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Enhance transparency to SignColumn and FoldColumn
[etc/vim.git] / templates / _common.colortemplate
index 68f4a61d4ecdd06db041184411b1e6da8e80dc75..7823b86ac20f6db48a4b0874bc113203e6a9ac2d 100644 (file)
-# vim: ft=colortemplate fdm=marker
+; vim: ft=colortemplate fdm=marker
-# Default highlight groups {{{
-if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_transp_bg', 0)
-  # Transparent background
-  Normal       fg1           none
-  CursorLineNr yellow        none
-  FoldColumn   brightblack   none
-  SignColumn   fg2           none
-  VertSplit    bg3           none
-  # Opaque background
-  Normal       fg1           bg0
-  CursorLineNr yellow        bg1
-  FoldColumn   brightblack   bg1
-  SignColumn   fg2           bg1
-  VertSplit    bg3           bg0
+; Default highlight groups {{{
+#if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_dimmed', 0)
+  ; dimmed colours
+  #if !has('gui_running') && &background ==# 'light'
+    #if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_transparent', 0)
+      Normal                       realblack    none
+    #else
+      Normal                       realblack    bg0
+    #endif
+  #elseif !has('gui_running') && &background ==# 'dark'
+    #if get(g:, '@optionprefix_transparent', 0)
+      Normal                       brightwhite  none
+    #else
+      Normal                       brightwhite  bg0
+    #endif
+  #endif
+  Conceal                          darkblue     none
+  Constant                         darkgreen    none
+  Directory                        darkblue     none     bold
+  Error                            darkred      none     t=reverse,bold g=standout,bold
+  Function                         darkcyan     none
+  Identifier                       darkblue     none
+  ModeMsg                          darkblue     none
+  MoreMsg                          darkgreen    none
+  PreProc                          darkcyan     none
+  Statement                        darkred      none
+  Special                          darkyellow   none
+  Todo                             darkcyan     none     reverse
+  WarningMsg                       darkred      none
+  WildMenu                         darkblue     bg2      bold
+  ; default colours
+  #if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_transparent', 0)
+    Normal                         fg1          none
+  #else
+    Normal                         fg1          bg0
+  #endif
+  Conceal                          blue         none
+  Constant                         green        none
+  Directory                        blue         none     bold
+  Error                            red          none     t=reverse,bold g=standout,bold
+  Function                         cyan         none
+  Identifier                       blue         none
+  ModeMsg                          blue         none
+  MoreMsg                          green        none
+  PreProc                          cyan         none
+  Statement                        red          none
+  Special                          yellow       none
+  Todo                             cyan         none     reverse
+  WarningMsg                       red          none
+  WildMenu                         blue         bg2      bold
+#if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_transparent', 0)
+  ; transparent background
+  LineNr                           bg2          none
+  CursorLineNr                     yellow       none
+  FoldColumn                       darkgray     none
+  SignColumn                       none         none
+  VertSplit                        bg3          none
+  Pmenu                            fg1          none
+  PmenuSbar                        fg2          none
+  PmenuSel                         fg2          none        reverse
+  PmenuThumb                       none         fg2
+  ; opaque background
+  LineNr                           bg2          bg1
+  CursorLineNr                     yellow       bg1
+  FoldColumn                       darkgray     bg1
+  SignColumn                       none          bg1
+  VertSplit                        bg3          bg0
+  Pmenu                            fg1          bg2
+  PmenuSbar                        none         bg2
+  PmenuSel                         bg1          fg2        bold
+  PmenuThumb                       none         bg4
-# Group                          Fg           Bg      Attributes
-ColorColumn                      none         bg1
-Conceal                          blue         none
-Cursor                           none         none    reverse
-CursorColumn                  -> CursorLine
-CursorLine                       none         bg1     bold
-DiffAdd                          fg0          brightgreen
-DiffChange                       fg0          brightblue
-DiffDelete                       fg0          brightred
-DiffText                         fg0          brightgreen
-Directory                        blue         none    bold
