+### Preview style
+<!-- Changes that affect Black's preview style -->
+### Configuration
+<!-- Changes to how Black can be configured -->
+### Packaging
+<!-- Changes to how Black is packaged, such as dependency requirements -->
+- Upgrade to mypy 1.5.1 (#3864)
+### Parser
+<!-- Changes to the parser or to version autodetection -->
+### Performance
+<!-- Changes that improve Black's performance. -->
+### Output
+<!-- Changes to Black's terminal output and error messages -->
+### _Blackd_
+<!-- Changes to blackd -->
+### Integrations
+<!-- For example, Docker, GitHub Actions, pre-commit, editors -->
+### Documentation
+<!-- Major changes to documentation and policies. Small docs changes
+ don't need a changelog entry. -->
+## 23.9.0
+### Preview style
+- More concise formatting for dummy implementations (#3796)
+- In stub files, add a blank line between a statement with a body (e.g an
+ `if sys.version_info > (3, x):`) and a function definition on the same level (#3862)
+- Fix a bug whereby spaces were removed from walrus operators within subscript(#3823)
+### Configuration
+- Black now applies exclusion and ignore logic before resolving symlinks (#3846)
+### Performance
+- Avoid importing `IPython` if notebook cells do not contain magics (#3782)
+- Improve caching by comparing file hashes as fallback for mtime and size (#3821)
+### _Blackd_
+- Fix an issue in `blackd` with single character input (#3558)
+### Integrations
+- Black now has an
+ [official pre-commit mirror](https://github.com/psf/black-pre-commit-mirror). Swapping
+ `https://github.com/psf/black` to `https://github.com/psf/black-pre-commit-mirror` in
+ your `.pre-commit-config.yaml` will make Black about 2x faster (#3828)
+- The `.black.env` folder specified by `ENV_PATH` will now be removed on the completion
+ of the GitHub Action (#3759)
+## 23.7.0
+### Highlights
+- Runtime support for Python 3.7 has been removed. Formatting 3.7 code will still be
+ supported until further notice (#3765)
+### Stable style