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* it will read from standard input and write to standard output if `-`
is used as the filename;
* it only outputs messages to users on standard error;
-* exits with code 0 unless an internal error occured (or `--check` was
+* exits with code 0 unless an internal error occurred (or `--check` was
*Black* ignores previous formatting and applies uniform horizontal
and vertical whitespace to your code. The rules for horizontal
-whitespace are pretty obvious and can be summarized as: do whatever
-makes `pycodestyle` happy. The coding style used by *Black* can be
-viewed as a strict subset of PEP 8.
+whitespace can be summarized as: do whatever makes `pycodestyle` happy.
+The coding style used by *Black* can be viewed as a strict subset of
+PEP 8.
As for vertical whitespace, *Black* tries to render one full expression
or simple statement per line. If this fits the allotted line length,
# in:
-l = [[n for n in list_bosses()], [n for n in list_employees()]]
+TracebackException.from_exception(exc, limit, lookup_lines, capture_locals)
# out:
-l = [
- [n for n in list_bosses()], [n for n in list_employees()]
+ exc, limit, lookup_lines, capture_locals
If that still doesn't fit the bill, it will decompose the internal
indentation level (like the arguments list and the docstring in the
example above).
-If a line of "from" imports cannot fit in the allotted length, it's always split
-into one per line. Imports tend to change often and this minimizes diffs, as well
-as enables readers of code to easily find which commit introduced a particular
-import. This exception also makes *Black* compatible with
-[isort](https://pypi.org/p/isort/). Use `multi_line_output=3`,
-`include_trailing_comma=True`, `force_grid_wrap=0`, and `line_length=88` in your
-isort config.
+If a data structure literal (tuple, list, set, dict) or a line of "from"
+imports cannot fit in the allotted length, it's always split into one
+per line. This minimizes diffs as well as enables readers of code to
+find which commit introduced a particular entry. This also makes
+*Black* compatible with [isort](https://pypi.org/p/isort/). Use
+`multi_line_output=3`, `include_trailing_comma=True`,
+`force_grid_wrap=0`, and `line_length=88` in your isort config.
### Line length
recognize it was safe to do so, put it there manually and *Black* will
keep it.
### Strings
*Black* prefers double quotes (`"` and `"""`) over single quotes (`'`
and `'''`). It will replace the latter with the former as long as it
does not result in more backslash escapes than before.
+*Black* also standardizes string prefixes, making them always lowercase.
+On top of that, if your code is already Python 3.6+ only or it's using
+the `unicode_literals` future import, *Black* will remove `u` from the
+string prefix as it is meaningless in those scenarios.
The main reason to standardize on a single form of quotes is aesthetics.
Having one kind of quotes everywhere reduces reader distraction.
It will also enable a future version of *Black* to merge consecutive
key. My recommendation here is to keep using whatever is faster to type
and let *Black* handle the transformation.
### Line Breaks & Binary Operators
*Black* will break a line before a binary operator when splitting a block
style guide enforcement tools like Flake8. Since ``W503`` is not PEP 8 compliant,
you should tell Flake8 to ignore these warnings.
### Slices
PEP 8 [recommends](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#whitespace-in-expressions-and-statements)
enforcement tools like Flake8. Since ``E203`` is not PEP 8 compliant, you should
tell Flake8 to ignore these warnings.
### Parentheses
Some parentheses are optional in the Python grammar. Any expression can
- `for (...) in (...):`
- `assert (...), (...)`
- `from X import (...)`
+- assignments like:
+ - `target = (...)`
+ - `target: type = (...)`
+ - `some, *un, packing = (...)`
+ - `augmented += (...)`
In those cases, parentheses are removed when the entire statement fits
in one line, or if the inner expression doesn't have any delimiters to
-further split on. Otherwise, the parentheses are always added.
+further split on. If there is only a single delimiter and the expression
+starts or ends with a bracket, the parenthesis can also be successfully
+omitted since the existing bracket pair will organize the expression
+neatly anyway. Otherwise, the parentheses are added.
+Please note that *Black* does not add or remove any additional nested
+parentheses that you might want to have for clarity or further
+code organization. For example those parentheses are not going to be
+return not (this or that)
+decision = (maybe.this() and values > 0) or (maybe.that() and values < 0)
+### Call chains
+Some popular APIs, like ORMs, use call chaining. This API style is known
+as a [fluent interface](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface).
+*Black* formats those treating dots that follow a call or an indexing
+operation like a very low priority delimiter. It's easier to show the
+behavior than to explain it. Look at the example:
+def example(session):
+ result = (
+ session.query(models.Customer.id)
+ .filter(
+ models.Customer.account_id == account_id,
+ models.Customer.email == email_address,
+ )
+ .order_by(models.Customer.id.asc())
+ .all()
+ )
+### Typing stub files
+PEP 484 describes the syntax for type hints in Python. One of the
+use cases for typing is providing type annotations for modules which
+cannot contain them directly (they might be written in C, or they might
+be third-party, or their implementation may be overly dynamic, and so on).
