<a href="https://github.com/psf/black/blob/master/LICENSE"><img alt="License: MIT" src="https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_static/license.svg"></a>
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**[pyproject.toml](#pyprojecttoml)** | **[Editor integration](#editor-integration)** |
**[blackd](#blackd)** | **[black-primer](#black-primer)** |
**[Version control integration](#version-control-integration)** |
+**[GitHub Actions](#github-actions)** |
**[Ignoring unmodified files](#ignoring-unmodified-files)** | **[Used by](#used-by)** |
**[Testimonials](#testimonials)** | **[Show your style](#show-your-style)** |
**[Contributing](#contributing-to-black)** | **[Change log](#change-log)** |
_Black_ can be installed by running `pip install black`. It requires Python 3.6.0+ to
run but you can reformat Python 2 code with it, too.
+#### Install from GitHub
+If you can't wait for the latest _hotness_ and want to install from GitHub, use:
+`pip install git+git://github.com/psf/black`
### Usage
To get started right away with sensible defaults:
-l, --line-length INTEGER How many characters per line to allow.
[default: 88]
- -t, --target-version [py27|py33|py34|py35|py36|py37|py38]
+ -t, --target-version [py27|py33|py34|py35|py36|py37|py38|py39]
Python versions that should be supported by
Black's output. [default: per-file auto-
--force-exclude TEXT Like --exclude, but files and directories
matching this regex will be excluded even
- when they are passed explicitly as arguments
+ when they are passed explicitly as arguments.
-q, --quiet Don't emit non-error messages to stderr.
Errors are still emitted; silence those with
--version Show the version and exit.
- --config FILE Read configuration from PATH.
+ --config FILE Read configuration from FILE path.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
should be configured to neither warn about nor overwrite _Black_'s changes.
Actual details on _Black_ compatible configurations for various tools can be found in
### Migrating your code style without ruining git blame
### NOTE: This is a beta product
-_Black_ is already [successfully used](#used-by) by many projects, small and big. It
-also sports a decent test suite. However, it is still very new. Things will probably be
-wonky for a while. This is made explicit by the "Beta" trove classifier, as well as by
-the "b" in the version number. What this means for you is that **until the formatter
-becomes stable, you should expect some formatting to change in the future**. That being
-said, no drastic stylistic changes are planned, mostly responses to bug reports.
+_Black_ is already [successfully used](https://github.com/psf/black#used-by) by many
+projects, small and big. It also sports a decent test suite. However, it is still very
+new. Things will probably be wonky for a while. This is made explicit by the "Beta"
+trove classifier, as well as by the "b" in the version number. What this means for you
+is that **until the formatter becomes stable, you should expect some formatting to
+change in the future**. That being said, no drastic stylistic changes are planned,
+mostly responses to bug reports.
Also, as a temporary safety measure, _Black_ will check that the reformatted code still
produces a valid AST that is equivalent to the original. This slows it down. If you're
expressions by Black. Use `[ ]` to denote a significant space character.
-<summary>Example `pyproject.toml`</summary>
+<summary>Example <code>pyproject.toml</code></summary>
## black-primer
-`black-primer` is a tool built for CI (and huumans) to have _Black_ `--check` a number
-of (configured in `primer.json`) Git accessible projects in parallel.
+`black-primer` is a tool built for CI (and humans) to have _Black_ `--check` a number of
+(configured in `primer.json`) Git accessible projects in parallel.
[black_primer](https://github.com/psf/black/blob/master/docs/black_primer.md) has more
information regarding its usage and configuration.
- repo: https://github.com/psf/black
- rev: stable
+ rev: 20.8b1 # Replace by any tag/version: https://github.com/psf/black/tags
- id: black
- language_version: python3.6
+ language_version: python3 # Should be a command that runs python3.6+
Then run `pre-commit install` and you're ready to go.
`stable` is a branch that tracks the latest release on PyPI. If you'd rather run on
master, this is also an option.
