+### Preview style
+<!-- Changes that affect Black's preview style -->
+- Add trailing commas to collection literals even if there's a comment after the last
+ entry (#3393)
+### Configuration
+<!-- Changes to how Black can be configured -->
+### Packaging
+<!-- Changes to how Black is packaged, such as dependency requirements -->
+### Parser
+<!-- Changes to the parser or to version autodetection -->
+### Performance
+<!-- Changes that improve Black's performance. -->
+### Output
+<!-- Changes to Black's terminal output and error messages -->
+### _Blackd_
+<!-- Changes to blackd -->
+### Integrations
+<!-- For example, Docker, GitHub Actions, pre-commit, editors -->
+### Documentation
+<!-- Major changes to documentation and policies. Small docs changes
+ don't need a changelog entry. -->
+## 23.1.0
+### Highlights
+This is the first release of 2023, and following our
+[stability policy](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style/index.html#stability-policy),
+it comes with a number of improvements to our stable style, including improvements to
+empty line handling, removal of redundant parentheses in several contexts, and output
+that highlights implicitly concatenated strings better.
+There are also many changes to the preview style; try out `black --preview` and give us
+feedback to help us set the stable style for next year.
+In addition to style changes, Black now automatically infers the supported Python
+versions from your `pyproject.toml` file, removing the need to set Black's target
+versions separately.
+### Stable style
+<!-- Changes that affect Black's stable style -->