+### 18.5b1 (unreleased)
+* Python grammar pickle caches are stored with the formatting caches, making
+ *Black* work in environments where site-packages is not user-writable (#192)
+* fixed invalid code produced when standalone comments were present in a trailer
+ that was omitted from line splitting on a large expression (#237)
+* fixed optional parentheses being removed within `# fmt: off` sections (#224)
+* fixed invalid code produced when stars in very long imports were incorrectly
+ wrapped in optional parentheses (#234)
+* fixed unstable formatting when inline comments were moved around in
+ a trailer that was omitted from line splitting on a large expression
+ (#238)
+### 18.5b0
+* call chains are now formatted according to the
+ [fluent interfaces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface)
+ style (#67)
+* data structure literals (tuples, lists, dictionaries, and sets) are
+ now also always exploded like imports when they don't fit in a single
+ line (#152)
+* slices are now formatted according to PEP 8 (#178)
+* parentheses are now also managed automatically on the right-hand side
+ of assignments and return statements (#140)
+* math operators now use their respective priorities for delimiting multiline
+ expressions (#148)
+* optional parentheses are now omitted on expressions that start or end
+ with a bracket and only contain a single operator (#177)
+* empty parentheses in a class definition are now removed (#145, #180)
+* string prefixes are now standardized to lowercase and `u` is removed
+ on Python 3.6+ only code and Python 2.7+ code with the `unicode_literals`
+ future import (#188, #198, #199)
+* typing stub files (`.pyi`) are now formatted in a style that is consistent
+ with PEP 484 (#207, #210)
+* progress when reformatting many files is now reported incrementally
+* fixed trailers (content with brackets) being unnecessarily exploded
+ into their own lines after a dedented closing bracket (#119)
+* fixed an invalid trailing comma sometimes left in imports (#185)
+* fixed non-deterministic formatting when multiple pairs of removable parentheses
+ were used (#183)
+* fixed multiline strings being unnecessarily wrapped in optional
+ parentheses in long assignments (#215)
+* fixed not splitting long from-imports with only a single name
+* fixed Python 3.6+ file discovery by also looking at function calls with
+ unpacking. This fixed non-deterministic formatting if trailing commas
+ where used both in function signatures with stars and function calls
+ with stars but the former would be reformatted to a single line.
+* fixed crash on dealing with optional parentheses (#193)
+* fixed "is", "is not", "in", and "not in" not considered operators for
+ splitting purposes
+* fixed crash when dead symlinks where encountered
+### 18.4a4
+* don't populate the cache on `--check` (#175)
+### 18.4a3
+* added a "cache"; files already reformatted that haven't changed on disk
+ won't be reformatted again (#109)
+* `--check` and `--diff` are no longer mutually exclusive (#149)
+* generalized star expression handling, including double stars; this
+ fixes multiplication making expressions "unsafe" for trailing commas (#132)
+* Black no longer enforces putting empty lines behind control flow statements
+ (#90)
+* Black now splits imports like "Mode 3 + trailing comma" of isort (#127)
+* fixed comment indentation when a standalone comment closes a block (#16, #32)
+* fixed standalone comments receiving extra empty lines if immediately preceding
+ a class, def, or decorator (#56, #154)
+* fixed `--diff` not showing entire path (#130)
+* fixed parsing of complex expressions after star and double stars in
+ function calls (#2)
+* fixed invalid splitting on comma in lambda arguments (#133)
+* fixed missing splits of ternary expressions (#141)
+### 18.4a2
+* fixed parsing of unaligned standalone comments (#99, #112)
+* fixed placement of dictionary unpacking inside dictionary literals (#111)
+* Vim plugin now works on Windows, too
+* fixed unstable formatting when encountering unnecessarily escaped quotes
+ in a string (#120)
+### 18.4a1
+* added `--quiet` (#78)
+* added automatic parentheses management (#4)
+* added [pre-commit](https://pre-commit.com) integration (#103, #104)
+* fixed reporting on `--check` with multiple files (#101, #102)
+* fixed removing backslash escapes from raw strings (#100, #105)
+### 18.4a0
+* added `--diff` (#87)
+* add line breaks before all delimiters, except in cases like commas, to
+ better comply with PEP 8 (#73)
+* standardize string literals to use double quotes (almost) everywhere
+ (#75)
+* fixed handling of standalone comments within nested bracketed
+ expressions; Black will no longer produce super long lines or put all
+ standalone comments at the end of the expression (#22)
+* fixed 18.3a4 regression: don't crash and burn on empty lines with
+ trailing whitespace (#80)
+* fixed 18.3a4 regression: `# yapf: disable` usage as trailing comment
+ would cause Black to not emit the rest of the file (#95)
+* when CTRL+C is pressed while formatting many files, Black no longer
+ freaks out with a flurry of asyncio-related exceptions
+* only allow up to two empty lines on module level and only single empty
+ lines within functions (#74)
+### 18.3a4
+* `# fmt: off` and `# fmt: on` are implemented (#5)
+* automatic detection of deprecated Python 2 forms of print statements
+ and exec statements in the formatted file (#49)
+* use proper spaces for complex expressions in default values of typed
+ function arguments (#60)
+* only return exit code 1 when --check is used (#50)
+* don't remove single trailing commas from square bracket indexing
+ (#59)
+* don't omit whitespace if the previous factor leaf wasn't a math
+ operator (#55)
+* omit extra space in kwarg unpacking if it's the first argument (#46)
+* omit extra space in [Sphinx auto-attribute comments](http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/ext/autodoc.html#directive-autoattribute)
+ (#68)
+### 18.3a3
+* don't remove single empty lines outside of bracketed expressions
+ (#19)
+* added ability to pipe formatting from stdin to stdin (#25)
+* restored ability to format code with legacy usage of `async` as
+ a name (#20, #42)
+* even better handling of numpy-style array indexing (#33, again)
+### 18.3a2
+* changed positioning of binary operators to occur at beginning of lines
+ instead of at the end, following [a recent change to PEP8](https://github.com/python/peps/commit/c59c4376ad233a62ca4b3a6060c81368bd21e85b)
+ (#21)
+* ignore empty bracket pairs while splitting. This avoids very weirdly
+ looking formattings (#34, #35)
+* remove a trailing comma if there is a single argument to a call
+* if top level functions were separated by a comment, don't put four
+ empty lines after the upper function
+* fixed unstable formatting of newlines with imports
+* fixed unintentional folding of post scriptum standalone comments
+ into last statement if it was a simple statement (#18, #28)
+* fixed missing space in numpy-style array indexing (#33)
+* fixed spurious space after star-based unary expressions (#31)
+### 18.3a1
+* added `--check`
+* only put trailing commas in function signatures and calls if it's
+ safe to do so. If the file is Python 3.6+ it's always safe, otherwise
+ only safe if there are no `*args` or `**kwargs` used in the signature
+ or call. (#8)
+* fixed invalid spacing of dots in relative imports (#6, #13)
+* fixed invalid splitting after comma on unpacked variables in for-loops
+ (#23)
+* fixed spurious space in parenthesized set expressions (#7)
+* fixed spurious space after opening parentheses and in default
+ arguments (#14, #17)
+* fixed spurious space after unary operators when the operand was
+ a complex expression (#15)