+## GitHub Actions
+Create a file named `.github/workflows/black.yml` inside your repository with:
+name: Lint
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ lint:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ - uses: psf/black@stable
## Ignoring unmodified files
_Black_ remembers files it has already formatted, unless the `--diff` flag is used or
Poetry, PyPA applications (Warehouse, Bandersnatch, Pipenv, virtualenv), pandas, Pillow,
every Datadog Agent Integration, Home Assistant.
-The following organizations use _Black_: Facebook, Dropbox.
+The following organizations use _Black_: Facebook, Dropbox, Mozilla, Quora.
Are we missing anyone? Let us know.
Use the badge in your project's README.md:
- [Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer](mailto:arj.python@gmail.com)
- [Adam Johnson](mailto:me@adamj.eu)
+- [Adam Williamson](mailto:adamw@happyassassin.net)
- [Alexander Huynh](mailto:github@grande.coffee)
+- [Alex Vandiver](mailto:github@chmrr.net)
+- [Allan Simon](mailto:allan.simon@supinfo.com)
+- Anders-Petter Ljungquist
- [Andrew Thorp](mailto:andrew.thorp.dev@gmail.com)
+- [Andrew Zhou](mailto:andrewfzhou@gmail.com)
- [Andrey](mailto:dyuuus@yandex.ru)
- [Andy Freeland](mailto:andy@andyfreeland.net)
- [Anthony Sottile](mailto:asottile@umich.edu)
- [Arjaan Buijk](mailto:arjaan.buijk@gmail.com)
+- [Arnav Borbornah](mailto:arnavborborah11@gmail.com)
- [Artem Malyshev](mailto:proofit404@gmail.com)
- [Asger Hautop Drewsen](mailto:asgerdrewsen@gmail.com)
- [Augie Fackler](mailto:raf@durin42.com)
- [Aviskar KC](mailto:aviskarkc10@gmail.com)
+- Batuhan Taşkaya
+- [Benjamin Wohlwend](mailto:bw@piquadrat.ch)
- [Benjamin Woodruff](mailto:github@benjam.info)
+- [Bharat Raghunathan](mailto:bharatraghunthan9767@gmail.com)
- [Brandt Bucher](mailto:brandtbucher@gmail.com)
+- [Brett Cannon](mailto:brett@python.org)
+- [Bryan Bugyi](mailto:bryan.bugyi@rutgers.edu)
+- [Bryan Forbes](mailto:bryan@reigndropsfall.net)
+- [Calum Lind](mailto:calumlind@gmail.com)
+- [Charles](mailto:peacech@gmail.com)
- Charles Reid
+- [Christian Clauss](mailto:cclauss@bluewin.ch)
- [Christian Heimes](mailto:christian@python.org)
- [Chuck Wooters](mailto:chuck.wooters@microsoft.com)
+- [Chris Rose](mailto:offline@offby1.net)
+- Codey Oxley
+- [Cong](mailto:congusbongus@gmail.com)
- [Cooper Ry Lees](mailto:me@cooperlees.com)
+- [Dan Davison](mailto:dandavison7@gmail.com)
- [Daniel Hahler](mailto:github@thequod.de)
- [Daniel M. Capella](mailto:polycitizen@gmail.com)
- Daniele Esposti
+- [David Hotham](mailto:david.hotham@metaswitch.com)
+- [David Lukes](mailto:dafydd.lukes@gmail.com)
+- [David Szotten](mailto:davidszotten@gmail.com)
