" - restore cursor/window position after formatting
if v:version < 700 || !has('python3')
- echo "The black.vim plugin requires vim7.0+ with Python 3.6 support."
+ func! __BLACK_MISSING()
+ echo "The black.vim plugin requires vim7.0+ with Python 3.6 support."
+ endfunc
+ command! Black :call __BLACK_MISSING()
+ command! BlackUpgrade :call __BLACK_MISSING()
+ command! BlackVersion :call __BLACK_MISSING()
let g:black_skip_string_normalization = 0
-python3 << endpython3
+python3 << EndPython3
import collections
import os
import sys
if not virtualenv_path.is_dir():
print('Please wait, one time setup for Black.')
_executable = sys.executable
+ _base_executable = getattr(sys, "_base_executable", _executable)
- sys.executable = str(_get_python_binary(Path(sys.exec_prefix)))
+ executable = str(_get_python_binary(Path(sys.exec_prefix)))
+ sys.executable = executable
+ sys._base_executable = executable
print(f'Creating a virtualenv in {virtualenv_path}...')
print('(this path can be customized in .vimrc by setting g:black_virtualenv)')
venv.create(virtualenv_path, with_pip=True)
+ except Exception:
+ print('Encountered exception while creating virtualenv (see traceback below).')
+ print(f'Removing {virtualenv_path}...')
+ import shutil
+ shutil.rmtree(virtualenv_path)
+ raise
sys.executable = _executable
+ sys._base_executable = _base_executable
first_install = True
if first_install:
print('Installing Black with pip...')
def BlackVersion():
print(f'Black, version {black.__version__} on Python {sys.version}.')
command! Black :py3 Black()
command! BlackUpgrade :py3 BlackUpgrade()