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**[Code style](#the-black-code-style)** |
**[pyproject.toml](#pyprojecttoml)** |
**[Editor integration](#editor-integration)** |
+**[blackd](#blackd)** |
**[Version control integration](#version-control-integration)** |
**[Ignoring unmodified files](#ignoring-unmodified-files)** |
**[Testimonials](#testimonials)** |
recursive searches. On Windows, use forward
slashes for directories. [default:
- \.mypy_cache/|\.tox/|\.venv/]
+ \.mypy_cache/|\.nox/|\.tox/|\.venv/]
-q, --quiet Don't emit non-error messages to stderr. Errors
are still emitted, silence those with
pass `--skip-string-normalization` on the command line. This is meant as
an adoption helper, avoid using this for new projects.
+### Numeric literals
+*Black* standardizes most numeric literals to use lowercase letters for the
+syntactic parts and uppercase letters for the digits themselves: `0xAB`
+instead of `0XAB` and `1e10` instead of `1E10`. Python 2 long literals are
+styled as `2L` instead of `2l` to avoid confusion between `l` and `1`. In
+Python 3.6+, *Black* adds underscores to long numeric literals to aid
+readability: `100000000` becomes `100_000_000`.
+For regions where numerals are grouped differently (like [India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_numbering_system)
+and [China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_numerals#Whole_numbers)),
+the `-N` or `--skip-numeric-underscore-normalization` command line option
+makes *Black* preserve underscores in numeric literals.
### Line breaks & binary operators
If you're running with `--verbose`, you will see a blue message if
a file was found and used.
+Please note `blackd` will not use `pyproject.toml` configuration.
### Configuration format
Commands and shortcuts:
-* `,=` or `:Black` to format the entire file (ranges not supported);
+* `:Black` to format the entire file (ranges not supported);
* `:BlackUpgrade` to upgrade *Black* inside the virtualenv;
* `:BlackVersion` to get the current version of *Black* inside the
### Atom/Nuclide
-Use [atom-black](https://github.com/hauntsaninja/atom-black).
+Use [python-black](https://atom.io/packages/python-black).
### Other editors
This can be used for example with PyCharm's [File Watchers](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/file-watchers.html).
+## blackd
+`blackd` is a small HTTP server that exposes *Black*'s functionality over
+a simple protocol. The main benefit of using it is to avoid paying the
+cost of starting up a new *Black* process every time you want to blacken
+a file.
+### Usage
+`blackd` is not packaged alongside *Black* by default because it has additional
+dependencies. You will need to do `pip install black[d]` to install it.
+You can start the server on the default port, binding only to the local interface
+by running `blackd`. You will see a single line mentioning the server's version,
+and the host and port it's listening on. `blackd` will then print an access log
+similar to most web servers on standard output, merged with any exception traces
+caused by invalid formatting requests.
+`blackd` provides even less options than *Black*. You can see them by running
+`blackd --help`:
+Usage: blackd [OPTIONS]
+ --bind-host TEXT Address to bind the server to.
+ --bind-port INTEGER Port to listen on
+ --version Show the version and exit.
+ -h, --help Show this message and exit.
+### Protocol
+`blackd` only accepts `POST` requests at the `/` path. The body of the request
+should contain the python source code to be formatted, encoded
+according to the `charset` field in the `Content-Type` request header. If no
+`charset` is specified, `blackd` assumes `UTF-8`.
+There are a few HTTP headers that control how the source is formatted. These
+correspond to command line flags for *Black*. There is one exception to this:
+`X-Protocol-Version` which if present, should have the value `1`, otherwise the
+request is rejected with `HTTP 501` (Not Implemented).
+The headers controlling how code is formatted are:
+ - `X-Line-Length`: corresponds to the `--line-length` command line flag.
+ - `X-Skip-String-Normalization`: corresponds to the `--skip-string-normalization`
+ command line flag. If present and its value is not the empty string, no string
+ normalization will be performed.
+ - `X-Skip-Numeric-Underscore-Normalization`: corresponds to the
+ `--skip-numeric-underscore-normalization` command line flag.
+ - `X-Fast-Or-Safe`: if set to `fast`, `blackd` will act as *Black* does when
+ passed the `--fast` command line flag.
+ - `X-Python-Variant`: if set to `pyi`, `blackd` will act as *Black* does when
+ passed the `--pyi` command line flag. Otherwise, its value must correspond to
+ a Python version. If this value represents at least Python 3.6, `blackd` will
+ act as *Black* does when passed the `--py36` command line flag.
+If any of these headers are set to invalid values, `blackd` returns a `HTTP 400`
+error response, mentioning the name of the problematic header in the message body.
+Apart from the above, `blackd` can produce the following response codes:
+ - `HTTP 204`: If the input is already well-formatted. The response body is
+ empty.