+- [Denis Laxalde](mailto:denis@laxalde.org)
+- [Douglas Thor](mailto:dthor@transphormusa.com)
- dylanjblack
- [Eli Treuherz](mailto:eli@treuherz.com)
+- [Emil Hessman](mailto:emil@hessman.se)
+- [Felix Kohlgrüber](mailto:felix.kohlgrueber@gmail.com)
- [Florent Thiery](mailto:fthiery@gmail.com)
+- Francisco
+- [Giacomo Tagliabue](mailto:giacomo.tag@gmail.com)
+- [Greg Gandenberger](mailto:ggandenberger@shoprunner.com)
+- [Gregory P. Smith](mailto:greg@krypto.org)
+- Gustavo Camargo
- hauntsaninja
+- [Hadi Alqattan](mailto:alqattanhadizaki@gmail.com)
+- [Heaford](mailto:dan@heaford.com)
+- [Hugo Barrera](mailto::hugo@barrera.io)
- Hugo van Kemenade
+- [Hynek Schlawack](mailto:hs@ox.cx)
- [Ivan Katanić](mailto:ivan.katanic@gmail.com)
+- [Jakub Kadlubiec](mailto:jakub.kadlubiec@skyscanner.net)
+- [Jakub Warczarek](mailto:jakub.warczarek@gmail.com)
+- [Jan Hnátek](mailto:jan.hnatek@gmail.com)
- [Jason Fried](mailto:me@jasonfried.info)
+- [Jason Friedland](mailto:jason@friedland.id.au)
- [jgirardet](mailto:ijkl@netc.fr)
+- Jim Brännlund
+- [Jimmy Jia](mailto:tesrin@gmail.com)
- [Joe Antonakakis](mailto:jma353@cornell.edu)
- [Jon Dufresne](mailto:jon.dufresne@gmail.com)
- [Jonas Obrist](mailto:ojiidotch@gmail.com)
+- [Jonty Wareing](mailto:jonty@jonty.co.uk)
+- [Jose Nazario](mailto:jose.monkey.org@gmail.com)
+- [Joseph Larson](mailto:larson.joseph@gmail.com)
- [Josh Bode](mailto:joshbode@fastmail.com)
+- [Josh Holland](mailto:anowlcalledjosh@gmail.com)
+- [José Padilla](mailto:jpadilla@webapplicate.com)
- [Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez](mailto:hello@juanlu.space)
+- [kaiix](mailto:kvn.hou@gmail.com)
- [Katie McLaughlin](mailto:katie@glasnt.com)
+- Katrin Leinweber
+- [Keith Smiley](mailto:keithbsmiley@gmail.com)
+- [Kenyon Ralph](mailto:kenyon@kenyonralph.com)
+- [Kevin Kirsche](mailto:Kev.Kirsche+GitHub@gmail.com)
+- [Kyle Hausmann](mailto:kyle.hausmann@gmail.com)
+- [Kyle Sunden](mailto:sunden@wisc.edu)
- Lawrence Chan
- [Linus Groh](mailto:mail@linusgroh.de)
+- [Loren Carvalho](mailto:comradeloren@gmail.com)
- [Luka Sterbic](mailto:luka.sterbic@gmail.com)
+- [LukasDrude](mailto:mail@lukas-drude.de)
+- Mahmoud Hossam
- Mariatta
- [Matt VanEseltine](mailto:vaneseltine@gmail.com)
+- [Matthew Clapp](mailto:itsayellow+dev@gmail.com)
+- [Matthew Walster](mailto:matthew@walster.org)
+- Max Smolens
+- [Michael Aquilina](mailto:michaelaquilina@gmail.com)
- [Michael Flaxman](mailto:michael.flaxman@gmail.com)
- [Michael J. Sullivan](mailto:sully@msully.net)
- [Michael McClimon](mailto:michael@mcclimon.org)
- [Miguel Gaiowski](mailto:miggaiowski@gmail.com)
- [Mike](mailto:roshi@fedoraproject.org)
+- [mikehoyio](mailto:mikehoy@gmail.com)
