+ self.assertEqual(report.return_code, 123)
+ report.check = True
+ self.assertEqual(
+ unstyle(str(report)),
+ "2 files would be reformatted, 2 files would be left unchanged, "
+ "2 files would fail to reformat.",
+ )
+ def test_is_python36(self) -> None:
+ node = black.lib2to3_parse("def f(*, arg): ...\n")
+ self.assertFalse(black.is_python36(node))
+ node = black.lib2to3_parse("def f(*, arg,): ...\n")
+ self.assertTrue(black.is_python36(node))
+ node = black.lib2to3_parse("def f(*, arg): f'string'\n")
+ self.assertTrue(black.is_python36(node))
+ source, expected = read_data("function")
+ node = black.lib2to3_parse(source)
+ self.assertTrue(black.is_python36(node))
+ node = black.lib2to3_parse(expected)
+ self.assertTrue(black.is_python36(node))
+ source, expected = read_data("expression")
+ node = black.lib2to3_parse(source)
+ self.assertFalse(black.is_python36(node))
+ node = black.lib2to3_parse(expected)
+ self.assertFalse(black.is_python36(node))
+ def test_debug_visitor(self) -> None:
+ source, _ = read_data("debug_visitor.py")
+ expected, _ = read_data("debug_visitor.out")
+ out_lines = []
+ err_lines = []
+ def out(msg: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ out_lines.append(msg)
+ def err(msg: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ err_lines.append(msg)
+ with patch("black.out", out), patch("black.err", err):
+ black.DebugVisitor.show(source)
+ actual = "\n".join(out_lines) + "\n"
+ log_name = ""
+ if expected != actual:
+ log_name = black.dump_to_file(*out_lines)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected,
+ actual,
+ f"AST print out is different. Actual version dumped to {log_name}",
+ )
+ def test_format_file_contents(self) -> None:
+ empty = ""
+ with self.assertRaises(black.NothingChanged):
+ black.format_file_contents(empty, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ just_nl = "\n"
+ with self.assertRaises(black.NothingChanged):
+ black.format_file_contents(just_nl, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ same = "l = [1, 2, 3]\n"
+ with self.assertRaises(black.NothingChanged):
+ black.format_file_contents(same, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ different = "l = [1,2,3]"
+ expected = same
+ actual = black.format_file_contents(different, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ invalid = "return if you can"
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
+ black.format_file_contents(invalid, line_length=ll, fast=False)
+ self.assertEqual(str(e.exception), "Cannot parse: 1:7: return if you can")
+ def test_endmarker(self) -> None:
+ n = black.lib2to3_parse("\n")
+ self.assertEqual(n.type, black.syms.file_input)
+ self.assertEqual(len(n.children), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(n.children[0].type, black.token.ENDMARKER)
+ @unittest.skipIf(os.environ.get("SKIP_AST_PRINT"), "user set SKIP_AST_PRINT")
+ def test_assertFormatEqual(self) -> None:
+ out_lines = []
+ err_lines = []
+ def out(msg: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ out_lines.append(msg)
+ def err(msg: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ err_lines.append(msg)
+ with patch("black.out", out), patch("black.err", err):
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
+ self.assertFormatEqual("l = [1, 2, 3]", "l = [1, 2, 3,]")
+ out_str = "".join(out_lines)
+ self.assertTrue("Expected tree:" in out_str)
+ self.assertTrue("Actual tree:" in out_str)
+ self.assertEqual("".join(err_lines), "")