+ finally:
+ os.unlink(tmp_file)
+ actual = result.output
+ actual = diff_header.sub(DETERMINISTIC_HEADER, actual)
+ self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
+ @staticmethod
+ def compare_results(
+ result: click.testing.Result, expected_value: str, expected_exit_code: int
+ ) -> None:
+ """Helper method to test the value and exit code of a click Result."""
+ assert (
+ result.output == expected_value
+ ), "The output did not match the expected value."
+ assert result.exit_code == expected_exit_code, "The exit code is incorrect."
+ def test_code_option(self) -> None:
+ """Test the code option with no changes."""
+ code = 'print("Hello world")\n'
+ args = ["--code", code]
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ self.compare_results(result, code, 0)
+ def test_code_option_changed(self) -> None:
+ """Test the code option when changes are required."""
+ code = "print('hello world')"
+ formatted = black.format_str(code, mode=DEFAULT_MODE)
+ args = ["--code", code]
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ self.compare_results(result, formatted, 0)
+ def test_code_option_check(self) -> None:
+ """Test the code option when check is passed."""
+ args = ["--check", "--code", 'print("Hello world")\n']
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ self.compare_results(result, "", 0)
+ def test_code_option_check_changed(self) -> None:
+ """Test the code option when changes are required, and check is passed."""
+ args = ["--check", "--code", "print('hello world')"]
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ self.compare_results(result, "", 1)
+ def test_code_option_diff(self) -> None:
+ """Test the code option when diff is passed."""
+ code = "print('hello world')"
+ formatted = black.format_str(code, mode=DEFAULT_MODE)
+ result_diff = diff(code, formatted, "STDIN", "STDOUT")
+ args = ["--diff", "--code", code]
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ # Remove time from diff
+ output = DIFF_TIME.sub("", result.output)
+ assert output == result_diff, "The output did not match the expected value."
+ assert result.exit_code == 0, "The exit code is incorrect."
+ def test_code_option_color_diff(self) -> None:
+ """Test the code option when color and diff are passed."""
+ code = "print('hello world')"
+ formatted = black.format_str(code, mode=DEFAULT_MODE)
+ result_diff = diff(code, formatted, "STDIN", "STDOUT")
+ result_diff = color_diff(result_diff)
+ args = ["--diff", "--color", "--code", code]
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ # Remove time from diff
+ output = DIFF_TIME.sub("", result.output)
+ assert output == result_diff, "The output did not match the expected value."
+ assert result.exit_code == 0, "The exit code is incorrect."
+ @pytest.mark.incompatible_with_mypyc
+ def test_code_option_safe(self) -> None:
+ """Test that the code option throws an error when the sanity checks fail."""
+ # Patch black.assert_equivalent to ensure the sanity checks fail
+ with patch.object(black, "assert_equivalent", side_effect=AssertionError):
+ code = 'print("Hello world")'
+ error_msg = f"{code}\nerror: cannot format <string>: \n"
+ args = ["--safe", "--code", code]
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ self.compare_results(result, error_msg, 123)
+ def test_code_option_fast(self) -> None:
+ """Test that the code option ignores errors when the sanity checks fail."""
+ # Patch black.assert_equivalent to ensure the sanity checks fail
+ with patch.object(black, "assert_equivalent", side_effect=AssertionError):
+ code = 'print("Hello world")'
+ formatted = black.format_str(code, mode=DEFAULT_MODE)
+ args = ["--fast", "--code", code]
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ self.compare_results(result, formatted, 0)
+ @pytest.mark.incompatible_with_mypyc
+ def test_code_option_config(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that the code option finds the pyproject.toml in the current directory.
+ """
+ with patch.object(black, "parse_pyproject_toml", return_value={}) as parse:
+ args = ["--code", "print"]
+ # This is the only directory known to contain a pyproject.toml
+ with change_directory(PROJECT_ROOT):
+ CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ pyproject_path = Path(Path.cwd(), "pyproject.toml").resolve()
+ assert (
+ len(parse.mock_calls) >= 1
+ ), "Expected config parse to be called with the current directory."
+ _, call_args, _ = parse.mock_calls[0]
+ assert (
+ call_args[0].lower() == str(pyproject_path).lower()
+ ), "Incorrect config loaded."
+ @pytest.mark.incompatible_with_mypyc
+ def test_code_option_parent_config(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that the code option finds the pyproject.toml in the parent directory.
