Priority = int
Index = int
LN = Union[Leaf, Node]
-SplitFunc = Callable[['Line', bool], Iterator['Line']]
+SplitFunc = Callable[["Line", bool], Iterator["Line"]]
out = partial(click.secho, bold=True, err=True)
-err = partial(click.secho, fg='red', err=True)
+err = partial(click.secho, fg="red", err=True)
class NothingChanged(UserWarning):
- '-l',
- '--line-length',
+ "-l",
+ "--line-length",
- help='How many character per line to allow.',
+ help="How many character per line to allow.",
- '--check',
+ "--check",
"Don't write back the files, just return the status. Return code 0 "
- '--fast/--safe',
+ "--fast/--safe",
- help='If --fast given, skip temporary sanity checks. [default: --safe]',
+ help="If --fast given, skip temporary sanity checks. [default: --safe]",
- 'src',
+ "src",
exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=True, readable=True, allow_dash=True
elif p.is_file():
# if a file was explicitly given, we don't care about its extension
- elif s == '-':
- sources.append(Path('-'))
+ elif s == "-":
+ sources.append(Path("-"))
- err(f'invalid path: {s}')
+ err(f"invalid path: {s}")
if len(sources) == 0:
elif len(sources) == 1:
p = sources[0]
report = Report(check=check)
- if not p.is_file() and str(p) == '-':
+ if not p.is_file() and str(p) == "-":
changed = format_stdin_to_stdout(
line_length=line_length, fast=fast, write_back=not check
report = Report(check=not write_back)
for src, task in tasks.items():
if not task.done():
- report.failed(src, 'timed out, cancelling')
+ report.failed(src, "timed out, cancelling")
elif task.cancelled():
if cancelled:
await asyncio.gather(*cancelled, loop=loop, return_exceptions=True)
- out('All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨')
+ out("All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨")
return report.return_code
valid by calling :func:`assert_equivalent` and :func:`assert_stable` on it.
`line_length` is passed to :func:`format_str`.
- if src_contents.strip() == '':
+ if src_contents.strip() == "":
raise NothingChanged
dst_contents = format_str(src_contents, line_length=line_length)
def lib2to3_parse(src_txt: str) -> Node:
"""Given a string with source, return the lib2to3 Node."""
grammar = pygram.python_grammar_no_print_statement
- if src_txt[-1] != '\n':
- nl = '\r\n' if '\r\n' in src_txt[:1024] else '\n'
+ if src_txt[-1] != "\n":
+ nl = "\r\n" if "\r\n" in src_txt[:1024] else "\n"
src_txt += nl
for grammar in GRAMMARS:
drv = driver.Driver(grammar, pytree.convert)
return code
-T = TypeVar('T')
+T = TypeVar("T")
class Visitor(Generic[T]):
name = token.tok_name[node.type]
name = type_repr(node.type)
- yield from getattr(self, f'visit_{name}', self.visit_default)(node)
+ yield from getattr(self, f"visit_{name}", self.visit_default)(node)
def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[T]:
"""Default `visit_*()` implementation. Recurses to children of `node`."""
tree_depth: int = 0
def visit_default(self, node: LN) -> Iterator[T]:
- indent = ' ' * (2 * self.tree_depth)
+ indent = " " * (2 * self.tree_depth)
if isinstance(node, Node):
_type = type_repr(node.type)
- out(f'{indent}{_type}', fg='yellow')
+ out(f"{indent}{_type}", fg="yellow")
self.tree_depth += 1
for child in node.children:
yield from self.visit(child)
self.tree_depth -= 1
- out(f'{indent}/{_type}', fg='yellow', bold=False)
+ out(f"{indent}/{_type}", fg="yellow", bold=False)
_type = token.tok_name.get(node.type, str(node.type))
- out(f'{indent}{_type}', fg='blue', nl=False)
+ out(f"{indent}{_type}", fg="blue", nl=False)
if node.prefix:
# We don't have to handle prefixes for `Node` objects since
# that delegates to the first child anyway.
- out(f' {node.prefix!r}', fg='green', bold=False, nl=False)
- out(f' {node.value!r}', fg='blue', bold=False)
+ out(f" {node.prefix!r}", fg="green", bold=False, nl=False)
+ out(f" {node.value!r}", fg="blue", bold=False)
def show(cls, code: str) -> None:
KEYWORDS = set(keyword.kwlist)
-FLOW_CONTROL = {'return', 'raise', 'break', 'continue'}
+FLOW_CONTROL = {"return", "raise", "break", "continue"}
-LOGIC_OPERATORS = {'and', 'or'}
+LOGIC_OPERATORS = {"and", "or"}
self.delimiters[id(self.previous)] = STRING_PRIORITY
elif (
leaf.type == token.NAME
- and leaf.value == 'for'
+ and leaf.value == "for"
and leaf.parent
and leaf.parent.type in {syms.comp_for, syms.old_comp_for}
self.delimiters[id(self.previous)] = COMPREHENSION_PRIORITY
elif (
leaf.type == token.NAME
- and leaf.value == 'if'
+ and leaf.value == "if"
and leaf.parent
and leaf.parent.type in {syms.comp_if, syms.old_comp_if}
return (
and self.leaves[0].type == token.NAME
- and self.leaves[0].value == 'class'
+ and self.leaves[0].value == "class"
except IndexError:
second_leaf = None
return (
- (first_leaf.type == token.NAME and first_leaf.value == 'def')
+ (first_leaf.type == token.NAME and first_leaf.value == "def")
or (
first_leaf.type == token.ASYNC
and second_leaf is not None
and second_leaf.type == token.NAME
- and second_leaf.value == 'def'
+ and second_leaf.value == "def"
return (
and self.leaves[0].type == token.NAME
- and self.leaves[0].value == 'yield'
+ and self.leaves[0].value == "yield"
To avoid splitting on the comma in this situation, increase the depth of
tokens between `for` and `in`.
- if leaf.type == token.NAME and leaf.value == 'for':
+ if leaf.type == token.NAME and leaf.value == "for":
self.has_for = True
self.bracket_tracker.depth += 1
self._for_loop_variable = True
def maybe_decrement_after_for_loop_variable(self, leaf: Leaf) -> bool:
"""See `maybe_increment_for_loop_variable` above for explanation."""
- if self._for_loop_variable and leaf.type == token.NAME and leaf.value == 'in':
+ if self._for_loop_variable and leaf.type == token.NAME and leaf.value == "in":
self.bracket_tracker.depth -= 1
self._for_loop_variable = False
return True
comment.type == STANDALONE_COMMENT
and self.bracket_tracker.any_open_brackets()
- comment.prefix = ''
+ comment.prefix = ""
return False
if comment.type != token.COMMENT:
after = len(self.leaves) - 1
if after == -1:
- comment.prefix = ''
+ comment.prefix = ""
return False
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Render the line."""
if not self:
- return '\n'
+ return "\n"
- indent = ' ' * self.depth
+ indent = " " * self.depth
leaves = iter(self.leaves)
first = next(leaves)
- res = f'{first.prefix}{indent}{first.value}'
+ res = f"{first.prefix}{indent}{first.value}"
for leaf in leaves:
res += str(leaf)
for _, comment in self.comments:
res += str(comment)
- return res + '\n'
+ return res + "\n"
def __bool__(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if the line has leaves or comments."""
`depth` is not used for indentation in this case.
if not self:
- return '\n'
+ return "\n"
- res = ''
+ res = ""
for leaf in self.leaves:
res += str(leaf)
return res
if current_line.leaves:
# Consume the first leaf's extra newlines.
first_leaf = current_line.leaves[0]
- before = first_leaf.prefix.count('\n')
+ before = first_leaf.prefix.count("\n")
before = min(before, max_allowed)
- first_leaf.prefix = ''
+ first_leaf.prefix = ""
before = 0
depth = current_line.depth
normalize_prefix(node, inside_brackets=any_open_brackets)
+ if node.type == token.STRING:
+ normalize_string_quotes(node)
if node.type not in WHITESPACE:
yield from super().visit_default(node)
def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:
"""You are in a twisty little maze of passages."""
v = self.visit_stmt
- self.visit_if_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'if', 'else', 'elif'})
- self.visit_while_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'while', 'else'})
- self.visit_for_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'for', 'else'})
- self.visit_try_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'try', 'except', 'else', 'finally'})
- self.visit_except_clause = partial(v, keywords={'except'})
- self.visit_funcdef = partial(v, keywords={'def'})
- self.visit_with_stmt = partial(v, keywords={'with'})
- self.visit_classdef = partial(v, keywords={'class'})
+ self.visit_if_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"if", "else", "elif"})
+ self.visit_while_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"while", "else"})
+ self.visit_for_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"for", "else"})
+ self.visit_try_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"try", "except", "else", "finally"})
+ self.visit_except_clause = partial(v, keywords={"except"})
+ self.visit_funcdef = partial(v, keywords={"def"})
+ self.visit_with_stmt = partial(v, keywords={"with"})
+ self.visit_classdef = partial(v, keywords={"class"})
self.visit_async_funcdef = self.visit_async_stmt
self.visit_decorated = self.visit_decorators
def whitespace(leaf: Leaf) -> str: # noqa C901
"""Return whitespace prefix if needed for the given `leaf`."""