- [Min ho Kim](mailto:minho42@gmail.com)
- [Miroslav Shubernetskiy](mailto:miroslav@miki725.com)
+- MomIsBestFriend
+- [Nathan Goldbaum](mailto:ngoldbau@illinois.edu)
+- [Nathan Hunt](mailto:neighthan.hunt@gmail.com)
- [Neraste](mailto:neraste.herr10@gmail.com)
+- [Nikolaus Waxweiler](mailto:madigens@gmail.com)
- [Ofek Lev](mailto:ofekmeister@gmail.com)
- [Osaetin Daniel](mailto:osaetindaniel@gmail.com)
+- [otstrel](mailto:otstrel@gmail.com)
- [Pablo Galindo](mailto:Pablogsal@gmail.com)
+- [Paul Ganssle](mailto:p.ganssle@gmail.com)
+- [Paul Meinhardt](mailto:mnhrdt@gmail.com)
- [Peter Bengtsson](mailto:mail@peterbe.com)
+- [Peter Grayson](mailto:pete@jpgrayson.net)
+- [Peter Stensmyr](mailto:peter.stensmyr@gmail.com)
- pmacosta
+- [Quentin Pradet](mailto:quentin@pradet.me)
+- [Ralf Schmitt](mailto:ralf@systemexit.de)
+- [Ramón Valles](mailto:mroutis@protonmail.com)
+- [Richard Fearn](mailto:richardfearn@gmail.com)
- Richard Si
- [Rishikesh Jha](mailto:rishijha424@gmail.com)
+- [Rupert Bedford](mailto:rupert@rupertb.com)
+- Russell Davis
+- [Rémi Verschelde](mailto:rverschelde@gmail.com)
+- [Sami Salonen](mailto:sakki@iki.fi)
+- [Samuel Cormier-Iijima](mailto:samuel@cormier-iijima.com)
+- [Sanket Dasgupta](mailto:sanketdasgupta@gmail.com)
+- Sergi
+- [Scott Stevenson](mailto:scott@stevenson.io)
+- Shantanu
+- [shaoran](mailto:shaoran@sakuranohana.org)
+- [Shinya Fujino](mailto:shf0811@gmail.com)
+- springstan
- [Stavros Korokithakis](mailto:hi@stavros.io)
- [Stephen Rosen](mailto:sirosen@globus.org)
+- [Steven M. Vascellaro](mailto:S.Vascellaro@gmail.com)
- [Sunil Kapil](mailto:snlkapil@gmail.com)
+- [Sébastien Eustace](mailto:sebastien.eustace@gmail.com)
+- [Tal Amuyal](mailto:TalAmuyal@gmail.com)
+- [Terrance](mailto:git@terrance.allofti.me)
- [Thom Lu](mailto:thomas.c.lu@gmail.com)
+- [Thomas Grainger](mailto:tagrain@gmail.com)
+- [Tim Gates](mailto:tim.gates@iress.com)
+- [Tim Swast](mailto:swast@google.com)
+- [Timo](mailto:timo_tk@hotmail.com)
+- Toby Fleming
- [Tom Christie](mailto:tom@tomchristie.com)
+- [Tony Narlock](mailto:tony@git-pull.com)
+- [Tsuyoshi Hombashi](mailto:tsuyoshi.hombashi@gmail.com)
+- [Tushar Chandra](mailto:tusharchandra2018@u.northwestern.edu)
- [Tzu-ping Chung](mailto:uranusjr@gmail.com)
- [Utsav Shah](mailto:ukshah2@illinois.edu)
+- utsav-dbx
- vezeli
+- [Ville Skyttä](mailto:ville.skytta@iki.fi)
- [Vishwas B Sharma](mailto:sharma.vishwas88@gmail.com)
+- [Vlad Emelianov](mailto:volshebnyi@gmail.com)
+- [williamfzc](mailto:178894043@qq.com)
+- [wouter bolsterlee](mailto:wouter@bolsterl.ee)
+- Yazdan
- [Yngve Høiseth](mailto:yngve@hoiseth.net)
- [Yurii Karabas](mailto:1998uriyyo@gmail.com)
+- [Zac Hatfield-Dodds](mailto:zac@zhd.dev)