+further split on. If there is only a single delimiter and the expression
+starts or ends with a bracket, the parenthesis can also be successfully
+omitted since the existing bracket pair will organize the expression
+neatly anyway. Otherwise, the parentheses are added.
+Please note that *Black* does not add or remove any additional nested
+parentheses that you might want to have for clarity or further
+code organization. For example those parentheses are not going to be
+return not (this or that)
+decision = (maybe.this() and values > 0) or (maybe.that() and values < 0)
+### Call chains
+Some popular APIs, like ORMs, use call chaining. This API style is known
+as a [fluent interface](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface).
+*Black* formats those by treating dots that follow a call or an indexing
+operation like a very low priority delimiter. It's easier to show the
+behavior than to explain it. Look at the example:
+def example(session):
+ result = (
+ session.query(models.Customer.id)
+ .filter(
+ models.Customer.account_id == account_id,
+ models.Customer.email == email_address,
+ )
+ .order_by(models.Customer.id.asc())
+ .all()
+ )
+### Typing stub files
+PEP 484 describes the syntax for type hints in Python. One of the
+use cases for typing is providing type annotations for modules which
+cannot contain them directly (they might be written in C, or they might
+be third-party, or their implementation may be overly dynamic, and so on).
+To solve this, [stub files with the `.pyi` file
+extension](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0484/#stub-files) can be
+used to describe typing information for an external module. Those stub
+files omit the implementation of classes and functions they
+describe, instead they only contain the structure of the file (listing
+globals, functions, and classes with their members). The recommended
+code style for those files is more terse than PEP 8:
+* prefer `...` on the same line as the class/function signature;
+* avoid vertical whitespace between consecutive module-level functions,
+ names, or methods and fields within a single class;
+* use a single blank line between top-level class definitions, or none
+ if the classes are very small.
+*Black* enforces the above rules. There are additional guidelines for
+formatting `.pyi` file that are not enforced yet but might be in
+a future version of the formatter:
+* all function bodies should be empty (contain `...` instead of the body);
+* do not use docstrings;
+* prefer `...` over `pass`;
+* for arguments with a default, use `...` instead of the actual default;
+* avoid using string literals in type annotations, stub files support
+ forward references natively (like Python 3.7 code with `from __future__
+ import annotations`);
+* use variable annotations instead of type comments, even for stubs that
+ target older versions of Python;
+* for arguments that default to `None`, use `Optional[]` explicitly;
+* use `float` instead of `Union[int, float]`.
+## pyproject.toml
+*Black* is able to read project-specific default values for its
+command line options from a `pyproject.toml` file. This is
+especially useful for specifying custom `--include` and `--exclude`
+patterns for your project.
+**Pro-tip**: If you're asking yourself "Do I need to configure anything?"
+the answer is "No". *Black* is all about sensible defaults.
+### What on Earth is a `pyproject.toml` file?
+[PEP 518](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0518/) defines
+`pyproject.toml` as a configuration file to store build system
+requirements for Python projects. With the help of tools
+like [Poetry](https://poetry.eustace.io/) or
+[Flit](https://flit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) it can fully replace the
+need for `setup.py` and `setup.cfg` files.
+### Where *Black* looks for the file
+By default *Black* looks for `pyproject.toml` starting from the common
+base directory of all files and directories passed on the command line.
+If it's not there, it looks in parent directories. It stops looking
+when it finds the file, or a `.git` directory, or a `.hg` directory,
+or the root of the file system, whichever comes first.
+If you're formatting standard input, *Black* will look for configuration
+starting from the current working directory.
+You can also explicitly specify the path to a particular file that you
+want with `--config`. In this situation *Black* will not look for any
+other file.
+If you're running with `--verbose`, you will see a blue message if
+a file was found and used.
+Please note `blackd` will not use `pyproject.toml` configuration.
+### Configuration format
+As the file extension suggests, `pyproject.toml` is a [TOML](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml) file. It contains separate
+sections for different tools. *Black* is using the `[tool.black]`
+section. The option keys are the same as long names of options on
+the command line.
+Note that you have to use single-quoted strings in TOML for regular
+expressions. It's the equivalent of r-strings in Python. Multiline
+strings are treated as verbose regular expressions by Black. Use `[ ]`
+to denote a significant space character.
+<summary>Example `pyproject.toml`</summary>
+line-length = 88
+target_version = ['py37']
+include = '\.pyi?$'
+exclude = '''
+ /(
+ \.eggs # exclude a few common directories in the
+ | \.git # root of the project
+ | \.hg
+ | \.mypy_cache
+ | \.tox
+ | \.venv
+ | _build
+ | buck-out
+ | build
+ | dist
+ )/
+ | foo.py # also separately exclude a file named foo.py in
+ # the root of the project
+### Lookup hierarchy
+Command-line options have defaults that you can see in `--help`.
+A `pyproject.toml` can override those defaults. Finally, options
+provided by the user on the command line override both.
+*Black* will only ever use one `pyproject.toml` file during an entire
+run. It doesn't look for multiple files, and doesn't compose
+configuration from different levels of the file hierarchy.