- NO = ''
- SPACE = ' '
+ NO = ""
+ SPACE = " "
t = leaf.type
p = leaf.parent
v = leaf.value
and prevp.parent.type == syms.shift_expr
and prevp.prev_sibling
and prevp.prev_sibling.type == token.NAME
- and prevp.prev_sibling.value == 'print' # type: ignore
+ and prevp.prev_sibling.value == "print" # type: ignore
# Python 2 print chevron
return NO
return NO
elif t == token.NAME:
- if v == 'import':
+ if v == "import":
return SPACE
if prev and prev.type == token.DOT:
if not p:
- if '#' not in p:
+ if "#" not in p:
consumed = 0
nlines = 0
- for index, line in enumerate(p.split('\n')):
+ for index, line in enumerate(p.split("\n")):
consumed += len(line) + 1 # adding the length of the split '\n'
line = line.lstrip()
if not line:
nlines += 1
- if not line.startswith('#'):
+ if not line.startswith("#"):
if index == 0 and leaf.type != token.ENDMARKER:
comment = make_comment(line)
- yield Leaf(comment_type, comment, prefix='\n' * nlines)
+ yield Leaf(comment_type, comment, prefix="\n" * nlines)
- if comment in {'# fmt: on', '# yapf: enable'}:
+ if comment in {"# fmt: on", "# yapf: enable"}:
raise FormatOn(consumed)
- if comment in {'# fmt: off', '# yapf: disable'}:
+ if comment in {"# fmt: off", "# yapf: disable"}:
raise FormatOff(consumed)
nlines = 0
content = content.rstrip()
if not content:
- return '#'
+ return "#"
- if content[0] == '#':
+ if content[0] == "#":
content = content[1:]
- if content and content[0] not in ' !:#':
- content = ' ' + content
- return '#' + content
+ if content and content[0] not in " !:#":
+ content = " " + content
+ return "#" + content
def split_line(
yield line
- line_str = str(line).strip('\n')
+ line_str = str(line).strip("\n")
if (
len(line_str) <= line_length
- and '\n' not in line_str # multiline strings
+ and "\n" not in line_str # multiline strings
and not line.contains_standalone_comments
yield line
result: List[Line] = []
for l in split_func(line, py36):
- if str(l).strip('\n') == line_str:
+ if str(l).strip("\n") == line_str:
raise CannotSplit("Split function returned an unchanged result")
and current_line.leaves[-1].type != token.COMMA
and trailing_comma_safe
- current_line.append(Leaf(token.COMMA, ','))
+ current_line.append(Leaf(token.COMMA, ","))
yield current_line
return bool(
t == token.NAME
and (
- (v == 'import' and p and p.type == syms.import_name)
- or (v == 'from' and p and p.type == syms.import_from)
+ (v == "import" and p and p.type == syms.import_name)
+ or (v == "from" and p and p.type == syms.import_from)
Note: don't use backslashes for formatting or you'll lose your voting rights.
if not inside_brackets:
- spl = leaf.prefix.split('#')
- if '\\' not in spl[0]:
- nl_count = spl[-1].count('\n')
+ spl = leaf.prefix.split("#")
+ if "\\" not in spl[0]:
+ nl_count = spl[-1].count("\n")
if len(spl) > 1:
nl_count -= 1
- leaf.prefix = '\n' * nl_count
+ leaf.prefix = "\n" * nl_count
- leaf.prefix = ''
+ leaf.prefix = ""
+def normalize_string_quotes(leaf: Leaf) -> None:
+ value = leaf.value.lstrip("furbFURB")
+ if value[:3] == '"""':
+ return
+ elif value[:3] == "'''":
+ orig_quote = "'''"
+ new_quote = '"""'
+ elif value[0] == '"':
+ orig_quote = '"'
+ new_quote = "'"
+ else:
+ orig_quote = "'"
+ new_quote = '"'
+ first_quote_pos = leaf.value.find(orig_quote)
+ if first_quote_pos == -1:
+ return # There's an internal error
+ body = leaf.value[first_quote_pos + len(orig_quote):-len(orig_quote)]
+ new_body = body.replace(f"\\{orig_quote}", orig_quote).replace(
+ new_quote, f"\\{new_quote}"
+ )
+ if new_quote == '"""' and new_body[-1] == '"':
+ # edge case:
+ new_body = new_body[:-1] + '\\"'
+ orig_escape_count = body.count("\\")
+ new_escape_count = new_body.count("\\")
+ if new_escape_count > orig_escape_count:
+ return # Do not introduce more escaping
+ if new_escape_count == orig_escape_count and orig_quote == '"':
+ return # Prefer double quotes
+ prefix = leaf.value[:first_quote_pos]
+ leaf.value = f"{prefix}{new_quote}{new_body}{new_quote}"
def is_python36(node: Node) -> bool:
for n in node.pre_order():
if n.type == token.STRING:
value_head = n.value[:2] # type: ignore
- if value_head in {'f"', 'F"', "f'", "F'", 'rf', 'fr', 'RF', 'FR'}:
+ if value_head in {'f"', 'F"', "f'", "F'", "rf", "fr", "RF", "FR"}:
return True
elif (
return False
- 'build', 'buck-out', 'dist', '_build', '.git', '.hg', '.mypy_cache', '.tox', '.venv'
+ "build", "buck-out", "dist", "_build", ".git", ".hg", ".mypy_cache", ".tox", ".venv"
def done(self, src: Path, changed: bool) -> None:
"""Increment the counter for successful reformatting. Write out a message."""
