3. TOML Front Matter |vim-markdown-toml-front-matter|
4. JSON Front Matter |vim-markdown-json-front-matter|
10. Adjust new list item indent |vim-markdown-adjust-new-list-item-indent|
+ 11. Do not require .md extensions for Markdown links
+ |vim-markdown-do-not-require-.md-extensions-for-markdown-links|
+ 12. Auto-write when following link
+ |vim-markdown-auto-write-when-following-link|
4. Mappings |vim-markdown-mappings|
5. Commands |vim-markdown-commands|
6. Credits |vim-markdown-credits|
Level 1 heading which is served as a document title is not folded.
'g:vim_markdown_folding_level' setting is not active with this fold style.
-To prevent foldtext from being overridden, add the following to your '.vimrc':
+To prevent foldtext from being set add the following to your '.vimrc':
let g:vim_markdown_override_foldtext = 0
Set header folding level ~
Concealing is set for some syntax.
-For example, conceal '[link text](link url)' as just 'link text'.
-Also, '_italic_' and '*italic*' will conceal to just 'italic'.
-Similarly '__bold__', '**bold**', '___italic bold___', and '***italic bold***'
-will conceal to 'bold', 'bold', 'italic bold', and 'italic bold' respectively.
+For example, conceal '[link text](link url)' as just 'link text'. Also,
+'_italic_' and '*italic*' will conceal to just _italic_. Similarly '__bold__',
+'**bold**', '___italic bold___', and '***italic bold***' will conceal to just
+**bold**, **bold**, **_italic bold_**, and **_italic bold_** respectively.
To enable conceal use Vim's standard conceal configuration.
let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 0
+To disable math conceal with LaTeX math syntax enabled, add the following to
+your '.vimrc':
+ let g:tex_conceal = ""
+ let g:vim_markdown_math = 1
Fenced code block languages ~
let g:vim_markdown_new_list_item_indent = 2
+ *vim-markdown-do-not-require-.md-extensions-for-markdown-links*
+Do not require .md extensions for Markdown links ~
+If you want to have a link like this '[link text](link-url)' and follow it for
+editing in vim using the 'ge' command, but have it open the file "link-url.md"
+instead of the file "link-url", then use this option:
+ let g:vim_markdown_no_extensions_in_markdown = 1
+This is super useful for GitLab and GitHub wiki repositories.
+Normal behaviour would be that vim-markup required you to do this '[link text
+](link-url.md)', but this is not how the Gitlab and GitHub wiki repositories
+work. So this option adds some consistency between the two.
+ *vim-markdown-auto-write-when-following-link*
+Auto-write when following link ~
+If you follow a link like this '[link text](link-url)' using the 'ge' shortcut,
+this option will automatically save any edits you made before moving you:
+ let g:vim_markdown_autowrite = 1
Mappings ~