- def proposed_indent
- line = vim.echo("line('.')")
- col = vim.echo("col('.')")
- indent_value = vim.echo("GetPythonPEPIndent(line('.'))").to_i
- vim.command("call cursor(#{line}, #{col})")
- return indent_value
+ describe "when after assigning an unfinished string" do
+ before { vim.feedkeys 'i test = """' }
+ it "it indents the next line" do
+ vim.feedkeys '\<CR>'
+ expected_proposed, expected_indent = multiline_indent(4, shiftwidth + 4)
+ proposed_indent.should == expected_proposed
+ indent.should == expected_indent
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when after assigning a finished string" do
+ before { vim.feedkeys 'i test = ""' }
+ it "it does indent the next line" do
+ vim.feedkeys '\<CR>'
+ indent.should == 4
+ end
+ it "and writing a new string, it does indent the next line" do
+ vim.feedkeys '\<CR>""'
+ indent.should == 4
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when after a docstring" do
+ before { vim.feedkeys 'i """' }
+ it "it does indent the next line to the docstring" do
+ vim.feedkeys '\<CR>'
+ indent.should == 4
+ proposed_indent.should == 4
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when after a docstring with contents" do
+ before { vim.feedkeys 'i """First line' }
+ it "it does indent the next line to the docstring" do
+ vim.feedkeys '\<CR>'
+ indent.should == 4
+ proposed_indent.should == 4
+ end
+ end
+ describe "when breaking a string after opening parenthesis" do
+ before { vim.feedkeys 'i foo("""bar<Left><Left><Left>' }
+ it "it does indent the next line as after an opening multistring" do
+ vim.feedkeys '\<CR>'
+ expected_proposed, expected_indent = multiline_indent(4, 4 + shiftwidth)
+ indent.should == expected_indent
+ proposed_indent.should == expected_proposed
+ end