+; Group                          Fg           Bg         Attributes
+ColorColumn                      none         bg1        bold
+Cursor                           none         none       reverse,bold
+CursorColumn                     none         bg1
+CursorLine                       none         bg1       bold
+DiffAdd                          none         diffgreen
+DiffAdded                        none         diffgreen
+DiffChange                       none         diffblue
+DiffDelete                       none         diffred
+DiffRemoved                      none         diffred
+DiffText                         none         diffgreen
 EndOfBuffer                      bg0          none
 EndOfBuffer                      bg0          none
-Error                            bg0          red
 ErrorMsg                      -> Error
 ErrorMsg                      -> Error
-Folded                           brightblack  bg1     g=italic
-IncSearch                        brightyellow black   reverse
-LineNr                           bg3          bg1
-MatchParen                       none         bg2     bold
-ModeMsg                          blue         none
-MoreMsg                          green        none
+Folded                           bg3          bg1        g=italic
+IncSearch                        yellow       black      reverse
+MatchParen                       none         bg2        bold
 NonText                          bg4          none
 NonText                          bg4          none
-Pmenu                            fg1          bg2
-PmenuSbar                        none         bg2
-PmenuSel                         bg1          fg2    bold
-PmenuThumb                       none         bg4
 Question                         darkyellow   none
 QuickFixLine                  -> Search
 Question                         darkyellow   none
 QuickFixLine                  -> Search
-Search                           brightyellow black   reverse
+Search                           brightyellow black      reverse
 SpecialKey                       bg4          none
 SpecialKey                       bg4          none
-SpellBad                         red          none    t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=red
-SpellCap                         blue         none    t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=blue
-SpellLocal                       cyan         none    t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=cyan
-SpellRare                        magenta      none    t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=magenta
-StatusLine                       bg2          fg1     reverse
-StatusLineNC                     bg1          fg2     reverse
+SpellBad                         red          none       t=underline g=italic,undercurl
+SpellCap                         blue         none       t=underline g=italic,undercurl
+SpellLocal                       cyan         none       t=underline g=italic,undercurl
+SpellRare                        magenta      none       t=underline g=italic,undercurl
+StatusLine                       fg1          bg2
+StatusLineNC                     fg2          bg1
 StatusLineTerm                -> StatusLine
 StatusLineTermNC              -> StatusLineNC
 TabLine                       -> TabLineFill
 TabLineFill                      fg2          bg3
 TabLineSel                       fg1          bg1
 StatusLineTerm                -> StatusLine
 StatusLineTermNC              -> StatusLineNC
 TabLine                       -> TabLineFill
 TabLineFill                      fg2          bg3
 TabLineSel                       fg1          bg1
-Title                            fg0          none    bold
+Title                            red          none       bold
 Visual                           none         bg1
 VisualNOS                     -> Visual
 Visual                           none         bg1
 VisualNOS                     -> Visual
-WarningMsg                       red          none
-WildMenu                         blue         bg2     bold
-# Other conventional group names (see `:help group-name`)
-Boolean                          magenta      none
-Character                        magenta      none
-Comment                          brightblack  none    g=italic
-Conditional                      red          none
-Constant                         magenta      none
-Define                           cyan         none
-Debug                            red          none
-Delimiter                     -> Statement
-Exception                        red          none
-Float                            magenta      none
-Function                         blue         none    bold
-Identifier                       cyan         none
+; Other conventional group names (see `:help group-name`)
+Boolean                       -> Constant
+Character                     -> Constant
+Comment                          fg3          none
+Conditional                   -> Statement
