-def reformat_many(
- sources: Set[Path],
- fast: bool,
- write_back: WriteBack,
- mode: Mode,
- report: "Report",
- workers: Optional[int],
-) -> None:
- """Reformat multiple files using a ProcessPoolExecutor."""
- executor: Executor
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- worker_count = workers if workers is not None else DEFAULT_WORKERS
- if sys.platform == "win32":
- # Work around https://bugs.python.org/issue26903
- worker_count = min(worker_count, 60)
- try:
- executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=worker_count)
- except (ImportError, OSError):
- # we arrive here if the underlying system does not support multi-processing
- # like in AWS Lambda or Termux, in which case we gracefully fallback to
- # a ThreadPoolExecutor with just a single worker (more workers would not do us
- # any good due to the Global Interpreter Lock)
- executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1)
- try:
- loop.run_until_complete(
- schedule_formatting(
- sources=sources,
- fast=fast,
- write_back=write_back,
- mode=mode,
- report=report,
- loop=loop,
- executor=executor,
- )
- )
- finally:
- shutdown(loop)
- if executor is not None:
- executor.shutdown()
-async def schedule_formatting(
- sources: Set[Path],
- fast: bool,
- write_back: WriteBack,
- mode: Mode,
- report: "Report",
- loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop,
- executor: Executor,
-) -> None:
- """Run formatting of `sources` in parallel using the provided `executor`.
- (Use ProcessPoolExecutors for actual parallelism.)
- `write_back`, `fast`, and `mode` options are passed to
- :func:`format_file_in_place`.
- """
- cache: Cache = {}
- if write_back not in (WriteBack.DIFF, WriteBack.COLOR_DIFF):
- cache = read_cache(mode)
- sources, cached = filter_cached(cache, sources)
- for src in sorted(cached):
- report.done(src, Changed.CACHED)
- if not sources:
- return
- cancelled = []
- sources_to_cache = []
- lock = None
- if write_back in (WriteBack.DIFF, WriteBack.COLOR_DIFF):
- # For diff output, we need locks to ensure we don't interleave output
- # from different processes.
- manager = Manager()
- lock = manager.Lock()
- tasks = {
- asyncio.ensure_future(
- loop.run_in_executor(
- executor, format_file_in_place, src, fast, mode, write_back, lock
- )
- ): src
- for src in sorted(sources)
- }
- pending = tasks.keys()
- try:
- loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, cancel, pending)
- loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, cancel, pending)
- except NotImplementedError:
- # There are no good alternatives for these on Windows.
- pass
- while pending:
- done, _ = await asyncio.wait(pending, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
- for task in done:
- src = tasks.pop(task)
- if task.cancelled():
- cancelled.append(task)
- elif task.exception():
- report.failed(src, str(task.exception()))
- else:
- changed = Changed.YES if task.result() else Changed.NO
- # If the file was written back or was successfully checked as
- # well-formatted, store this information in the cache.
- if write_back is WriteBack.YES or (
- write_back is WriteBack.CHECK and changed is Changed.NO
- ):
- sources_to_cache.append(src)
- report.done(src, changed)
- if cancelled:
- await asyncio.gather(*cancelled, loop=loop, return_exceptions=True)
- if sources_to_cache:
- write_cache(cache, sources_to_cache, mode)