let g:python_pep8_indent_hang_closing = 0
+" TODO: check required patch for timeout argument, likely lower than 7.3.429 though.
+if !exists('g:python_pep8_indent_searchpair_timeout')
+ if has('patch-8.0.1483')
+ let g:python_pep8_indent_searchpair_timeout = 150
+ else
+ let g:python_pep8_indent_searchpair_timeout = 0
+ endif
let s:block_rules = {
\ '^\s*elif\>': ['if', 'elif'],
\ '^\s*except\>': ['try', 'except'],
" Skip strings and comments. Return 1 for chars to skip.
" jedi* refers to syntax definitions from jedi-vim for call signatures, which
" are inserted temporarily into the buffer.
-let s:skip_special_chars = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' .
- \ '=~? "\\vstring|comment|jedi\\S"'
+" let s:skip_special_chars = '(execute("sleep 100m") && 0) || synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' .
+function! s:_skip_special_chars()
+ return synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 0), 'name')
+ \ =~? "\\vstring|comment|^pythonbytes%(contents)=$|jedi\\S"
+let s:skip_special_chars = 's:_skip_special_chars()'
let s:skip_after_opening_paren = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") ' .
\ '=~? "\\vcomment|jedi\\S"'
for [p, maxoff] in items(s:paren_pairs)
let stopline = max([0, line('.') - maxoff, nearest[0]])
let next = searchpairpos(
- \ '\V'.p[0], '', '\V'.p[1], 'bnW', s:skip_special_chars, stopline)
+ \ '\V'.p[0], '', '\V'.p[1], 'bnW', s:skip_special_chars, stopline, g:python_pep8_indent_searchpair_timeout)
if next[0] && (next[0] > nearest[0] || (next[0] == nearest[0] && next[1] > nearest[1]))
let nearest = next
" Find possible indent(s) of the block starter that matches the current line.
function! s:find_start_of_block(lnum, types, multiple)
let r = []
- let types = copy(a:types)
let re = '\V\^\s\*\('.join(a:types, '\|').'\)\>'
let lnum = a:lnum
let last_indent = indent(lnum) + 1
while lnum > 0 && last_indent > 0
let indent = indent(lnum)
if indent < last_indent
- for type in types
- let re = '\v^\s*'.type.'>'
- if getline(lnum) =~# re
- if !a:multiple
- return [indent]
- endif
- if index(r, indent) == -1
- let r += [indent]
- endif
- " Remove any handled type, e.g. 'if'.
- call remove(types, index(types, type))
+ if getline(lnum) =~# re
+ if !a:multiple
+ return [indent]
+ endif
+ if index(r, indent) == -1
+ let r += [indent]
- endfor
- let last_indent = indent(lnum)
+ let last_indent = indent
+ endif
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
if match_quotes != -1
" closing multiline string
let quotes = line[match_quotes:(match_quotes+2)]
- let pairpos = searchpairpos(quotes, '', quotes, 'b')
+ let pairpos = searchpairpos(quotes, '', quotes, 'b', 1, g:python_pep8_indent_searchpair_timeout)
if pairpos[0] != 0
return indent(pairpos[0])