" Search instead of `normal! j` because of the table at beginning of file edge case.
call search('|')
normal! j
- " Remove everything that is not a pipe othewise well formated tables would grow
- " because of addition of 2 spaces on the separator line by Tabularize /|.
+ " Remove everything that is not a pipe, colon or hyphen next to a colon othewise
+ " well formated tables would grow because of addition of 2 spaces on the separator
+ " line by Tabularize /|.
let l:flags = (&gdefault ? '' : 'g')
- execute 's/[^|]//' . l:flags
+ execute 's/\(:\@<!-:\@!\|[^|:-]\)//e' . l:flags
+ execute 's/--/-/e' . l:flags
Tabularize /|
+ " Move colons for alignment to left or right side of the cell.
+ execute 's/:\( \+\)|/\1:|/e' . l:flags
+ execute 's/|\( \+\):/|:\1/e' . l:flags
execute 's/ /-/' . l:flags
call setpos('.', l:pos)
command! -buffer Toct call s:Toc('tab')
" Heavily based on vim-notes - http://peterodding.com/code/vim/notes/
-let s:filetype_dict = {
- \ 'c++': 'cpp',
- \ 'viml': 'vim',
- \ 'bash': 'sh',
- \ 'ini': 'dosini'
-\ }
+if exists('g:vim_markdown_fenced_languages')
+ let s:filetype_dict = {}
+ for s:filetype in g:vim_markdown_fenced_languages
+ let key = matchstr(s:filetype, "[^=]*")
+ let val = matchstr(s:filetype, "[^=]*$")
+ let s:filetype_dict[key] = val
+ endfor
+ let s:filetype_dict = {
+ \ 'c++': 'cpp',
+ \ 'viml': 'vim',
+ \ 'bash': 'sh',
+ \ 'ini': 'dosini'
+ \ }
function! s:MarkdownHighlightSources(force)
" Syntax highlight source code embedded in notes.
+function! s:MarkdownClearSyntaxVariables()
+ if &filetype == 'markdown'
+ unlet! b:mkd_included_filetypes
+ endif
augroup Mkd
au BufWinEnter * call s:MarkdownRefreshSyntax(1)
+ au BufUnload * call s:MarkdownClearSyntaxVariables()
au BufWritePost * call s:MarkdownRefreshSyntax(0)
au InsertEnter,InsertLeave * call s:MarkdownRefreshSyntax(0)
au CursorHold,CursorHoldI * call s:MarkdownRefreshSyntax(0)