Starting in 2022, the formatting output will be stable for the releases made in the same
year (other than unintentional bugs). It is possible to opt-in to the latest formatting
-styles, using the `--future` flag.
+styles, using the `--preview` flag.
## Why is my file not formatted?
## Does Black support Python 2?
-Python 2 support has been deprecated since 21.10b0.
-This support will be dropped in the first stable release, expected for January 2022.
-See [The Black Code Style](the_black_code_style/index.rst) for details.
-For formatting, yes! [Install]( with the `python2` extra
-to format Python 2 files too! In terms of running _Black_ though, Python 3.6 or newer is
+Support for formatting Python 2 code was removed in version 22.0.
## Why does my linter or typechecker complain after I format my code?
sometimes have to manually move these comments to the right place after you format your
codebase with _Black_.
-## Can I run black with PyPy?
+## Can I run Black with PyPy?
+Yes, there is support for PyPy 3.7 and higher.
+## Why does Black not detect syntax errors in my code?
-Yes, there is support for PyPy 3.7 and higher. You cannot format Python 2 files under
-PyPy, because PyPy's inbuilt ast module does not support this.
+_Black_ is an autoformatter, not a Python linter or interpreter. Detecting all syntax
+errors is not a goal. It can format all code accepted by CPython (if you find an example
+where that doesn't hold, please report a bug!), but it may also format some code that
+CPython doesn't accept.