+ """
+ with patch.object(black, "parse_pyproject_toml", return_value={}) as parse:
+ with change_directory(THIS_DIR):
+ args = ["--code", "print"]
+ CliRunner().invoke(black.main, args)
+ pyproject_path = Path(Path().cwd().parent, "pyproject.toml").resolve()
+ assert (
+ len(parse.mock_calls) >= 1
+ ), "Expected config parse to be called with the current directory."
+ _, call_args, _ = parse.mock_calls[0]
+ assert (
+ call_args[0].lower() == str(pyproject_path).lower()
+ ), "Incorrect config loaded."
+ def test_for_handled_unexpected_eof_error(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that an unexpected EOF SyntaxError is nicely presented.
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(black.parsing.InvalidInput) as exc_info:
+ black.lib2to3_parse("print(", {})
+ exc_info.match("Cannot parse: 2:0: EOF in multi-line statement")
+ def test_equivalency_ast_parse_failure_includes_error(self) -> None:
+ with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as err:
+ black.assert_equivalent("a«»a = 1", "a«»a = 1")
+ err.match("--safe")
+ # Unfortunately the SyntaxError message has changed in newer versions so we
+ # can't match it directly.
+ err.match("invalid character")
+ err.match(r"\(<unknown>, line 1\)")
+class TestCaching:
+ def test_get_cache_dir(
+ self,
+ tmp_path: Path,
+ monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch,
+ ) -> None:
+ # Create multiple cache directories
+ workspace1 = tmp_path / "ws1"
+ workspace1.mkdir()
+ workspace2 = tmp_path / "ws2"
+ workspace2.mkdir()
+ # Force user_cache_dir to use the temporary directory for easier assertions
+ patch_user_cache_dir = patch(
+ target="black.cache.user_cache_dir",
+ autospec=True,
+ return_value=str(workspace1),
+ )
+ # If BLACK_CACHE_DIR is not set, use user_cache_dir
+ monkeypatch.delenv("BLACK_CACHE_DIR", raising=False)
+ with patch_user_cache_dir:
+ assert get_cache_dir() == workspace1
+ # If it is set, use the path provided in the env var.
+ monkeypatch.setenv("BLACK_CACHE_DIR", str(workspace2))
+ assert get_cache_dir() == workspace2
+ def test_cache_broken_file(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ cache_file = get_cache_file(mode)
+ cache_file.write_text("this is not a pickle", encoding="utf-8")
+ assert black.Cache.read(mode).file_data == {}
+ src = (workspace / "test.py").resolve()
+ src.write_text("print('hello')", encoding="utf-8")
+ invokeBlack([str(src)])
+ cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ assert not cache.is_changed(src)
+ def test_cache_single_file_already_cached(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ src = (workspace / "test.py").resolve()
+ src.write_text("print('hello')", encoding="utf-8")
+ cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ cache.write([src])
+ invokeBlack([str(src)])
+ assert src.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "print('hello')"
+ @event_loop()
+ def test_cache_multiple_files(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace, patch(
+ "concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor", new=ThreadPoolExecutor
+ ):
+ one = (workspace / "one.py").resolve()
+ one.write_text("print('hello')", encoding="utf-8")
+ two = (workspace / "two.py").resolve()
+ two.write_text("print('hello')", encoding="utf-8")
+ cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ cache.write([one])
+ invokeBlack([str(workspace)])
+ assert one.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "print('hello')"
+ assert two.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == 'print("hello")\n'
+ cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ assert not cache.is_changed(one)
+ assert not cache.is_changed(two)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("color", [False, True], ids=["no-color", "with-color"])
+ def test_no_cache_when_writeback_diff(self, color: bool) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ src = (workspace / "test.py").resolve()
+ src.write_text("print('hello')", encoding="utf-8")
+ with patch.object(black.Cache, "read") as read_cache, patch.object(
+ black.Cache, "write"
+ ) as write_cache:
+ cmd = [str(src), "--diff"]
+ if color:
+ cmd.append("--color")
+ invokeBlack(cmd)
+ cache_file = get_cache_file(mode)