+ - `HTTP 200`: If formatting was needed on the input. The response body
+ contains the blackened Python code, and the `Content-Type` header is set
+ accordingly.
+ - `HTTP 400`: If the input contains a syntax error. Details of the error are
+ returned in the response body.
+ - `HTTP 500`: If there was any kind of error while trying to format the input.
+ The response body contains a textual representation of the error.
## Version control integration
is run. The file is non-portable. The standard location on common operating systems
-* Windows: `C:\\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\black\black\Cache\<version>\cache.<line-length>.pickle`
-* macOS: `/Users/<username>/Library/Caches/black/<version>/cache.<line-length>.pickle`
-* Linux: `/home/<username>/.cache/black/<version>/cache.<line-length>.pickle`
+* Windows: `C:\\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\black\black\Cache\<version>\cache.<line-length>.<file-mode>.pickle`
+* macOS: `/Users/<username>/Library/Caches/black/<version>/cache.<line-length>.<file-mode>.pickle`
+* Linux: `/home/<username>/.cache/black/<version>/cache.<line-length>.<file-mode>.pickle`
+`file-mode` is an int flag that determines whether the file was formatted as 3.6+ only,
+as .pyi, and whether string normalization was omitted.
## Testimonials
> *Black* is opinionated so you don't have to be.
-**Hynek Schlawack**, [creator of `attrs`](http://www.attrs.org/), core
+**Hynek Schlawack**, [creator of `attrs`](https://www.attrs.org/), core
developer of Twisted and CPython:
> An auto-formatter that doesn't suck is all I want for Xmas!
## Change Log
-### 18.8b0
+### 18.9b0
+* numeric literals are now formatted by *Black* (#452, #461, #464, #469):
+ * numeric literals are normalized to include `_` separators on Python 3.6+ code
+ * added `--skip-numeric-underscore-normalization` to disable the above behavior and
+ leave numeric underscores as they were in the input
+ * code with `_` in numeric literals is recognized as Python 3.6+
+ * most letters in numeric literals are lowercased (e.g., in `1e10`, `0x01`)
+ * hexadecimal digits are always uppercased (e.g. `0xBADC0DE`)
+* added `blackd`, see [its documentation](#blackd) for more info (#349)
+* adjacent string literals are now correctly split into multiple lines (#463)
+* trailing comma is now added to single imports that don't fit on a line (#250)
+* cache is now populated when `--check` is successful for a file which speeds up
+ consecutive checks of properly formatted unmodified files (#448)
+* fixed mangling [pweave](http://mpastell.com/pweave/) and
+ [Spyder IDE](https://pythonhosted.org/spyder/) special comments (#532)
+* fixed unstable formatting when unpacking big tuples (#267)
+* fixed parsing of `__future__` imports with renames (#389)
+* fixed scope of `# fmt: off` when directly preceding `yield` and other nodes (#385)
+* fixed formatting of lambda expressions with default arguments (#468)
+* fixed ``async for`` statements: *Black* no longer breaks them into separate
+ lines (#372)
+* note: the Vim plugin stopped registering ``,=`` as a default chord as it turned out
+ to be a bad idea (#415)
-* fix parsing of `__future__` imports with renames (#389)
-* fix scope of `# fmt: off` when directly preceding `yield` and other nodes (#385)
### 18.6b4
Maintained with [Carol Willing](mailto:carolcode@willingconsulting.com),
[Carl Meyer](mailto:carl@oddbird.net),
+[Jelle Zijlstra](mailto:jelle.zijlstra@gmail.com),
[Mika Naylor](mailto:mail@autophagy.io), and
[Zsolt Dollenstein](mailto:zsol.zsol@gmail.com).
* [Artem Malyshev](mailto:proofit404@gmail.com)
* [Christian Heimes](mailto:christian@python.org)
* [Daniel M. Capella](mailto:polycitizen@gmail.com)
-* [Eli Treuherz](mailto:eli.treuherz@cgi.com)
+* [Eli Treuherz](mailto:eli@treuherz.com)
* Hugo van Kemenade
* [Ivan Katanić](mailto:ivan.katanic@gmail.com)
-* [Jelle Zijlstra](mailto:jelle.zijlstra@gmail.com)
* [Jonas Obrist](mailto:ojiidotch@gmail.com)
* [Luka Sterbic](mailto:luka.sterbic@gmail.com)
* [Miguel Gaiowski](mailto:miggaiowski@gmail.com)
+* [Miroslav Shubernetskiy](mailto:miroslav@miki725.com)
* [Neraste](neraste.herr10@gmail.com)
* [Osaetin Daniel](mailto:osaetindaniel@gmail.com)
* [Peter Bengtsson](mailto:mail@peterbe.com)