-l, --line-length INTEGER Where to wrap around. [default: 88]
- --check Don't write back the files, just return the
+ --check Don't write the files back, just return the
status. Return code 0 means nothing would
change. Return code 1 means some files would be
reformatted. Return code 123 means there was an
internal error.
+ --diff Don't write the files back, just output a diff
+ for each file on stdout.
--fast / --safe If --fast given, skip temporary sanity checks.
[default: --safe]
--version Show the version and exit.
debug: bool = False,
"""Applies `variables` to the `template` and writes to `file`."""
- with open(file, 'w') as f:
+ with open(file, "w") as f:
recognize it was safe to do so, put it there manually and *Black* will
keep it.
+### Strings
+*Black* prefers double quotes (`"` and `"""`) over single quotes (`'`
+and `'''`). It will replace the latter with the former as long as it
+does not result in more backslash escapes than before.
+The main reason to standardize on a single form of quotes is aesthetics.
+Having one kind of quotes everywhere reduces reader distraction.
+It will also enable a future version of *Black* to merge consecutive
+string literals that ended up on the same line (see
+[#26](https://github.com/ambv/black/issues/26) for details).
+Why settle on double quotes? They anticipate apostrophes in English
+text. They match the docstring standard described in PEP 257. An
+empty string in double quotes (`""`) is impossible to confuse with
+a one double-quote regardless of fonts and syntax highlighting used.
+On top of this, double quotes for strings are consistent with C which
+Python interacts a lot with.
+On certain keyboard layouts like US English, typing single quotes is
+a bit easier than double quotes. The latter requires use of the Shift
+key. My recommendation here is to keep using whatever is faster to type
+and let *Black* handle the transformation.
## Editor integration
### 18.3a5 (unreleased)
+* added `--diff` (#87)
+* add line breaks before all delimiters, except in cases like commas, to
+ better comply with PEP 8 (#73)
+* standardize string literals to use double quotes (almost) everywhere
+ (#75)
* fixed handling of standalone comments within nested bracketed
expressions; Black will no longer produce super long lines or put all
standalone comments at the end of the expression (#22)
* [Daniel M. Capella](mailto:polycitizen@gmail.com)
* [Eli Treuherz](mailto:eli.treuherz@cgi.com)
* Hugo van Kemenade
-* [Mika⠙](mailto:mail@autophagy.io)
+* [Mika Naylor](mailto:mail@autophagy.io)
* [Osaetin Daniel](mailto:osaetindaniel@gmail.com)