-Looks like this: [](https://github.com/ambv/black)
-## License
-## Contributing to *Black*
-In terms of inspiration, *Black* is about as configurable as *gofmt*.
-This is deliberate.
-Bug reports and fixes are always welcome! However, before you suggest a
-new feature or configuration knob, ask yourself why you want it. If it
-enables better integration with some workflow, fixes an inconsistency,
-speeds things up, and so on - go for it! On the other hand, if your
-answer is "because I don't like a particular formatting" then you're not
-ready to embrace *Black* yet. Such changes are unlikely to get accepted.
-You can still try but prepare to be disappointed.
-More details can be found in [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md).
-## Change Log
-### 18.6b3
-* fixed improper formatting of f-strings with quotes inside interpolated
- expressions (#322)
-* fixed unnecessary slowdown when long list literals where found in a file
-### 18.6b2
-* added `--config` (#65)
-* added `-h` equivalent to `--help` (#316)
-* fixed improper unmodified file caching when `-S` was used
-* fixed extra space in string unpacking (#305)
-* fixed formatting of empty triple quoted strings (#313)
-* fixed unnecessary slowdown in comment placement calculation on lines without
- comments
-### 18.6b1
-* hotfix: don't output human-facing information on stdout (#299)
-* hotfix: don't output cake emoji on non-zero return code (#300)
-### 18.6b0
-* added `--include` and `--exclude` (#270)
-* added `--skip-string-normalization` (#118)
-* added `--verbose` (#283)
-* the header output in `--diff` now actually conforms to the unified diff spec
-* fixed long trivial assignments being wrapped in unnecessary parentheses (#273)
-* fixed unnecessary parentheses when a line contained multiline strings (#232)
-* fixed stdin handling not working correctly if an old version of Click was
- used (#276)
-* *Black* now preserves line endings when formatting a file in place (#258)
-### 18.5b1
-* added `--pyi` (#249)
-* added `--py36` (#249)
-* Python grammar pickle caches are stored with the formatting caches, making
- *Black* work in environments where site-packages is not user-writable (#192)
-* *Black* now enforces a PEP 257 empty line after a class-level docstring
- (and/or fields) and the first method
-* fixed invalid code produced when standalone comments were present in a trailer
- that was omitted from line splitting on a large expression (#237)
-* fixed optional parentheses being removed within `# fmt: off` sections (#224)
-* fixed invalid code produced when stars in very long imports were incorrectly
- wrapped in optional parentheses (#234)
-* fixed unstable formatting when inline comments were moved around in
- a trailer that was omitted from line splitting on a large expression
- (#238)
-* fixed extra empty line between a class declaration and the first
- method if no class docstring or fields are present (#219)
-* fixed extra empty line between a function signature and an inner
- function or inner class (#196)
-### 18.5b0
-* call chains are now formatted according to the
- [fluent interfaces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluent_interface)
- style (#67)
-* data structure literals (tuples, lists, dictionaries, and sets) are
- now also always exploded like imports when they don't fit in a single
- line (#152)
-* slices are now formatted according to PEP 8 (#178)
-* parentheses are now also managed automatically on the right-hand side
- of assignments and return statements (#140)
-* math operators now use their respective priorities for delimiting multiline
- expressions (#148)
-* optional parentheses are now omitted on expressions that start or end
- with a bracket and only contain a single operator (#177)
-* empty parentheses in a class definition are now removed (#145, #180)
-* string prefixes are now standardized to lowercase and `u` is removed
- on Python 3.6+ only code and Python 2.7+ code with the `unicode_literals`
- future import (#188, #198, #199)
-* typing stub files (`.pyi`) are now formatted in a style that is consistent
- with PEP 484 (#207, #210)
-* progress when reformatting many files is now reported incrementally
-* fixed trailers (content with brackets) being unnecessarily exploded
- into their own lines after a dedented closing bracket (#119)
-* fixed an invalid trailing comma sometimes left in imports (#185)
-* fixed non-deterministic formatting when multiple pairs of removable parentheses
- were used (#183)
-* fixed multiline strings being unnecessarily wrapped in optional
- parentheses in long assignments (#215)
-* fixed not splitting long from-imports with only a single name