# black
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> Any color you like.
-l, --line-length INTEGER Where to wrap around. [default: 88]
--check Don't write back the files, just return the
- status. Return code 0 means nothing changed.
- Return code 1 means some files were reformatted.
- Return code 123 means there was an internal
- error.
+ status. Return code 0 means nothing would
+ change. Return code 1 means some files would be
+ reformatted. Return code 123 means there was an
+ internal error.
--fast / --safe If --fast given, skip temporary sanity checks.
[default: --safe]
--version Show the version and exit.
* it does nothing if no sources are passed to it;
* it will read from standard input and write to standard output if `-`
is used as the filename;
-* it only outputs messages to users on standard error.
+* it only outputs messages to users on standard error;
+* exits with code 0 unless an internal error occured (or `--check` was
+ used).
## The philosophy behind *Black*
> This vastly improves the formatting of our code. Thanks a ton!
+## Show your style
+Use the badge in your project's README.md:
+[![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/ambv/black)
+Looks like this: [![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/ambv/black)
## Tests
Just run:
But you can reformat Python 2 code with it, too. *Black* is able to parse
all of the new syntax supported on Python 3.6 but also *effectively all*
-the Python 2 syntax at the same time, as long as you're not using print
+the Python 2 syntax at the same time.
By making the code exclusively Python 3.6+, I'm able to focus on the
quality of the formatting and re-use all the nice features of the new
## Change Log
+### 18.3a4 (unreleased)
+* automatic detection of deprecated Python 2 forms of print statements
+ and exec statements in the formatted file (#49)
+* only return exit code 1 when --check is used (#50)
+* don't remove single trailing commas from square bracket indexing
+ (#59)
+* don't omit whitespace if the previous factor leaf wasn't a math
+ operator (#55)
+* omit extra space in kwarg unpacking if it's the first argument (#46)
### 18.3a3
* don't remove single empty lines outside of bracketed expressions