+Define                        -> PreProc
+Debug                         -> Special
+Delimiter                     -> Special
+Exception                     -> Statement
+Float                         -> Constant
 Ignore                           fg           none
 Ignore                           fg           none
-Include                          cyan         none
-Keyword                          red          none
+Include                       -> PreProc
+Keyword                       -> Statement
 Label                         -> Statement
 Label                         -> Statement
-Macro                            cyan         none
-Number                           magenta      none
-Operator                      -> Normal
-PreCondit                        cyan         none
-PreProc                          cyan         none
-Repeat                           red          none
-SpecialChar                      red          none
-SpecialComment                   red          none
-Statement                        red          none
-StorageClass                     green        none
-Special                          yellow       none
-String                           green        none
-Structure                        cyan         none
+Macro                         -> PreProc
+Number                        -> Constant
+Operator                      -> Statement
+PreCondit                     -> PreProc
+Repeat                        -> Statement
+SpecialChar                   -> Special
+SpecialComment                -> Special
+StorageClass                  -> Type
+String                        -> Constant
+Structure                     -> Type
 Tag                           -> Special
 Tag                           -> Special
-Todo                             fg           bg0     t=bold g=bold,italic
-Type                             cyan         none
-Typedef                          cyan         none
-Underlined                       blue         none    underline
-# Language mapping cursor
+Type                             darkcyan     none
+Typedef                       -> Type
+Underlined                       none         none       underline
+; Language mapping cursor
 lCursor                       -> Cursor
 lCursor                       -> Cursor
-# See `:help CursorIM`
-CursorIM                         none         none    reverse
-# See `:help window-toolbar`
+; See `:help CursorIM`
+CursorIM                         none         none       reverse
+; See `:help window-toolbar`
 ToolbarLine                      none         bg3
 ToolbarLine                      none         bg3
-ToolbarButton                    fg0          bg3     bold
-# }}}
+ToolbarButton                    fg0          bg3        bold
+; }}}
-# Italics {{{
-if get(g:, "@optionprefix_italic", 0)
-  hi Comment cterm=italic
-  hi Folded cterm=italic
-  hi SpellBad cterm=italic,underline
-  hi SpellCap cterm=italic,underline
-  hi SpellLocal cterm=italic,underline
-  hi SpellRare cterm=italic,underline
-  hi Todo cterm=italic
-# }}}
-# Additional highlight groups {{{
-# Input mode cursor
+; Additional highlight groups {{{
+; Input mode cursor
 iCursor                       -> Cursor
 iCursor                       -> Cursor
-# Visual mode cursor, selection
+; Visual mode cursor, selection
 vCursor                       -> Cursor
 vCursor                       -> Cursor
-# Useful for custom status lines
-NormalMode                       fg2          bg0     reverse
-InsertMode                       blue         bg0     reverse
-ReplaceMode                      cyan         bg0     reverse
-VisualMode                       yellow       bg0     reverse
-CommandMode                      magenta      bg0     reverse
-Warnings                         yellow       bg0     reverse
-# }}}
+; Useful for custom status lines
+NormalMode                       fg2          bg0        reverse
+InsertMode                       blue         bg0        reverse
+ReplaceMode                      cyan         bg0        reverse
+VisualMode                       yellow       bg0        reverse
+CommandMode                      magenta      bg0        reverse
+Warnings                         red          bg0        reverse
+; }}}
+; Plugin support {{{
+; GitSigns
+#if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_transparent', 0)
+  ; transparent background
+  GitSignsAdd                      green    none
+  GitSignsChange                   blue     none
+  GitSignsDelete                   red      none
+  ; opaque background
+  GitSignsAdd                      green    bg1
+  GitSignsChange                   blue     bg1
+  GitSignsDelete                   red      bg1
+GitSignsAddNr                 -> GitSignsAdd
+GitSignsChangeNr              -> GitSignsChange
+GitSignsDeleteNr              -> GitSignsDelete
+; }}}
-# Terminal colors {{{
-Include: _terminal.colortemplate
-# }}}
+; Terminal colors {{{
+TermCursor                    -> Cursor
+TermCursorNC                     bg1          fg1
+; }}}