-# Markdown Vim Mode
+# Vim Markdown
Syntax highlighting, matching rules and mappings for [the original Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) and extensions.
+1. [Installation](#installation)
+1. [Options](#options)
+1. [Mappings](#mappings)
+1. [Commands](#commands)
+1. [Credits](#credits)
+1. [License](#license)
## Installation
If you use [Vundle](https://github.com/gmarik/vundle), add the following line to your `~/.vimrc`:
- Bundle 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
+Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
+Plugin 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
-And then run inside Vim:
+The `tabular` plugin must come *before* `vim-markdown`.
- :so ~/.vimrc
- :BundleInstall
+Then run inside Vim:
+:so ~/.vimrc
If you use [Pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen), do this:
- $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
- $ git clone https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown.git
+cd ~/.vim/bundle
+git clone https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown.git
To install without Pathogen using the Debian [vim-addon-manager](http://packages.qa.debian.org/v/vim-addon-manager.html), do this:
- $ git clone https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown.git
- $ cd vim-markdown
- $ sudo make install
- $ vim-addon-manager install mkd
+git clone https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown.git
+cd vim-markdown
+sudo make install
+vim-addon-manager install markdown
If you are not using any package manager, download the [tarball](https://github.com/plasticboy/vim-markdown/archive/master.tar.gz) and do this:
- $ cd ~/.vim
- $ tar --strip=1 -zxf vim-markdown-master.tar.gz
+cd ~/.vim
+tar --strip=1 -zxf vim-markdown-master.tar.gz
## Options
-**Disable Folding**
+### Disable Folding
+Add the following line to your `.vimrc` to disable the folding configuration:
+let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled = 1
+This option only controls Vim Markdown specific folding configuration.
+To enable/disable folding use Vim's standard folding configuration.
+set [no]foldenable
+### Change fold style
+To fold in a style like [python-mode](https://github.com/klen/python-mode), add the following to your `.vimrc`:
+let g:vim_markdown_folding_style_pythonic = 1
+Level 1 heading which is served as a document title is not folded.
+`g:vim_markdown_folding_level` setting is not active with this fold style.
+To prevent foldtext from being set add the following to your `.vimrc`:
+let g:vim_markdown_override_foldtext = 0
+### Set header folding level
+Folding level is a number between 1 and 6. By default, if not specified, it is set to 1.
+let g:vim_markdown_folding_level = 6
+Tip: it can be changed on the fly with:
+:let g:vim_markdown_folding_level = 1
+### Disable Default Key Mappings
-Add the following line to your `.vimrc` to disable folding.
+Add the following line to your `.vimrc` to disable default key mappings:
-let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled=1
+let g:vim_markdown_no_default_key_mappings = 1
-**Set Initial Foldlevel**
+You can also map them by yourself with `<Plug>` mappings.
+### Enable TOC window auto-fit
+Allow for the TOC window to auto-fit when it's possible for it to shrink.
+It never increases its default size (half screen), it only shrinks.
+let g:vim_markdown_toc_autofit = 1
+### Text emphasis restriction to single-lines
+By default text emphasis works across multiple lines until a closing token is found. However, it's possible to restrict text emphasis to a single line (i.e., for it to be applied a closing token must be found on the same line). To do so:
+let g:vim_markdown_emphasis_multiline = 0
+### Syntax Concealing
+Concealing is set for some syntax.
+For example, conceal `[link text](link url)` as just `link text`.
+Also, `_italic_` and `*italic*` will conceal to just _italic_.
+Similarly `__bold__`, `**bold**`, `___italic bold___`, and `***italic bold***`
+will conceal to just __bold__, **bold**, ___italic bold___, and ***italic bold*** respectively.
+To enable conceal use Vim's standard conceal configuration.
+set conceallevel=2
+To disable conceal regardless of `conceallevel` setting, add the following to your `.vimrc`:
+let g:vim_markdown_conceal = 0
+To disable math conceal with LaTeX math syntax enabled, add the following to your `.vimrc`:
+let g:tex_conceal = ""
+let g:vim_markdown_math = 1
+### Fenced code block languages
+You can use filetype name as fenced code block languages for syntax highlighting.
+If you want to use different name from filetype, you can add it in your `.vimrc` like so:
+let g:vim_markdown_fenced_languages = ['csharp=cs']
+This will cause the following to be highlighted using the `cs` filetype syntax.
+ ```csharp
+ ...
