mkdir -pv ${ADDONS}/ftdetect
- cp -v ftdetect/mkd.vim ${ADDONS}/ftdetect/mkd.vim
+ cp -v ftdetect/markdown.vim ${ADDONS}/ftdetect/markdown.vim
mkdir -pv ${ADDONS}/ftplugin
- cp -v ftplugin/mkd.vim ${ADDONS}/ftplugin/mkd.vim
+ cp -v ftplugin/markdown.vim ${ADDONS}/ftplugin/markdown.vim
mkdir -pv ${ADDONS}/syntax
- cp -v syntax/mkd.vim ${ADDONS}/syntax/mkd.vim
+ cp -v syntax/markdown.vim ${ADDONS}/syntax/markdown.vim
mkdir -pv ${ADDONS}/after/ftplugin
- cp -v after/ftplugin/mkd.vim ${ADDONS}/after/ftplugin/mkd.vim
+ cp -v after/ftplugin/markdown.vim ${ADDONS}/after/ftplugin/markdown.vim
+ mkdir -pv ${ADDONS}/doc
+ cp -v doc/vim-markdown.txt ${ADDONS}/doc/vim-markdown.txt
mkdir -pv ${REGISTRY}
- cp -v registry/mkd.yaml ${REGISTRY}/mkd.yaml
+ cp -v registry/markdown.yaml ${REGISTRY}/markdown.yaml
+test: build/tabular build/vader.vim
+ test/run-tests.sh
+.PHONY: test
+update: build/tabular build/vader.vim
+ cd build/tabular && git pull
+ cd build/vader.vim && git pull
+.PHONY: update
+build/tabular: | build
+ git clone https://github.com/godlygeek/tabular build/tabular
+build/vader.vim: | build
+ git clone https://github.com/junegunn/vader.vim build/vader.vim
+ mkdir build
+doc: build/html2vimdoc build/vim-tools
+ sed '/^\(\[!\[Build Status\]\|1. \[\)/d' README.md > doc/tmp.md
+ build/html2vimdoc/bin/python build/vim-tools/html2vimdoc.py -f vim-markdown \
+ doc/tmp.md | \
+ sed -e "s/\s*$$//; # remove trailing spaces" \
+ -e "/^- '[^']*':\( \|$$\)/ { # match command lines" \
+ -e "s/^- '\([^']*\)':\( \|$$\)/ \*\1\*\n\0/; # make command references" \
+ -e ":a; s/^\(.\{1,78\}\n\)/ \1/; ta } # right align references" \
+ > doc/vim-markdown.txt && rm -f doc/tmp.md
+.PHONY: doc
+# Prerequire Python and virtualenv.
+# $ sudo pip install virtualenv
+# Create the virtual environment.
+# Install the dependencies.
+build/html2vimdoc: | build
+ virtualenv build/html2vimdoc
+ build/html2vimdoc/bin/pip install beautifulsoup coloredlogs==4.0 markdown
+build/vim-tools: | build
+ git clone https://github.com/xolox/vim-tools.git build/vim-tools