+ autocmd FileType python map <buffer> <F3> :call flake8#Flake8()<CR>
+For flake8 configuration options please consult the following page:
+To customize the location of your flake8 binary, set `g:flake8_cmd`:
+ let g:flake8_cmd="/opt/strangebin/flake8000"
+To customize the location of quick fix window, set `g:flake8_quickfix_location`:
+ let g:flake8_quickfix_location="topleft"
+To customize the height of quick fix window, set `g:flake8_quickfix_height`:
+ let g:flake8_quickfix_height=7
+To customize whether the quickfix window opens, set `g:flake8_show_quickfix`:
+ let g:flake8_show_quickfix=0 " don't show
+ let g:flake8_show_quickfix=1 " show (default)
+To customize whether the show signs in the gutter, set `g:flake8_show_in_gutter`:
+ let g:flake8_show_in_gutter=0 " don't show (default)
+ let g:flake8_show_in_gutter=1 " show
+To customize whether the show marks in the file, set `g:flake8_show_in_file`:
+ let g:flake8_show_in_file=0 " don't show (default)
+ let g:flake8_show_in_file=1 " show
+To customize the number of marks to show, set `g:flake8_max_markers`:
+ let g:flake8_max_markers=500 " (default)
+To customize the gutter markers, set any of `flake8_error_marker`, `flake8_warning_marker`,
+`flake8_pyflake_marker`, `flake8_complexity_marker`, `flake8_naming_marker`. Setting one to
+the empty string disables it. Ex.:
+ flake8_error_marker='EE' " set error marker to 'EE'
+ flake8_warning_marker='WW' " set warning marker to 'WW'
+ flake8_pyflake_marker='' " disable PyFlakes warnings
+ flake8_complexity_marker='' " disable McCabe complexity warnings
+ flake8_naming_marker='' " disable naming warnings