+ ```
+Default is `['c++=cpp', 'viml=vim', 'bash=sh', 'ini=dosini']`.
+### Follow named anchors
+This feature allows the `ge` command to follow named anchors in links of the form
+`file#anchor` or just `#anchor`, where file may omit the `.md` extension as
+usual. Two variables control its operation:
+let g:vim_markdown_follow_anchor = 1
+This tells vim-markdown whether to attempt to follow a named anchor in a link or
+not. When it is 1, and only if a link can be split in two parts by the pattern
+'#', then the first part is interpreted as the file and the second one as the
+named anchor. This also includes urls of the form `#anchor`, for which the first
+part is considered empty, meaning that the target file is the current one. After
+the file is opened, the anchor will be searched.
+Default is `0`.
+let g:vim_markdown_anchorexpr = "'<<'.v:anchor.'>>'"
+This expression will be evaluated substituting `v:anchor` with a quoted string
+that contains the anchor to visit. The result of the evaluation will become the
+real anchor to search in the target file. This is useful in order to convert
+anchors of the form, say, `my-section-title` to searches of the form `My Section
+Title` or `<<my-section-title>>`.
+Default is `''`.
+### Syntax extensions
+The following options control which syntax extensions will be turned on. They are off by default.
+#### LaTeX math
-Add the following line to your `.vimrc` to set the initial foldlevel. This option defaults to 0 (i.e. all folds are closed) and is ignored if folding is disabled.
+Used as `$x^2$`, `$$x^2$$`, escapable as `\$x\$` and `\$\$x\$\$`.
-let g:vim_markdown_initial_foldlevel=1
+let g:vim_markdown_math = 1
-**Disable Default Key Mappings**
+#### YAML Front Matter
-Add the following line to your `.vimrc` to disable default key mappings. You can map them by yourself with `<Plug>` mappings.
+Highlight YAML front matter as used by Jekyll or [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/content/front-matter/).
-let g:vim_markdown_no_default_key_mappings=1
+let g:vim_markdown_frontmatter = 1
+#### TOML Front Matter
+Highlight TOML front matter as used by [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/content/front-matter/).
+TOML syntax highlight requires [vim-toml](https://github.com/cespare/vim-toml).
+let g:vim_markdown_toml_frontmatter = 1
+#### JSON Front Matter
+Highlight JSON front matter as used by [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/content/front-matter/).
+JSON syntax highlight requires [vim-json](https://github.com/elzr/vim-json).
+let g:vim_markdown_json_frontmatter = 1
+### Adjust new list item indent
+You can adjust a new list indent. For example, you insert a single line like below:
+* item1
+Then if you type `o` to insert new line in vim and type `* item2`, the result will be:
+* item1
+ * item2
+vim-markdown automatically insert the indent. By default, the number of spaces of indent is 4. If you'd like to change the number as 2, just write:
+let g:vim_markdown_new_list_item_indent = 2
+### Do not require .md extensions for Markdown links
+If you want to have a link like this `[link text](link-url)` and follow it for editing in vim using the `ge` command, but have it open the file "link-url.md" instead of the file "link-url", then use this option:
+let g:vim_markdown_no_extensions_in_markdown = 1
+This is super useful for GitLab and GitHub wiki repositories.
+Normal behaviour would be that vim-markup required you to do this `[link text](link-url.md)`, but this is not how the Gitlab and GitHub wiki repositories work. So this option adds some consistency between the two.
