1. Intro ........................................... |password-store-intro|
2. Requirements ............................. |password-store-requirements|
3. Usage ........................................... |password-store-usage|
- 4. Licence ....................................... |password-store-licence|
- 5. Credits ....................................... |password-store-credits|
+ 4. Configuration .................................. |password-store-config|
+ 5. Licence ....................................... |password-store-licence|
+ 6. Credits ....................................... |password-store-credits|
1. Intro *password-store-intro*
The mapped sequence will generate a random password. As neither decrement nor
increment mean anything in this context, buth are mapped to the same plug.
The default length of the password is 10 character, but
-modifiable by altering the global g:password_store_pwlength
+modifiable by configuration This is also available via the function call(s)
- let g:password_store_pwlength = 20
+ password_store#replace()
-This is also available via the function call(s)
+4. Configuration *password-store-config*
+Configuration is done through a global dictionary *g:password_store_settings*
+Initialize the dictionary and add settings as needed
- password_store#replace()
+ let g:password_store_settings = {}
+Syntax obfustaction is enabled by default. To disable it:
+ let g:password_store_settings.enable_syntax = 'false"
+Auto "increment" password length is 12 characters. To change it
+ let g:password_store_settings.pw_length = 20
4. Licence *password-store-licence*