if changed:
- reformatted = 'would reformat' if self.check else 'reformatted'
- out(f'{reformatted} {src}')
+ reformatted = "would reformat" if self.check else "reformatted"
+ out(f"{reformatted} {src}")
self.change_count += 1
- out(f'{src} already well formatted, good job.', bold=False)
+ out(f"{src} already well formatted, good job.", bold=False)
self.same_count += 1
def failed(self, src: Path, message: str) -> None:
"""Increment the counter for failed reformatting. Write out a message."""
- err(f'error: cannot format {src}: {message}')
+ err(f"error: cannot format {src}: {message}")
self.failure_count += 1
failed = "failed to reformat"
report = []
if self.change_count:
- s = 's' if self.change_count > 1 else ''
+ s = "s" if self.change_count > 1 else ""
-'{self.change_count} file{s} {reformatted}', bold=True)
+"{self.change_count} file{s} {reformatted}", bold=True)
if self.same_count:
- s = 's' if self.same_count > 1 else ''
- report.append(f'{self.same_count} file{s} {unchanged}')
+ s = "s" if self.same_count > 1 else ""
+ report.append(f"{self.same_count} file{s} {unchanged}")
if self.failure_count:
- s = 's' if self.failure_count > 1 else ''
+ s = "s" if self.failure_count > 1 else ""
-'{self.failure_count} file{s} {failed}', fg='red')
+"{self.failure_count} file{s} {failed}", fg="red")
- return ', '.join(report) + '.'
+ return ", ".join(report) + "."
def assert_equivalent(src: str, dst: str) -> None:
dst_ast = ast.parse(dst)
except Exception as exc:
- log = dump_to_file(''.join(traceback.format_tb(exc.__traceback__)), dst)
+ log = dump_to_file("".join(traceback.format_tb(exc.__traceback__)), dst)
raise AssertionError(
f"INTERNAL ERROR: Black produced invalid code: {exc}. "
f"Please report a bug on "
f"This invalid output might be helpful: {log}"
) from None
- src_ast_str = '\n'.join(_v(src_ast))
- dst_ast_str = '\n'.join(_v(dst_ast))
+ src_ast_str = "\n".join(_v(src_ast))
+ dst_ast_str = "\n".join(_v(dst_ast))
if src_ast_str != dst_ast_str:
- log = dump_to_file(diff(src_ast_str, dst_ast_str, 'src', 'dst'))
+ log = dump_to_file(diff(src_ast_str, dst_ast_str, "src", "dst"))
raise AssertionError(
f"INTERNAL ERROR: Black produced code that is not equivalent to "
f"the source. "
newdst = format_str(dst, line_length=line_length)
if dst != newdst:
log = dump_to_file(
- diff(src, dst, 'source', 'first pass'),
- diff(dst, newdst, 'first pass', 'second pass'),
+ diff(src, dst, "source", "first pass"),
+ diff(dst, newdst, "first pass", "second pass"),
raise AssertionError(
f"INTERNAL ERROR: Black produced different code on the second pass "
import tempfile
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
- mode='w', prefix='blk_', suffix='.log', delete=False
+ mode="w", prefix="blk_", suffix=".log", delete=False
) as f:
for lines in output:
- f.write('\n')
+ f.write("\n")
"""Return a unified diff string between strings `a` and `b`."""
import difflib
- a_lines = [line + '\n' for line in a.split('\n')]
- b_lines = [line + '\n' for line in b.split('\n')]
- return ''.join(
+ a_lines = [line + "\n" for line in a.split("\n")]
+ b_lines = [line + "\n" for line in b.split("\n")]
+ return "".join(
difflib.unified_diff(a_lines, b_lines, fromfile=a_name, tofile=b_name, n=5)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+if __name__ == "__main__":