+### Auto-write when following link
+If you follow a link like this `[link text](link-url)` using the `ge` shortcut, this option will automatically save any edits you made before moving you:
+let g:vim_markdown_autowrite = 1
+### Change default file extension
+If you would like to use a file extension other than `.md` you may do so using the `vim_markdown_auto_extension_ext` variable:
+let g:vim_markdown_auto_extension_ext = 'txt'
+### Do not automatically insert bulletpoints
+Automatically inserting bulletpoints can lead to problems when wrapping text
+(see issue #232 for details), so it can be disabled:
+let g:vim_markdown_auto_insert_bullets = 0
+In that case, you probably also want to set the new list item indent to 0 as
+well, or you will have to remove an indent each time you add a new list item:
+let g:vim_markdown_new_list_item_indent = 0
+### Change how to open new files
+By default when following a link the target file will be opened in your current buffer. This behavior can change if you prefer using splits or tabs by using the `vim_markdown_edit_url_in` variable. Possible values are `tab`, `vsplit`, `hsplit`, `current` opening in a new tab, vertical split, horizontal split, and current buffer respectively. Defaults to current buffer if not set:
+let g:vim_markdown_edit_url_in = 'tab'
## Mappings
The following work on normal and visual modes:
-- `]]`: go to next header. `<Plug>(Markdown_MoveToNextHeader)`
-- `[[`: go to previous header. Contrast with `]c`. `<Plug>(Markdown_MoveToPreviousHeader)`
-- `][`: go to next sibling header if any. `<Plug>(Markdown_MoveToNextSiblingHeader)`
-- `[]`: go to previous sibling header if any. `<Plug>(Markdown_MoveToPreviousSiblingHeader)`
-- `]c`: go to Current header. `<Plug>(Markdown_MoveToCurHeader)`
-- `]u`: go to parent header (Up). `<Plug>(Markdown_MoveToParentHeader)`
+- `gx`: open the link under the cursor in the same browser as the standard `gx` command. `<Plug>Markdown_OpenUrlUnderCursor`
-## Commands
+ The standard `gx` is extended by allowing you to put your cursor anywhere inside a link.
-- `:Toc`: create a quickfix vertical window navigable table of contents with the headers.
+ For example, all the following cursor positions will work:
- Hit `<Enter>` on a line to jump to the corresponding line of the markdown file.
+ [Example](http://example.com)
+ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^
+ 1 2 34 5 6
-- `:Toch`: Same as `:Toc` but in an horizontal window.
-- `:Toct`: Same as `:Toc` but in a new tab.
-- `:Tocv`: Same as `:Toc` for symmetry with `:Toch` and `Tocv`.
+ <http://example.com>
+ ^ ^ ^
+ 1 2 3
-- `:SetexToAtx`:
+ Known limitation: does not work for links that span multiple lines.
- Convert all Setex style headers in buffer to Atx.
+- `ge`: open the link under the cursor in Vim for editing. Useful for relative markdown links. `<Plug>Markdown_EditUrlUnderCursor`
- If a range is given, e.g. hit `:` from visual mode, only operate on the range.
+ The rules for the cursor position are the same as the `gx` command.
+- `]]`: go to next header. `<Plug>Markdown_MoveToNextHeader`
+- `[[`: go to previous header. Contrast with `]c`. `<Plug>Markdown_MoveToPreviousHeader`
+- `][`: go to next sibling header if any. `<Plug>Markdown_MoveToNextSiblingHeader`
+- `[]`: go to previous sibling header if any. `<Plug>Markdown_MoveToPreviousSiblingHeader`
+- `]c`: go to Current header. `<Plug>Markdown_MoveToCurHeader`
+- `]u`: go to parent header (Up). `<Plug>Markdown_MoveToParentHeader`
-- `:HeaderDecrease`:
+This plugin follows the recommended Vim plugin mapping interface, so to change the map `]u` to `asdf`, add to your `.vimrc`:
+ map asdf <Plug>Markdown_MoveToParentHeader
+To disable a map use:
+ map <Plug> <Plug>Markdown_MoveToParentHeader
+## Commands
+The following requires `:filetype plugin on`.
+- `:HeaderDecrease`:
Decrease level of all headers in buffer: `h2` to `h1`, `h3` to `h2`, etc.
For simplicity of implementation, Setex headers are converted to Atx.
-- `:HeaderIncrease`: Analogous to `:HeaderDecrease`, but increase levels instead.
+- `:HeaderIncrease`: Analogous to `:HeaderDecrease`, but increase levels instead.
+- `:SetexToAtx`:
+ Convert all Setex style headers in buffer to Atx.
+ If a range is given, e.g. hit `:` from visual mode, only operate on the range.
+- `:TableFormat`: Format the table under the cursor [like this](http://www.cirosantilli.com/markdown-style-guide/#tables).
+ Requires [Tabular](https://github.com/godlygeek/tabular).
+ The input table *must* already have a separator line as the second line of the table.
+ That line only needs to contain the correct pipes `|`, nothing else is required.
+- `:Toc`: create a quickfix vertical window navigable table of contents with the headers.
+ Hit `<Enter>` on a line to jump to the corresponding line of the markdown file.
+- `:Toch`: Same as `:Toc` but in an horizontal window.
+- `:Toct`: Same as `:Toc` but in a new tab.
+- `:Tocv`: Same as `:Toc` for symmetry with `:Toch` and `:Tocv`.
## Credits