+To solve this, [stub files with the `.pyi` file
+extension](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#stub-files) can be
+used to describe typing information for an external module. Those stub
+files omit the implementation of classes and functions they
+describe, instead they only contain the structure of the file (listing
+globals, functions, and classes with their members). The recommended
+code style for those files is more terse than PEP 8:
+* prefer `...` on the same line as the class/function signature;
+* avoid vertical whitespace between consecutive module-level functions,
+ names, or methods and fields within a single class;
+* use a single blank line between top-level class definitions, or none
+ if the classes are very small.
+*Black* enforces the above rules. There are additional guidelines for
+formatting `.pyi` file that are not enforced yet but might be in
+a future version of the formatter:
+* all function bodies should be empty (contain `...` instead of the body);
+* do not use docstrings;
+* prefer `...` over `pass`;
+* for arguments with a default, use `...` instead of the actual default;
+* avoid using string literals in type annotations, stub files support
+ forward references natively (like Python 3.7 code with `from __future__
+ import annotations`);
+* use variable annotations instead of type comments, even for stubs that
+ target older versions of Python;
+* for arguments that default to `None`, use `Optional[]` explicitly;
+* use `float` instead of `Union[int, float]`.
## Editor integration
by calling `:BlackUpgrade` and restarting Vim.
If you need to do anything special to make your virtualenv work and
-install *Black* (for example you want to run a version from master), just
+install *Black* (for example you want to run a version from master),
create a virtualenv manually and point `g:black_virtualenv` to it.
The plugin will use it.
Use [joslarson.black-vscode](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=joslarson.black-vscode).
### SublimeText 3
Use [sublack plugin](https://github.com/jgirardet/sublack).
+### IPython Notebook Magic
+Use [blackcellmagic](https://github.com/csurfer/blackcellmagic).
### Other editors
Atom/Nuclide integration is planned by the author, others will
## Change Log
+### 18.5a0 (unreleased)
+* call chains are now formatted according to the
+ [fluent interfaces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface)
+ style (#67)
+* data structure literals (tuples, lists, dictionaries, and sets) are
+ now also always exploded like imports when they don't fit in a single
+ line (#152)
+* slices are now formatted according to PEP 8 (#178)
+* parentheses are now also managed automatically on the right-hand side
+ of assignments and return statements (#140)
+* math operators now use their respective priorities for delimiting multiline
+ expressions (#148)
+* optional parentheses are now omitted on expressions that start or end
+ with a bracket and only contain a single operator (#177)
+* empty parentheses in a class definition are now removed (#145, #180)
+* string prefixes are now standardized to lowercase and `u` is removed
+ on Python 3.6+ only code and Python 2.7+ code with the `unicode_literals`
+ future import (#188, #198, #199)
+* typing stub files (`.pyi`) are now formatted in a style that is consistent
+ with PEP 484 (#207, #210)
+* progress when reformatting many files is now reported incrementally
+* fixed trailers (content with brackets) being unnecessarily exploded
+ into their own lines after a dedented closing bracket (#119)
+* fixed an invalid trailing comma sometimes left in imports (#185)
+* fixed non-deterministic formatting when multiple pairs of removable parentheses
+ were used (#183)
+* fixed multiline strings being unnecessarily wrapped in optional
+ parentheses in long assignments (#215)
+* fixed not splitting long from-imports with only a single name
+* fixed Python 3.6+ file discovery by also looking at function calls with
+ unpacking. This fixed non-deterministic formatting if trailing commas
+ where used both in function signatures with stars and function calls
+ with stars but the former would be reformatted to a single line.
+* fixed crash on dealing with optional parentheses (#193)
+* fixed "is", "is not", "in", and "not in" not considered operators for
+ splitting purposes
+* fixed crash when dead symlinks where encountered
### 18.4a4
* don't populate the cache on `--check` (#175)
Multiple contributions by:
* [Anthony Sottile](mailto:asottile@umich.edu)
* [Artem Malyshev](mailto:proofit404@gmail.com)
+* [Christian Heimes](mailto:christian@python.org)
* [Daniel M. Capella](mailto:polycitizen@gmail.com)
* [Eli Treuherz](mailto:eli.treuherz@cgi.com)
* Hugo van Kemenade
* [Ivan Katanić](mailto:ivan.katanic@gmail.com)
+* [Jelle Zijlstra](mailto:jelle.zijlstra@gmail.com)
* [Jonas Obrist](mailto:ojiidotch@gmail.com)
+* [Miguel Gaiowski](mailto:miggaiowski@gmail.com)
* [Osaetin Daniel](mailto:osaetindaniel@gmail.com)
+* [Sunil Kapil](mailto:snlkapil@gmail.com)
* [Vishwas B Sharma](mailto:sharma.vishwas88@gmail.com)