" Find backwards the closest open parenthesis/bracket/brace.
-function! s:find_opening_paren(...)
- " optional arguments: line and column (defaults to 1) to search around
- if a:0 > 0
- let view = winsaveview()
- call cursor(a:1, a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : 1)
- let ret = s:find_opening_paren()
- call winrestview(view)
- return ret
- endif
+function! s:find_opening_paren(lnum, col)
" Return if cursor is in a comment.
- if synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 0), 'name') =~? 'comment'
+ if synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, a:col, 0), 'name') =~? 'comment'
return [0, 0]
+ call cursor(a:lnum, a:col)
let nearest = [0, 0]
for [p, maxoff] in items(s:paren_pairs)
let stopline = max([0, line('.') - maxoff, nearest[0]])
if getline(lnum - 1) =~# '\\$'
let lnum = prevnonblank(lnum - 1)
- let [paren_lnum, _] = s:find_opening_paren(lnum)
+ let [paren_lnum, _] = s:find_opening_paren(lnum, 1)
if paren_lnum < 1
return lnum
" Line up with open parenthesis/bracket/brace.
function! s:indent_like_opening_paren(lnum)
- let [paren_lnum, paren_col] = s:find_opening_paren(a:lnum)
+ let [paren_lnum, paren_col] = s:find_opening_paren(a:lnum, 1)
if paren_lnum <= 0
return -2
" from the next logical line.
if text =~# b:control_statement && res == base + s:sw()
" But only if not inside parens itself (Flake's E127).
- let [paren_lnum, _] = s:find_opening_paren(paren_lnum)
+ let [paren_lnum, _] = s:find_opening_paren(paren_lnum, 1)
if paren_lnum <= 0
return res + s:sw()