+ assert cache_file.exists() is False
+ read_cache.assert_called_once()
+ write_cache.assert_not_called()
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("color", [False, True], ids=["no-color", "with-color"])
+ @event_loop()
+ def test_output_locking_when_writeback_diff(self, color: bool) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ for tag in range(0, 4):
+ src = (workspace / f"test{tag}.py").resolve()
+ src.write_text("print('hello')", encoding="utf-8")
+ with patch(
+ "black.concurrency.Manager", wraps=multiprocessing.Manager
+ ) as mgr:
+ cmd = ["--diff", str(workspace)]
+ if color:
+ cmd.append("--color")
+ invokeBlack(cmd, exit_code=0)
+ # this isn't quite doing what we want, but if it _isn't_
+ # called then we cannot be using the lock it provides
+ mgr.assert_called()
+ def test_no_cache_when_stdin(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir():
+ result = CliRunner().invoke(
+ black.main, ["-"], input=BytesIO(b"print('hello')")
+ )
+ assert not result.exit_code
+ cache_file = get_cache_file(mode)
+ assert not cache_file.exists()
+ def test_read_cache_no_cachefile(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir():
+ assert black.Cache.read(mode).file_data == {}
+ def test_write_cache_read_cache(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ src = (workspace / "test.py").resolve()
+ src.touch()
+ write_cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ write_cache.write([src])
+ read_cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ assert not read_cache.is_changed(src)
+ def test_filter_cached(self) -> None:
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as workspace:
+ path = Path(workspace)
+ uncached = (path / "uncached").resolve()
+ cached = (path / "cached").resolve()
+ cached_but_changed = (path / "changed").resolve()
+ uncached.touch()
+ cached.touch()
+ cached_but_changed.touch()
+ cache = black.Cache.read(DEFAULT_MODE)
+ orig_func = black.Cache.get_file_data
+ def wrapped_func(path: Path) -> FileData:
+ if path == cached:
+ return orig_func(path)
+ if path == cached_but_changed:
+ return FileData(0.0, 0, "")
+ raise AssertionError
+ with patch.object(black.Cache, "get_file_data", side_effect=wrapped_func):
+ cache.write([cached, cached_but_changed])
+ todo, done = cache.filtered_cached({uncached, cached, cached_but_changed})
+ assert todo == {uncached, cached_but_changed}
+ assert done == {cached}
+ def test_filter_cached_hash(self) -> None:
+ with TemporaryDirectory() as workspace:
+ path = Path(workspace)
+ src = (path / "test.py").resolve()
+ src.write_text("print('hello')", encoding="utf-8")
+ st = src.stat()
+ cache = black.Cache.read(DEFAULT_MODE)
+ cache.write([src])
+ cached_file_data = cache.file_data[str(src)]
+ todo, done = cache.filtered_cached([src])
+ assert todo == set()
+ assert done == {src}
+ assert cached_file_data.st_mtime == st.st_mtime
+ # Modify st_mtime
+ cached_file_data = cache.file_data[str(src)] = FileData(
+ cached_file_data.st_mtime - 1,
+ cached_file_data.st_size,
+ cached_file_data.hash,
+ )
+ todo, done = cache.filtered_cached([src])
+ assert todo == set()
+ assert done == {src}
+ assert cached_file_data.st_mtime < st.st_mtime
+ assert cached_file_data.st_size == st.st_size
+ assert cached_file_data.hash == black.Cache.hash_digest(src)
+ # Modify contents
+ src.write_text("print('hello world')", encoding="utf-8")
+ new_st = src.stat()
+ todo, done = cache.filtered_cached([src])
+ assert todo == {src}
+ assert done == set()
+ assert cached_file_data.st_mtime < new_st.st_mtime
+ assert cached_file_data.st_size != new_st.st_size
+ assert cached_file_data.hash != black.Cache.hash_digest(src)
+ def test_write_cache_creates_directory_if_needed(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir(exists=False) as workspace:
+ assert not workspace.exists()
+ cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ cache.write([])
+ assert workspace.exists()
+ @event_loop()
+ def test_failed_formatting_does_not_get_cached(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir() as workspace, patch(
+ "concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor", new=ThreadPoolExecutor
+ ):
+ failing = (workspace / "failing.py").resolve()
