** -> New: Command line..
- - Title: black
- - Command Line: black %s
- - I/O Encoding: Use Default
- - Key Binding: F1
- - [x] Raise OS Commands when executed
- - [x] Auto-save files before execution
- - [x] Line mode
+ - Use the Tools -> OS Commands menu selection
+ - click on **+** in **OS Commands** -> New: Command line..
+ - Title: black
+ - Command Line: black %s
+ - I/O Encoding: Use Default
+ - Key Binding: F1
+ - [x] Raise OS Commands when executed
+ - [x] Auto-save files before execution
+ - [x] Line mode
4. Select a file in the editor and press **F1** , or whatever key binding you selected
in step 3, to reformat the file.