+ failing.write_text("not actually python", encoding="utf-8")
+ clean = (workspace / "clean.py").resolve()
+ clean.write_text('print("hello")\n', encoding="utf-8")
+ invokeBlack([str(workspace)], exit_code=123)
+ cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ assert cache.is_changed(failing)
+ assert not cache.is_changed(clean)
+ def test_write_cache_write_fail(self) -> None:
+ with cache_dir():
+ cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ with patch.object(Path, "open") as mock:
+ mock.side_effect = OSError
+ cache.write([])
+ def test_read_cache_line_lengths(self) -> None:
+ short_mode = replace(DEFAULT_MODE, line_length=1)
+ with cache_dir() as workspace:
+ path = (workspace / "file.py").resolve()
+ path.touch()
+ cache = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ cache.write([path])
+ one = black.Cache.read(mode)
+ assert not one.is_changed(path)
+ two = black.Cache.read(short_mode)
+ assert two.is_changed(path)
+def assert_collected_sources(
+ src: Sequence[Union[str, Path]],
+ expected: Sequence[Union[str, Path]],
+ *,
+ root: Optional[Path] = None,
+ exclude: Optional[str] = None,
+ include: Optional[str] = None,
+ extend_exclude: Optional[str] = None,
+ force_exclude: Optional[str] = None,
+ stdin_filename: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> None:
+ gs_src = tuple(str(Path(s)) for s in src)
+ gs_expected = [Path(s) for s in expected]
+ gs_exclude = None if exclude is None else compile_pattern(exclude)
+ gs_include = DEFAULT_INCLUDE if include is None else compile_pattern(include)
+ gs_extend_exclude = (
+ None if extend_exclude is None else compile_pattern(extend_exclude)
+ )
+ gs_force_exclude = None if force_exclude is None else compile_pattern(force_exclude)
+ collected = black.get_sources(
+ root=root or THIS_DIR,
+ src=gs_src,
+ quiet=False,
+ verbose=False,
+ include=gs_include,
+ exclude=gs_exclude,
+ extend_exclude=gs_extend_exclude,
+ force_exclude=gs_force_exclude,
+ report=black.Report(),
+ stdin_filename=stdin_filename,
+ )
+ assert sorted(collected) == sorted(gs_expected)
+class TestFileCollection:
+ def test_include_exclude(self) -> None:
+ path = THIS_DIR / "data" / "include_exclude_tests"
+ src = [path]
+ expected = [
+ Path(path / "b/dont_exclude/a.py"),
+ Path(path / "b/dont_exclude/a.pyi"),
+ ]
+ assert_collected_sources(
+ src,
+ expected,
+ include=r"\.pyi?$",
+ exclude=r"/exclude/|/\.definitely_exclude/",
+ )
+ def test_gitignore_used_as_default(self) -> None:
+ base = Path(DATA_DIR / "include_exclude_tests")
+ expected = [
+ base / "b/.definitely_exclude/a.py",
+ base / "b/.definitely_exclude/a.pyi",
+ ]
+ src = [base / "b/"]
+ assert_collected_sources(src, expected, root=base, extend_exclude=r"/exclude/")
+ def test_gitignore_used_on_multiple_sources(self) -> None:
+ root = Path(DATA_DIR / "gitignore_used_on_multiple_sources")
+ expected = [
+ root / "dir1" / "b.py",
+ root / "dir2" / "b.py",
+ ]
+ src = [root / "dir1", root / "dir2"]
+ assert_collected_sources(src, expected, root=root)
+ @patch("black.find_project_root", lambda *args: (THIS_DIR.resolve(), None))
+ def test_exclude_for_issue_1572(self) -> None:
+ # Exclude shouldn't touch files that were explicitly given to Black through the
+ # CLI. Exclude is supposed to only apply to the recursive discovery of files.
+ # https://github.com/psf/black/issues/1572
+ path = DATA_DIR / "include_exclude_tests"
+ src = [path / "b/exclude/a.py"]
+ expected = [path / "b/exclude/a.py"]
+ assert_collected_sources(src, expected, include="", exclude=r"/exclude/|a\.py")
+ def test_gitignore_exclude(self) -> None:
+ path = THIS_DIR / "data" / "include_exclude_tests"
+ include = re.compile(r"\.pyi?$")
+ exclude = re.compile(r"")
+ report = black.Report()
+ gitignore = PathSpec.from_lines(
+ "gitwildmatch", ["exclude/", ".definitely_exclude"]
+ )
+ sources: List[Path] = []
+ expected = [
+ Path(path / "b/dont_exclude/a.py"),
+ Path(path / "b/dont_exclude/a.pyi"),
+ ]
+ this_abs = THIS_DIR.resolve()
+ sources.extend(
+ black.gen_python_files(
+ path.iterdir(),
+ this_abs,
+ include,
+ exclude,
+ None,
+ None,
+ report,
+ {path: gitignore},
+ verbose=False,
+ quiet=False,
+ )
+ )
+ assert sorted(expected) == sorted(sources)